Why do the Democrats deny the election was stolen?

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
In another thread a member asked: "The evidence for a stolen election is overwhelming. Just in the last week we have unearthed even more evidence of massive Democrat fraud in states like Georgia and Arizona.
Do they they think by just denying fraud then that is all that is necessary to get away with the thievery?"

The member did not cite any sources. I will.

In fact I have The Mother of All Sources, and within that source are literally thousands of source. Tou can spend a year in here: http://www.softpanorama.org/Skeptic...em_as_poliarchy/US_election_fraud/index.shtml

Here are a few choices highlights links:

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From the previous post:

Just this one piece of evidence is damning, not to mention the hundreds of other pieces of evidence you have posted in this thread. But for those who still adamantly deny the democrats committed widespread voter fraud, let them try to explain this evidence in a way that will convince tens of millions of Americans that democrats did not commit fraud.

The republican lost exactly 560 votes in the official count at the same exact moment the democrat gained exactly 560 votes. That can be explained by the fraud, dishonesty, or competence of the vote counters and/or their flawed equipment, but the failure of journalists to notice the 'glitch' cannot be explained outside of incompetence or corruption. If such glitches go unnoticed at one minute in one state, how many other glitches involving hundreds of votes happened all across the country in democrats' favor and without leftist liberal reporters catching them? This kind of accident involves the seditious switching of votes. There is no other explanation.
In another thread a member asked: "The evidence for a stolen election is overwhelming. Just in the last week we have unearthed even more evidence of massive Democrat fraud in states like Georgia and Arizona.
Do they they think by just denying fraud then that is all that is necessary to get away with the thievery?"

The member did not cite any sources. I will.

In fact I have The Mother of All Sources, and within that source are literally thousands of source. Tou can spend a year in here: http://www.softpanorama.org/Skeptic...em_as_poliarchy/US_election_fraud/index.shtml

Here are a few choices highlights links:

Because after a year you have Trump lies and no evidence. Putin wants to undermine US elections.. Trump is helping.
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I just posted a years worth of reading and already in less than a minute surada and candycorn down-voted the post. These two are fine examples of low intelligence people who choose to blind themselves to facts and information and just tow their Marxist party line like ignorant lemmings
Why are Republicans such Crybaby Losers?


Look at your sources.. Zerohedge, Gateway Pundit, Newsmax,Moonof Alabama? This is a huge joke, isn't it?
I just posted a years worth of reading and already in less than a minute surada and candycorn down-voted the post. These two are fine examples of low intelligence people who choose to blind themselves to facts and information and just tow their Marxist party line like ignorant lemmings

LOLOL.. You get your information from very stupid, biased sources. What a Lemming you are.
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Wait a second. What is this, less than one year in:

He allegedly got more votes than Obama, and they want him out? More proof of a #StolenElection #StopTheSteal #TrumpWon #DemocratsAreDangerous #DemocratsAreEvil

Ballots Touched By Anomalies

Fact Witnesses

Courts Blocked An Evidentiary Hearing

This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

Breaking: Georgia Judge Calls for Forensic Audit of Fulton County Ballots After Large Discrepancies Found in Ballot Batches

Wait a second. What is this, less than one year in:

He allegedly got more votes than Obama, and they want him out? More proof of a #StolenElection #StopTheSteal #TrumpWon #DemocratsAreDangerous #DemocratsAreEvil

I don't think Biden should run in 2024 because of his age, but that has nothing to do with Trump's lies about the election or your gullibility. The Dems have to come up with a qualified, educated decent candidate.. so do the Republicans.

I take it you oppose infrastructure and education.
"The Mother Of All Sources".... yeah...

Gateway Pundit?
Moon of Alabama?
Russia Today?
Some typepad site?


Please explain to us why the following:

If the supposed criminals who allegedly rigged the voting machines could just change the counts...why would they need someone to run through the same ballots numerous times which has been alleged by Melissa Carone in Michigan?

If the supposed criminals who allegedly rigged the election in Georgia, why would they not rig the two statewide races to avoid a runoff in January 2021?

If these elections were rigged across the nation, how did the GOP end up gaining seven seats.

If these elections were rigged...where are the arrests?
"The Mother Of All Sources".... yeah...

I have looked through your posts in this forum and it is obvious that you are just another lef5twing fraud spewing our propaganda who does not have any interest in facts at all. Youi are everything that is wrong with America
The evidence which make more plausible the election "was stolen" and that there were a widespread fraud is growing. Here Is The Evidence You can watch the recent Ron Paul Liberty report where Daniel McAdam (an actual elections observer) listed a list of red flags. Summary of his findings:

  1. Every state that has had a delay has seen Biden has overtaken trump AFTER the delays were announced - Red flag
  2. Florida counted 10.5M votes in less than 24 hours, Georgia couldn't count 4.8M in 48 hours, why? - Red Flag
  3. In PA, the courts have barred all accredited observers from observing the vote - Red Flag
  4. In Detroit, the ballot counting centers barred windows and expelled observers, why? - Red Flag
  5. David Lim (Obama's former speech writer) sent a tweet out on Nov 4 (AFTER the election) asking for volunteers in Georgia to help people fix their mail in ballots so that they count, why? - Red Flag
  6. Participation in one PA county reached 90% turn out, beating the prior record that had stood for more than 100 years and almost 30% higher than the last election in 2016. Other PA counties saw voter numbers exceed 100% of registered voters compared to the last election, even accounting for same day registration this is statistically improbable- Red Flag

Breaking: Georgia Judge Calls for Forensic Audit of Fulton County Ballots After Large Discrepancies Found in Ballot Batches

84 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump
The most in history for a sitting President by over 20 million
Your slander of those pointing out irrefutable evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 makes you a fraud and a liar for promoting lying narratives supporting criminal sedition.
So what. The Judge is your God? Yesterday you people thought the Rittenhouse judge was a fraud. You have no capability of intelligent thought. You are a simple idiot, nothing more.

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