Why do mass shootings always occur at schools and churches but not at gun shows or police stations?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo says too many guns are the reason for mass shootings so...???. I guess it's too complicated for my puny little brain.
Well, the thing is, no one would be terribly upset if a bunch of bubba rednecks at a gun show got slaughtered. some of us would even laugh.

But a shooting at a school is always tragic, which is what these nuts are going for.
Obozo says too many guns are the reason for mass shootings so...???. I guess it's too complicated for my puny little brain.

So many things are.

But in answer to the title I suspect schools, churches, shopping malls, the inside of a movie theater and the like all have in common that they're full of people doing things that have nothing to do with guns or violence, with their attention focused singularly. Therefore they make sitting ducks for the emasculated punk out for a power trip at the pull of a trigger who ambushes from behind something.

Why are mass shootings always committed by males? Same thing. That's what gun slaughter represents --- access to unlimited power for the impotent.

Of course the next step is to ask why we're setting up that kind of power trip. But we don't want to actually ask that question, because it might bring results. And we can't have that. Let's pretend it's a mental health issue and treat each one of these guys as if they're a single case with their own unique problems and not part of a greater cultural dynamic. That way we can keep it going indefinitely.
Good grief...imagine a couple of hundred goobers blazing away at a shooter in a hall!
They happen at schools and churches because at them kind of places, there will be very few guns there that will be used against those who make the first move if there are any guns there at all.

God bless you always!!!


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