Why Did Democrats Flip on Illegal Immigration?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They declared themselves sanctuary cities/States.
They called anyone wishing to control immigration a racist.
They said everyone is welcome with open arms.

Yet within a few years they’re all screaming for Uncle Joe to do his job and control immigration.

Oh yeah.

At the time they were bloviating about letting illegals in unhindered they were not affected by immigration due to distance.

Then the busses started rolling, the jets taking off…..
Sanctuary cities and illegal immigration (crossing the border) have nothing to do with one another.

An SC is a place where illegal aliens/undocumented workers can call the police without fear of being deported. While I get that this may be an inviting aspect; I don’t think anyone makes a decision to live somewhere solely based on whether or not they can call the cops.
Which flip are you talking about? The flip from fretting about the wave of illegal aliens to welcoming the bastards, or the flip from welcoming the bastards to whining about them?
They declared themselves sanctuary cities/States.
They called anyone wishing to control immigration a racist.
They said everyone is welcome with open arms.

Yet within a few years they’re all screaming for Uncle Joe to do his job and conytrol immigration.

Oh yeah.

At the time they were bloviating about letting illegals in unhindered they were not affected by immigration due to distance.

Then the busses started rolling, the jets taking off…..
Let's look at the Democrat's history. They abandoned the blue collar worker after being the blue collar party. They were tough on crime and now are all for the criminals. They sounded like Trump years ago talking about the border and immigrants and then they flipped to open borders and now who knows what they are. The only thing that's certain is they don't give a crap about the country.

Why Did Democrats Flip on Illegal Immigration?​

Because when the sewage begins backing up into your own back yard that's when you decide something needs to be done about it.

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