CDZ Why do shows have to be so deplorable now ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
The wife and grandkids were watching the voice (a show for the whole family right?), and the girl Miley can't help herself but to curse and carry on like a deplorable in that regard.. The people singing are so much more quality individuals than some of the judges are. I think the girl judge Miley has mental issues or something, and especially how she continues to try and trash the show with her use of profanity in front of young children in which she knows are watching or are out there in the audience. I think she owes the nation an apology for her actions, but she don't care though, because she undoubtedly was raised in that way or something.

When will Hollywood stop allowing these people to polarize and/or limit their viewership or control their viewership in such ways ??? It's like these people who are like Miley are saying "if they're are any Christian's watching out there in the audience", then she's gonna make sure that they get the heck out of there or that they turn the channel... Now why is that?? Is it because she thinks to herself "I DON'T WANT THEM HERE" ?? Is she an executive producer ??? Back in the day Miley would have been warned by the executives to either clean it up or find another platform to pull her bullcrap on. Such a smart young lady she is, so it's hard to understand how the two characters go hand in hand together.... Last words - Miley you're smarter than this, so start showing it..... Maybe it's not a family show, and we are the idiots for thinking that it was..... Should these type shows have ratings now ? WARNING - GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AND ADULT CONTENT - PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED ?? I think alot of shows are losing viewership and ratings, but somehow it's all being hidden.
People watch it, so they make it
. Why would any business want to limit their customer base or viewership due to the desires of a control freak that wants to get back at her dad, her upbringing, her teachers, her mom, her failed relationships or whatever ?? I mean you would think by the way it is, that the girl could say off with their heads after they bomb, and someone from backstage would come running out to chop a contestants head off (for shock value), and just for her. lol
I pitched a show to the networks once, but they said there's no place on TV for "Are You Sexier Than A Fifth Grader". :dunno:
“Why do shows have to be so deplorable now ?”

They’re not, that’s subjective perception.

What some might find ‘objectionable,’ others don’t.

And there is no ‘now.’

Reactionaries have been complaining how ‘terrible’ things are ‘now’ for thousands of years.
Profanity is, by it's definition is a societal taboo. Therefore, it carries an emotional charge when uttered. Low talent artists, comedians, actors, producers, and most anyone in the media can use this to make an emotional impression. Kind of like a slap-in-the-face to get attention.

Humans like to be challenged therefore, this type of approach is favored. The problem comes when media types become too sequestered in their own opinions.

At that point, the profanity becomes dull and boring and useless.
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Miley Cyrus is nasty. Tired of being Hannah Montana, she turned wild. Are you not familiar with her reputation? You should be, if you allow your grandkids to watch shows without checking what the show is about. The Voice is NOT a kids show. Most aren't nowadays, you know. And anything with Miley in it will be bad because she is skanky and proud of it.
The wife and grandkids were watching the voice (a show for the whole family right?), and the girl Miley can't help herself but to curse and carry on like a deplorable in that regard.. The people singing are so much more quality individuals than some of the judges are. I think the girl judge Miley has mental issues or something, and especially how she continues to try and trash the show with her use of profanity in front of young children in which she knows are watching or are out there in the audience. I think she owes the nation an apology for her actions, but she don't care though, because she undoubtedly was raised in that way or something.

When will Hollywood stop allowing these people to polarize and/or limit their viewership or control their viewership in such ways ??? It's like these people who are like Miley are saying "if they're are any Christian's watching out there in the audience", then she's gonna make sure that they get the heck out of there or that they turn the channel... Now why is that?? Is it because she thinks to herself "I DON'T WANT THEM HERE" ?? Is she an executive producer ??? Back in the day Miley would have been warned by the executives to either clean it up or find another platform to pull her bullcrap on. Such a smart young lady she is, so it's hard to understand how the two characters go hand in hand together.... Last words - Miley you're smarter than this, so start showing it..... Maybe it's not a family show, and we are the idiots for thinking that it was..... Should these type shows have ratings now ? WARNING - GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AND ADULT CONTENT - PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED ?? I think alot of shows are losing viewership and ratings, but somehow it's all being hidden.
The culture continues to decay, and there are many who are just fine with that.

It's very doubtful this gets turned around. Those who are fine with this are going to get what they want.

It is what it is.
I pitched a show to the networks once, but they said there's no place on TV for "Are You Sexier Than A Fifth Grader". :dunno:
. Don't think you'll find anywhere to land that show. You still in the 5th grade at 40 + ??
The wife and grandkids were watching the voice (a show for the whole family right?), and the girl Miley can't help herself but to curse and carry on like a deplorable in that regard.. The people singing are so much more quality individuals than some of the judges are. I think the girl judge Miley has mental issues or something, and especially how she continues to try and trash the show with her use of profanity in front of young children in which she knows are watching or are out there in the audience. I think she owes the nation an apology for her actions, but she don't care though, because she undoubtedly was raised in that way or something.

