Why Do Left Wingers love to....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
...call Right wingers nuts and say they are butt hurt?
Why do right wingers always default to 'victim-hood'?
July 4th and the same whining from the right wing, do they ever change?

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline." Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What would happen to the United States if Conservatives left US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Conservatism is the theoretical voice of this animus against the agency of the subordinate classes. It provides the most consistent and profound argument as to why the lower orders should not be allowed to exercise their independent will, why they should not be allowed to govern themselves or the polity. Submission is their first duty, agency, the prerogative of the elite." Corey Robin
...call Right wingers nuts and say they are butt hurt?
You have to remember that people are fixated on labels, especially when it comes to anything political. Those labels do not apply as an absolute, due to the fact that there are exceptions within each group. Those on the Right, as well as those on the Left, have an equal amount of flawed concepts and beliefs. You'll find that those on the Right and those on the Left are both praised and criticized depending on the issue. I don't believe that anyone on the Right nor on the Left is 110% content on 110% of all issues. In other words, not everyone of either persuasion is pro gun control, pro invasion of privacy, pro wealth distribution, pro war, pro illegal immigration, nor in favor of many other pieces of possible legislation or policies.

If something turns out to not work so well, then each persuasion is quick to blame the other. And, if something does work out to be beneficial to the whole, then both persuasions want to take credit for it. Basically, it's the same division and blame we see between Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, and anyone labeled as Right Wing or Left Wing. Criticism and the blame game are merely elements of a much divided and opposite citizenry.
I particularly like when they call people unhinged when they are passionate in defending their beliefs
I have wrote that some are nutters but it can also be written about some on the left too and it could be written about me too...

As for using the word Butthurt, well I do not subscribe to that one because being butthurt would have meant someone had spanked you hard or something else that is sexual, and I have yet to see too many written spanking on here.

I prefer to offer a midol and tampon to those having some extra bleeding in their threads and responses. I do understand that some months cause the writer to flow their pain even more and that is when I offer the extra strength midol.

Now my offering is to everyone and believe all of us have those moments when we are nutters and bleeding too much and that include me again.

So I do apologize if you believe I subscribe to using the butthurt word and it has been used against me by the fringe right a few times, and i just smile and keep on typing away because when someone claim I am butthurt it mean they have no other response to offer and prefer the childish taunt instead.
Can't deny anyone, anything, but can voice concern over laws and actions detrimental to society and protecting certain groups over others to the extreme
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Arrogant demands are so much better....
I believe in mistreating everyone equally so no one can claim I am discriminating against them... ( Yes, I am self centered than most and proud of it )
The far right is getting what it dished out for a century or more and is having trouble realizing the country has moved on.

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