Why do people hate Liberals?

Social Security was a very good thing.
It was a supplement to help Seniors with their retirement.
You were suppose to save money yourself and SSI was to be added along with it.
SSI was never untented for your complete monthly income like it has been turned into.
30 years after it was passed, Democratic President Lyndon Johnson opened up the surplus to pay for the Viet Nam War, a war that the people did not want.He knew that he could not raise the taxes to pay for it so he raided SSI.
It was for the workers of America. It was for their retirement, never for anything else, yet Dem's thought they could take this away because they thought it was their money not the retired people.
Then the IOU"s for SSI was always raided for other social programs and was never paid back.
Now there is not enough for the large amount of baby boomers, let alone for the future workers of America.

Democrats do this all the time. Start programs, then use that program to fund for other programs and none of it is paid for.
This is why we now have 119 trillion dollars in unfunded mandates.
I don't understand why any American could continue to vote for Dem's and still think that they are for you the people.
And yet the people of this nation keep voting for the Dem's thinking that they are for the people.
social security was going to fail due to its moral hazard in the first place. it was a bad conscript ponzi scheme that will die before I ever see any of what Ive paid in.
Liberals in power today are bona fide scumbags because they keep spending money on entitlements and now want more with Obamacare, extended unemployment, etc when they know for a FACT that the system is going to blow up in due time.

They don't give a shit because they are living the high life in power in DC, throwing lavish parties on the taxpayer dime and some don't give a shit because their secret motive is to bring everything down to install their socialist dream.

Of course, idiots here wonder why we hate them....
And presumably, you support Barack Obama. That's where I don't get the LOLberals. When Bush was writing up shit like the patriot act, the howling and moaning from the lolberals was loud and boisterous. I know, because i sided with them over it.

But, now it really is just a side issue. It's a passing "I'm against it" now that Obama extended the act and even added new civil liberty erosions like NDAA2012.

That's the part i dont get. Bush and his wars and his civil liberties erosions and oh the HUGE Maniti. But it's crickets and the occassional "I'm against those things" when it is brought into question now that Obama is the one dishing out the unconstitutional wars, etc...
It's not crickets! Obama lost the left over a year and a half ago. I personally withdrew my support for his policies about 18 months ago when it was clear that he was going to continue the neocon foreign policy agenda; not close GITMO; not investigate the former Administration for war crimes; not stop the wars; not fight for the public option in the healthcare bill; and a whole list of other things he's doing that are not leftist policies.

Don't you remember the former press secretary going off on the left at a press conference? Saying that we had to give him (Obama) more time to do the things we wanted him to do. That outburst was a direct result of Obama catching shit from the left and losing his base. And looking back on it, we never were his base to begin with.

I'm not going to vote for him this time, but he will win in November.

BTW, those bills are not side issues. They've effectively made our Constitution null and void and the sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner we can start getting a representative government back.
The American people voted for FDR four times, count em, four times, and that record may last for as long as America lasts. This historians have always rated FDR in the top three presidents and in the last poll rated FDR first, top American president, none better. So both the people recognized a great president and so have the historians. But that has been a thorn in conservative and Repubublican behinds ever since, so Republicans have created histories and had other experts that disagree with the American people and the noted historians, but to no avail. In a 1982 poll of conservatives, the conservatives rated FDR third best president behind Lincoln and Washington.
The Republicans trotted out their biggest gun against FDR, calling Social Security, communistic and even that didn't change things.

You may have heard about term limits, which explains your bold prediction.

The myth was enhanced in the 50's. We were in a cold war. Civic studies was a required course and we needed heroes as role models. FDR couldn't have been luckier in terms of timing.
The American people voted for FDR four times, count em, four times, and that record may last for as long as America lasts. This historians have always rated FDR in the top three presidents and in the last poll rated FDR first, top American president, none better. So both the people recognized a great president and so have the historians. But that has been a thorn in conservative and Repubublican behinds ever since, so Republicans have created histories and had other experts that disagree with the American people and the noted historians, but to no avail. In a 1982 poll of conservatives, the conservatives rated FDR third best president behind Lincoln and Washington.
The Republicans trotted out their biggest gun against FDR, calling Social Security, communistic and even that didn't change things.

You may have heard about term limits, which explains your bold prediction.

The myth was enhanced in the 50's. We were in a cold war. Civic studies was a required course and we needed heroes as role models. FDR couldn't have been luckier in terms of timing.

