A look at the myths around gun control....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It is always good to take another look at the lies and myths pushed by totalitarian socialists in the democrat party when it comes to guns.......and everything else involved with being a free people......

Here we have some of the lies and myths they tell about gun control laws....

We have tried a federal assault weapon ban before, and it didn’t save lives.

In 2003, the last full year before the ban expired, the U.S. murder rate stood at 5.7 per 100,000 people. The murder rate stayed below that level until the COVID pandemic in 2020. In 2019, it was 5.0 per 100,000 people.

There was no drop in the number of attacks with assault weapons during the 1994 to 2004 ban. if the policy worked, we should see a drop in the percentage of attacks with assault weapons during the federal ban period and then an increase in the post-ban period. but the exact opposite happened.

Safe storage laws may also sound like a reasonable proposal, but making people lock up their guns actually costs lives. According to my research, published in the Journal of Law and Economics and elsewhere, these laws make it more difficult for people to respond quickly and successfully defend themselves and their families. As a result, criminals became more emboldened to invade people’s homes.

There have been 300 more total murders and 4,000 more rapes each year in states with safe storage laws. Burglaries are also significantly higher.
If buyers have passed a background check, it makes no sense to hold the gun dealers liable. Background check systems are broken and require reform, but adding additional checks is not the solution. California mandates background checks even for private transfers that take place outside of a gun store, but its mass public shooting rate per capita is 29% higher than in the rest of the country. Since 2020, California has had more than twice as many mass public shootings per capita as the rest of the US. California is also much higher if you look at the years from 2000 or 2010.

When we passed the assault weapons ban, mass shootings went down. When the law expired, mass shootings tripled. — Joe Biden, Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

This is a lie, one that he and other democrats continually say. BUT:


There has been a lot of research on the assault weapon ban, and even work paid for by the Clinton administration was unable to find any benefits from the law, including any reduction in any type of violent crime or mass public shootings. Here is a recent California judicial decision that came to the same conclusion regarding California’s assault weapon ban.

It is ridiculous to claim that an AWB would change anything at all, not with tens of millions of weapons already out there. Neither would the other claims Biden made, and the idea that gun manufacturers could be held liable for the use of a weapon to shoot somebody or commit a crime is ludicrous, there's no way that could ever be ruled constitutional unless the Supreme Court ever becomes Left-leaning. So, Joe Biden is full of crap, always has been and always will be.
It seems ridiculous to assert that any gun control measure accomplishes anything to increase public safety for one simple indisputable reason.
People that observe and follow laws do not kill people.
It really is that simple.

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