When will Hollywood stop allowing these people to polarize and/or limit their viewership or control their viewership in such ways ??? It's like these people who are like Miley are saying "if they're are any Christian's watching out there in the audience", then she's gonna make sure that they get the heck out of there or that they turn the channel... Now why is that?? Is it because she thinks to herself "I DON'T WANT THEM HERE" ?? Is she an executive producer ??? Back in the day Miley would have been warned by the executives to either clean it up or find another platform to pull her bullcrap on. Such a smart young lady she is, so it's hard to understand how the two characters go hand in hand together.... Last words - Miley you're smarter than this, so start showing it..... Maybe it's not a family show, and we are the idiots for thinking that it was..... Should these type shows have ratings now ? WARNING - GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AND ADULT CONTENT - PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED ?? I think alot of shows are losing viewership and ratings, but somehow it's all being hidden.
The culture continues to decay, and there are many who are just fine with that.

It's very doubtful this gets turned around. Those who are fine with this are going to get what they want.

It is what it is.
. Sad but so true.
Miley Cyrus is nasty. Tired of being Hannah Montana, she turned wild. Are you not familiar with her reputation? You should be, if you allow your grandkids to watch shows without checking what the show is about. The Voice is NOT a kids show. Most aren't nowadays, you know. And anything with Miley in it will be bad because she is skanky and proud of it.
. The grandkids won't watch it anymore.
Not a fan of Cyrus, either. I like the show itself, though there are things I don't like about it. If they would keep judges like Shakira and Farell around more, I would like it better. It's wearing thin, now; the judges ran out of new lines of praise and commentary a long time ago. I have found several artists I follow now because of the show, so I'll keep watching it for the new talent they give exposure to, something that disappeared when all the old variety show formats went away.

I think AGT is closer to the old Ed Sullivan show than any of the others in that it has a large variety of acts.

Another thing I would do is showcase some of the acts that win in other countries' versions of these shows; it seems to me utterly stupid not to.
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Profanity is, by it's definition is a societal taboo. Therefore, it carries an emotional charge when uttered. Low talent artists, comedians, actors, producers, and most anyone in the media can use this to make an emotional impression. Kind of like a slap-in-the-face to get attention.

Humans like to be challenged therefore, this type of approach is favored. The problem comes when media types become too sequestered in their own opinions.

At that point, the profanity becomes dull and boring and useless.

It got boring long before George Carlin wore it out in his comedy act. It's juvenile and lame these days. See the talentless Jon Stewart for another sad example of gross overuse; Dennis Miller was even worse. Who was their audience, anyway, 11 year old boys?
the girl Miley

the girl judge Miley
??? Has Miley Cyrus not reached the age of majority? Girls, like boys, are immature and generally not accountable for their misdeeds. The period of one's minority is when one is allowed to make mistakes from which one (hopefully) learns and, in turn, doesn't repeat as an adult, as a man or woman.

Miley Cyrus isn't a girl; she's a woman. If you want to make a case that she's unladylike, fine. If you want to make a case that she's a woman who behaves like a child, fine. Adults are obliged to consistently and damn near without fail exhibit a level of maturity that minors are not, so if one has such a case to make about an adult's puerility, that's at least reasonable on purely the basis of the actions/remarks being childish.

Whatever Ms. Cyrus' comportment or remarks, she's still not a child and calling her a girl tacitly absolves her of her responsibility to not behave as a girl might yet have that puerile behavior, because of her minority, discounted. That our culture countenances calling females who are grown "girls" alludes to part of what amiss in our society as goes according women the respect they deserve.
the girl Miley

the girl judge Miley
??? Has Miley Cyrus not reached the age of majority? Girls, like boys, are immature and generally not accountable for their misdeeds. The period of one's minority is when one is allowed to make mistakes from which one (hopefully) learns and, in turn, doesn't repeat as an adult, as a man or woman.

Miley Cyrus isn't a girl; she's a woman. If you want to make a case that she's unladylike, fine. If you want to make a case that she's a woman who behaves like a child, fine. Adults are obliged to consistently and damn near without fail exhibit a level of maturity that minors are not, so if one has such a case to make about an adult's puerility, that's at least reasonable on purely the basis of the actions/remarks being childish.

Whatever Ms. Cyrus' comportment or remarks, she's still not a child and calling her a girl tacitly absolves her of her responsibility to not behave as a girl might yet have that puerile behavior, because of her minority, discounted. That our culture countenances calling females who are grown "girls" alludes to part of what amiss in our society as goes according women the respect they deserve.
. Nothing wrong with the labels - girl, lady, female or woman as they are all respectable titles describing the gender of a person which is of the opposite sex known as - boy, male, man or gentleman. Ones public actions in life can bring about or into question the integrity, decency, and morals of those whom do reside in positions of influential power within the societies. Who is responsible for the building of the respect that one deserves, and this regardless of one's gender in life ?
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Satan runs the shithole and THIS is offensive and politically incorrect in the minds of the morons who vote.

Absolutely vile in the snowflake mind. I Imagine Elllen and her wife would cover their gender unsure childrens eyes from such filth.

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