What myth?
The first poll of historians took place in 1948 and FDR was rated third best.
The first thing Republicans did when they got in power after the war was to amend the Constitution so that no one could run for a third term. That gave FDR a lock on that record, and the Republicans gave FDR that lock.
Plenty of newspapers were against FDR, as were some radio pundits. Father Coughlin, the Limbaugh of his time, lambasted FDR and his policies. There were many others, FDR did not have a free ride during those years, from corporations or business.
In the Fifties America elected Ike as president, a war hero so where's the myth?
The American people voted for FDR four times, count em, four times, and that record may last for as long as America lasts. This historians have always rated FDR in the top three presidents and in the last poll rated FDR first, top American president, none better. So both the people recognized a great president and so have the historians. But that has been a thorn in conservative and Repubublican behinds ever since, so Republicans have created histories and had other experts that disagree with the American people and the noted historians, but to no avail. In a 1982 poll of conservatives, the conservatives rated FDR third best president behind Lincoln and Washington.
The Republicans trotted out their biggest gun against FDR, calling Social Security, communistic and even that didn't change things.

You may have heard about term limits, which explains your bold prediction.

The myth was enhanced in the 50's. We were in a cold war. Civic studies was a required course and we needed heroes as role models. FDR couldn't have been luckier in terms of timing.

What myth?
The first poll of historians took place in 1948 and FDR was rated third best.
The first thing Republicans did when they got in power after the war was to amend the Constitution so that no one could run for a third term. That gave FDR a lock on that record, and the Republicans gave FDR that lock.
Plenty of newspapers were against FDR, as were some radio pundits. Father Coughlin, the Limbaugh of his time, lambasted FDR and his policies. There were many others, FDR did not have a free ride during those years, from corporations or business.
In the Fifties America elected Ike as president, a war hero so where's the myth?

The myth is that he was a great president. History books ignored the fact that this man assumed powers and gave away what was not his to give. His spending certainly contributed to prolonging the great depression. The danger of this type of presidency had been written about long before FDR.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship."
– Alexander Fraser Tyler, 18th century Scottish historian, The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic
Liberals with the power of guns .
What the hell does that mean? Care to explain that one in more detail? What liberals, what powers and with what guns?

You don't even recognize what government is?

are forcing us all to follow their views and values.
Give me 3 examples of liberals forcing their views on you.[/QUOTE]

It is immoral to indoctrinate our children in government schools

The welfare state is immoral as it fosters dependency

Social security is immoral as it makes every American a slave of government checks
I don't see there is any evidence of that at a theoertical level.

Some of the world's most succesful governments have been liberal.

In fact, I think you'd struggle to mount a case that conservatives have a better economi record in government that liberals. In any country.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

I'll give you a hint. No budget in almost four years. The ones offered by Obama were shot down unanimously. And that is just a taste of this administrations failure in the fiscal/economic realm.

Actually, his budget was not even brought to the floor of the boner led house for debate let alone a vote, it was filibustered just like most everything else he's done.
Their economic theory's are destructive.

No dunce, what's destructive is RW voodoo economics of "trickle down"

That is the Democrats spin on it.
Republicans have always had the economic theory from the bottom up not from the top down.
Trickle down is a lie. Pushed heavily by the main stream media and liberal journalists.
Take a good look at our history and Repubs have always gotten the poor to become the middle class and the middle class to become the upper middle class and helps any American who wants to strive to become rich can achieve that goal.
A good example to look at is, President Calvin Coolidge policies, who accomplished this.

Trickle down is and has been reality since the days of reagan and you have yet to prove it isn't.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

I don't hate Liberals. I hate the thought of economic and social policies borrowed from failed societies being used to fundamentally transform America that will yield a select, finite wealthy elite and masses all on the name of "fairness". I would rather have a capitalist society with a strong middle class, equal opportunity for prosperity. Limited government and limited socialism are acceptable but government nor it's social programs should ever overtake American capitalism
Because right wingers are idiots. You heard what that Texas right wing judge said today? He said the UN would invade Lubbock under Obamas permission to rebel against a civil war.
People hate liberals? What people? I think you mean that right wing partisan hacks hate liberals.
They are much easier to hate than lets say, independents. And the GOP needs someone to hate, blame and pass the buck for the stupid decisions and positions they take.

What the fuk would repugs do if not hate liberals? They don't govern very well. They seem rather short sighted and backwards thinking. Yea rethugs need hate like liberals need poor people. Each serves the needs of the party.
For real??!????! An INVASION by the UN into Lubbock TEXAS!!!!!

Get da gun and the dogs!

Now which one of Obamination's 57 states is this TEXAS?

Because right wingers are idiots. You heard what that Texas right wing judge said today? He said the UN would invade Lubbock under Obamas permission to rebel against a civil war.

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