Why do leftist thugs keep inciting violence at Trump rallies?

Why do leftist thugs keep inciting violence at Trump rallies?

Is it because they really don't like what Trump has to say about making America great, and want to prevent him from saying it since they can't answer him?

Or is it so they can lie about what they are doing, and try to fool normal people into thinking it's the Trump supporters inciting the violence instead of themselves?

Campaign event chaos follows Trump from Chicago to Ohio | Fox News

What makes you certain that the nar do wells are "leftists"? It could be originating from any number of the people that want to disrupt Trump's rallys. Most of the hate Trump talk has been coming from the establishment RWers if you haven't noticed. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the instigators that are wearing t-shirts that claim black affiliation are really paid plants by scared republican sources.

It isn't coming from Hillary or Sanders camps. They want nothing more than to run against the Donald.
Why do leftist thugs keep inciting violence at Trump rallies?

Is it because they really don't like what Trump has to say about making America great, and want to prevent him from saying it since they can't answer him?

Or is it so they can lie about what they are doing, and try to fool normal people into thinking it's the Trump supporters inciting the violence instead of themselves?

Campaign event chaos follows Trump from Chicago to Ohio | Fox News

To those who believe it's the "left" who cause problems at Trump events... you are living in a

Why do leftist thugs keep inciting violence at Trump rallies?

Is it because they really don't like what Trump has to say about making America great, and want to prevent him from saying it since they can't answer him?

Or is it so they can lie about what they are doing, and try to fool normal people into thinking it's the Trump supporters inciting the violence instead of themselves?

Campaign event chaos follows Trump from Chicago to Ohio | Fox News

To those who believe it's the "left" who cause problems at Trump events... you are living in a


I cant decide if you're delusional or just willfully blind.
The liberals have done no violence. In contrast, the Trump thugs have done all kinds of violence.

The Trump thugs here are just crying because this time, they didn't outnumber the opposition 100-1, so their normal thug tactics weren't possible. It was a fair fight, therefore Trump and his thugs widdled themselves and ran.

Our strategy going forward will be to constantly point out how Trump and his voters are cowardly dishonest thugs. That is, we'll keep telling the truth about them, and then laugh in their faces as they cry about it.

What did you call the liberal thugs actions in Ferguson and Baltimore? I know who will have the last laugh.

What did you call the armed gang surrounding Clive Bundy? Remind us.

An armed gang that merely threatened violence and didn't burn down drug stores after they got all the drugs. What did you call them?
They know that they can turn around and blame Trump for whatever violence that occurs. They already are at it by saying that Trump incites riots which is exactly what they tried to do in Chicago.
Gee that's easy to answer......It's because George Soros is paying them to cause a ruckus. He even brags about paying them $100 a head....Liberal progressives are such useful idiots and so easy for Soros to manipulate....and use them he does.

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