Why Deep State wants to stay in Syria?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What does Deep State in Syria? It destabilizing this country, supports his baby - ISIS and wants to destroy Syria within by creating color revolutions or new jihadists. Putin defeated ISIS, but Deep State, invited to Syria by no-one wants to stay there for ever.
Understandable Putin will demand from Deep State to piss off, Deep State refuses it and WWIII begin. It is a good example how Deep State provokes WWIII.
Why Deep State needs Syria? Because it's fighting foreign wars for erection of Great Israel ( Eretz ).
It costed already $$$ lots of trillions and tens of thousands killed US troops
Folks, do you grasp now US troops were dying for what and which wars fought Deep State in your name?


Deep State must piss off from Syria

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