Why are liberals/progressives so against EDUCATION???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I guess it's because these liberal/progressives think ONLY they are smart enough to tell people how to live their lives!

Case in point almost ALL liberals/progressives ARE AGAINST the ordinary worker having control over their retirement funds.
Why are liberals/progressives AGAINST a worker telling the people that are taking money from their paycheck where to put the money?
Do Liberals/progressives think workers are stupid? They can't make intelligent decisions?
Do Liberals/progressives think workers CAN'T BE educated in investments?

I mean these liberals/progressives want the workers to adopt "global warming" greening etc. and spend trillions educating so WHY are the liberals/progressives AGAINST educating the masses as to how to invest? What is so wrong with that?

MY guess is the liberal/progressives HAVE NO IDEA!
These totally ignorant people think the word "INVEST" means the same as "GAMBLE" !
Obviously because everytime the topic of letting workers determine where SS/Medicare deductions are put liberals/progressives say "stock market".. which is totally wrong!

Again every plan to help workers accumulate have given choices to direct where THEIR money is put, i.e. savings account, bonds, stocks, mutual funds... BUT the distinction is
the worker HAS THE CHOICE!

So it appears the real reason liberals/progressives hate giving workers the choice is
it means THEY don't have control!
They know what's best for everyone. Even the ones who are uneducated and ignorant know how everyone should live their lives.

It's because they view "being a liberal" as an actual achievement that gives their opinions greater weight than those of non-liberals.
Because by and large, liberals are ignorant fools.. just look at Truthdoesntmatter....
Dear idiot its your party that cuts education

So as an "educated" person, why then are YOU against the ordinary worker KEEPING the money that is paid into SS/Medicare?

Are you afraid that the "ordinary American worker" is not smart enough to direct the government that the money TAKEN from the worker's pay is set aside in a savings account?
Are you aware THAT was the original intent? NOT to use it for current government expenditures.. but LBJ decided to "co-mingle" these funds with other tax revenue and
from that point forward the individual lost this accumulation.
Did I say LBJ?? Wow..a Democrat who knew better then you !
Dear idiot its your party that cuts education

So as an "educated" person, why then are YOU against the ordinary worker KEEPING the money that is paid into SS/Medicare?

Are you afraid that the "ordinary American worker" is not smart enough to direct the government that the money TAKEN from the worker's pay is set aside in a savings account?
Are you aware THAT was the original intent? NOT to use it for current government expenditures.. but LBJ decided to "co-mingle" these funds with other tax revenue and
from that point forward the individual lost this accumulation.
Did I say LBJ?? Wow..a Democrat who knew better then you !

Because TDM isn't that smart and she assumes we are all equally ignorant.
obama depends on ignorance. According to the obama mythology of American History Thomas Jefferson respected islamic "rights" in the US.

Remarks by the President at Iftar Dinner | The White House

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia -- perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress -- the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that's a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam -- like so many faiths -- is part of our national story.

The facts are true. The context is that the US and islam was locked in war with Thomas Jefferson directing that war against the muslim barbary pirates and he read that Koran to learn how to defeat them.

Our national story is not that islam is part of our national fabric, war with islam is part of our national fabric.

Ignorance is promoted not by a lack of education, but an education that is directed to keep the truth from the people and then feed them whatever you wish for them to believe.
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Dear idiot its your party that cuts education

So as an "educated" person, why then are YOU against the ordinary worker KEEPING the money that is paid into SS/Medicare?

Because: America

Are you afraid that the "ordinary American worker" is not smart enough to direct the government that the money TAKEN from the worker's pay is set aside in a savings account?

See link above and you decide.

Are you aware THAT was the original intent? NOT to use it for current government expenditures.. but LBJ decided to "co-mingle" these funds with other tax revenue and
from that point forward the individual lost this accumulation.

LBJ was the first? Well, I'm sure Reagan and the Bushies didn't do anything of that sort, correct?

Did I say LBJ?? Wow..a Democrat who knew better then you !

Yes, you did write "LBJ"; however you didn't provide any evidence of the truth of your allegation.

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