Why did the programs flood the nation with blacks in them?

This question puzzled me so i tried to find out why so many ads feature black men with white women and blacks heavily populating the TV ad programs?
What do you think broadcasters are up to? Blacks amount to about 12 percent of the population not about 80 percent of it.

Profile photo for Ana Decompreso
Ana Decompreso
It’s amazing to see how inaccurately those ads depict the “average Black Family” living in a beautiful immaculate home located in a suburban safe neighborhood. It’s an insult to Black Americans. Do most Black people live like that? Also, many of the families depicted are multiracial too. Is that real? In the the US, the population of Black Americans is 12%, yet that percentage is much higher in commercials, and now in the media too. It’s great to see the opportunities are opening up, but is the marketing realistic? Something about that exposure and having it forced upon an audience seems unreal. Do most people buy the propaganda. Is it unifying us?
We havent had this thread for 6 months at least.
yet you notice it when watching an ad on TV.

Of course. I look at content, production, camera work.. everything. As I said earlier. There's more black talent in the industry.. writers, actors, directors and camera men. Are you looking for prejudice or what?
Of course. I look at content, production, camera work.. everything. As I said earlier. There's more black talent in the industry.. writers, actors, directors and camera men. Are you looking for prejudice or what?

one does not need to look for it. How about we just look at the talent, and not the color of the skin of those with the talent.
It seems to me to be overcompensation for never having black actors on TV for a very long time, last century.
You have dedicated several posts insinuating I'm a racist. IMO you're a creep.

I have been called worse. I just do not get why people focus on skin color. I cannot ever think of a time when I was watching an ad and said to myself "oh look, there is a black person in this add" or whatever skin color you might choose.
Black men with white women is letting white men know their place. It is part of the emasculation of white men similar to that being utilized in turning boys into trannies.

Welcome to the great reset, folks. This crap is just a means to an end.
I really don't care if they want to use whoever in their ads and entertainment options, but I think they would be better served if they made an attempt to reflect the actual demographics of the US in doing so.
Let any conservative post on the board long enough and she/he will eventually get around to telling us how much they hate black people. Its a sickness among them.
That’s like me saying that if you follow posts by any liberal long enough she/he will eventually get around to saying they are communist.
I suspect it is unifying most of us. It's a hair on fire tragedy for you racists.
You were talking to the woman. When you claim party B is a racist, that is serious as you intend it to be. Why is it racist to speak of facts? I would prefer that the TV programs show the correct mixes of the public and not pretend a particular group is the majority.
There's a growing black middle class..so that's another market. It's not a plot against you.
They are encouraging me to flip off their channel. I am curious why they think blacks are all that matters to them?
Let any conservative post on the board long enough and she/he will eventually get around to telling us how much they hate black people. Its a sickness among them.
You should wait first to see if that happens here. You engage in what I was taught in school, Glittering Generalities.
Currently, mixed race marriages account for 15.1% of all marriages in the US. These inaccurate ads and shows that are depicting these numbers are nothing more than attempts at social engineering.
I know based on reports that the Media is virtually in lock step with Democrats. Democrats as a person have the same amount of rights as you and I have. So they chose to engage in social engineering per your thinking. I believe that is valid. They clearly intend to misrepresent the public though their task is to sell us something. I am not about to support them misrepresenting this country to assist them social engineer.

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