Why do We Care What Professional Kiddy Game Players Try to Think?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Basketball was invented as a way to keep school kids playing something fun during the winter.

Playing that game is nothing compared to running the White House and the Executive Branch of the government.

So when these over-grown kids think that an invite to the WH is beneath them, WTF is really being signaled here? That suddenly the WH is nothing major any more or that basketball players have become drooling idiots?

I hope Trump just stops inviting such ass holes to the WH, if these cretins have such disrespect for our nations House.

They can piss off and go back to their blow and whores and let more AMERICANS go.

LeBron James: Neither Team in The NBA Finals Will Go to Trump’s White House
Basketball was invented as a way to keep school kids playing something fun during the winter.

Playing that game is nothing compared to running the White House and the Executive Branch of the government.

So when these over-grown kids think that an invite to the WH is beneath them, WTF is really being signaled here? That suddenly the WH is nothing major any more or that basketball players have become drooling idiots?

I hope Trump just stops inviting such ass holes to the WH, if these cretins have such disrespect for our nations House.

They can piss off and go back to their blow and whores and let more AMERICANS go.

LeBron James: Neither Team in The NBA Finals Will Go to Trump’s White House

They don’t want to shake hands with the pervert. Can’t blame them.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.

The relevance and importance of the office of the POTUS is going be around a long time.

The NFL not so much the way these apes are hanging.

Basketball was invented as a way to keep school kids playing something fun during the winter.

Playing that game is nothing compared to running the White House and the Executive Branch of the government.

So when these over-grown kids think that an invite to the WH is beneath them, WTF is really being signaled here? That suddenly the WH is nothing major any more or that basketball players have become drooling idiots?

I hope Trump just stops inviting such ass holes to the WH, if these cretins have such disrespect for our nations House.

They can piss off and go back to their blow and whores and let more AMERICANS go.

LeBron James: Neither Team in The NBA Finals Will Go to Trump’s White House
ESPN Delivers Highest-Rated NBA Playoffs Telecast With Cavaliers-Pacers Game 6
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.

Also, the invitation was rescinded. Some players were planning on attending. Trump told them to fuck off.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.

Also, the invitation was rescinded. Some players were planning on attending. Trump told them to fuck off.
More people need to sack up and tell Trump to fuck off.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.

Also, the invitation was rescinded. Some players were planning on attending. Trump told them to fuck off.
More people need to sack up and tell Trump to fuck off.

You see commentators and hosts on Fox starting to tell the truth; members of congress as well. If the R’s lose big in November, you’ll see more.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.

Also, the invitation was rescinded. Some players were planning on attending. Trump told them to fuck off.
More people need to sack up and tell Trump to fuck off.
Especially black people.
I understand their reasoning for not liking the guy, but I wish they'd go.

This could really be a teachable moment for our kids, but I guess we just no longer have the capacity.
Yeah what a teachable moment; kids' heroes paying respects to Trump, the opposite of a role model.

Also, the invitation was rescinded. Some players were planning on attending. Trump told them to fuck off.
More people need to sack up and tell Trump to fuck off.
Especially black people.

Lol, Trump has done moire to help black people than any previous POTUS.

That is why the lefties are so desperate to bring out the bloody shirt and pretend to be KKK some more.
Why do you all care so much if professional athletes (or anyone else for that matter) stand or kneel or sit or lay down or do jumping jacks during the national anthem?

I think it’s wonderful that they play the national anthem before sporting events. Do you play it in the businesses that you own before every work day and make your employees stand at attention?

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