Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?

Well fortunately it's not clear to me. I always analyze the candidates. If possible I'll do that analysis without the party of the candidate even showing so that my choice is entirely on the merits. That's driven my vote to Republicans, Democrats, and other parties. Voting for a label would be voting for a label. And that would be stupid.

Wankers like Pothead can't imagine that sort of approach because in their simplistic dichotomous world, there is only "Democrat" and "Republican" and if you're not licking the ass of the candidate he likes, you must be the bad guy. He's not intelligent enough to see it any other way.

Too bad that most of the candidates aren't worth the paper their names are printed on, huh?

Amen to that. It would be SOOO much less work to just join a party, "trust them" to supply good candidates, assume they've taken care of that and just vote the straight party line.

I've never done that, ever. I can't outsource decisions like that; I insist on making my own choices. I won't even drive an automatic transmission.

They all put party before country.

That's my whole problem with the RINO/DINO critics. When we eventually do elect a Congresscritter they're supposed to represent constituents, not a political party.

The two major parties have sold out. They represent those who donate the most money.

Yup, that's why I call them a single party that dresses in either red or blue depending on what works in that time and place. They have far less in common with us than they do with each other. The fact that we're limited to one of the two in everything with no alternative should speak volumes. Actually it should scream volumes.
I'm sorry, but this OP is just plain dumb! Soooo many erroneous statements in one opener, I almost fell off my chair laughing (or was I shouting at my monitor? Hmmmmn...)

Hey! It's been a LONG and arduous winter, folks! It just **MIGHT** be that!?...

Shit, what a first quarter of the year.

We have gone straight from blizzard to monsoon.

I hate it when that happens.

; - )

^^^ Me too!

Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Donald Trump spent two years telling Americans how bad we all have it.

And how America isn't great.

Just the end result of 8 years of Republicans trying to convince Americans that life in America was horrible if Barack Obama was President.

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