CDZ Why All the Fuss Over Interracial Ads?

I haven't seen that ad, but I wonder why you are juxtaposing Black and White reactions to it? Why would there be a difference?
I just posted the ad. i am asking because whites often have different reasons than Blacks on matter of race. Can you answer the question?

I think black people should only have relationships with black people, to preserve the black race.

I think white people should only have relationships with white people, to preserve the white race.

Now IF you think that makes me a "white supremacist" or some garbage like that....then you'd have to agree that the blacks are "black supremacists", we can't have a double standard regarding this issue.
Thank you. Some Blacks feel the same way. What i want to know is what is the ad doing to threaten what you think people should do?

The advertisement is normalising and almost encouraging white-black relationships and pro-creating, something that I'm strongly against, for the reasons I just articulated.

I know that in the black community, there's a large section of people who are vehemently against interracial relationships and I happen to agree with them, we each have a right, a human right, to preserve our respective races.

If we don't do this, we water down both races, which is what neither side should be wanting.
I don't see any reason that race needs to be "preserved". I do see that some want the white race to be in the "top dog" position world wide, which is unrealistic.
Especially since we are in the minority. People attach way, way too much significance to skin tone.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?

Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.
Correct me if I am wrong but I didnt really ask for anyones opinion of the article. I asked for a white person to tell me why they had an issue with the ad. I dont understand why you think no one ever paid attention to the dissenters when people died over interracial relationships, laws were passed to prevent interracial marriages, etc etc. I am engaging these people because I wish to understand their mindset and find out what their fears are.

You may feel the problem is crazy and unreasonable but you are only viewing it from your perspective. Despite your denial there is an issue a lot of people weighed in on it and i can tell you from personal experience lots of people do indeed have an issue with it. I'm probably one of the few that dont think racism is a bigger issue now than it was 8 years ago I think its always been there and the unexpected election of the POTUS just brought it to the forefront and was further exacerbated by his reelection.

What makes you think "it seems" I have less of a problem with Black people having an issue with it as opposed to whites? Is it because i understand where its coming from being Black myself and you see that as some sort of agreement?
No clue you were black, nor should that matter. How would I know you were black. You also probably have no clue what race I am, nor should that matter. The thing that makes it seem like you have less of a problem with black people having negative feelings about interracial relationships bc the implication that arises when you state that you understand reasons behind some black people having those negative feelings, but do not understand the reasons why some white people have negative feelings about it. The implication is that there is more reason behind those who are black with negative feelings, than there is with those who are white. Nor did you state that there is a problem with black people harboring those feelings, although I did not make my light assumption based on the lack of an opinion on black people who harbor those opinions. It should be equally as unreasonable and wrong for black people to have a problem with two people of mixed races loving eachother, as it is for white people should it not? Same crime different colors.

I never said that racism wasn't a problem. I commented on the perception of Americans that racism has increased in the past 8 years. So did it increase, or did it not increase? If it didn't increase, what is it that makes Americans feel like it's a larger problem than it was 8 years ago?

And I can't comment on why I don't like interracial couples, bc I don't feel that way at all, nor am I considered white. I didn't think that excluded me from commenting. It didn't seem to affect anyone else who doesn't feel that way from giving their 2 cents. And I very much understand the impact from miscongeniation laws 150, and how that has affected gay marriage today. You seem to be making unfair assumptions about me as well
Reading your post I realize I do have slightly less of a problem with the rationale of Black people opposed to it vs the rationale of whites. It would make sense despite your claim that it should be equal. The dynamics are not equal so why would you assume my view would be equal? White males systematically raped little Black girls and women with impunity. Never in the history of this nation have Black females raped white men. There is much more of a reason for Black people to be against the ad than white people. My aim was not to point if there was a problem with either Black or white people being against the ad. My aim was to find out the reason whites were against it.

Racism didnt increase. Its just more out in the open.
Ok so the motivations are different for either party, it still doesn't make that thinking right, which I don't think you believe it does make it right.

I still wonder why this is a story with more perceived merit, and conversation on of the effects of slavery 150 years ago today, over the that fact actual slavery is bigger than it's ever been in our world today. And not just for labor, there are millions of child sexual slaves out there. That's not including modern day forms of slavery by a different names, that are ravaging the people in places like Africa and China. What I'm saying is that perception of what is reality in America, is not the full reality, and our perception of urgent problems is way off. Listen to folks argue about transgender bathroom use, transgender people make up about .04% of the entire population, why has it become this completly engrossing issue? It is nothing more than a distraction, a slight of hand, to distract us from the real problems that plague us, and are on our horizon that need to be addressed
I am not authorized to make the determination on if the thinking is "right" or not for anyone but myself. I stated earlier it wasnt "right" for me because it makes no sense to hate the idea of a white guy with a Black woman in this day and age since they both have made the choice to be together. It would be entirely different if the Black woman was being forced.

I think this is a more readily discussed story simply because the US was founded in racism. Its always there on every issue and has been used to divide the citizens every since the elite white male class figured out it wouldnt be long before slaves (white and Black) and poor whites would eventually team up.
The US wasn't founded In racism as a stand alone country, people just didn't flock to the United States to practice Slavery. The entire world practiced slavery, including black Africans on other black Africans. That was the state of the world, it wasn't right, but that's what it was. The founders did not like slavery, but didn't have much of a choice considering the powerful 2%
of the south who were the slave owners would not have joined and supported the fight against the king had the founders eliminated slavery. The original words were supposed to be "a right to life, Liberty, and property," but was changed to "pursuit of happiness" so they wouldn't give slave owners that foothold of "this slave is my property and I have a right to that" in the future. A couple of generations later, millions of young men joined a fight to free the slaves in the south, and many of them died for people they had never meet or interacted with. And we eliminated slavery far earlier than many other European countries did. So I hope you don't mean to say that the founding of this country was inherently evil, and based on slavery. That's not how blacks today in Great Britan seem to feel about something that happened to their ancestors 180 years ago. It is important to remember the evils of slavery yes, absolutely, or any other evils enacted on others. My people were nuked by the United States, cities indiscriminately fire bombed by the US, and those in the US were round up and placed into concentration camps and treated like dirt. That doesn't mean the US is inherently evil, it's important to remember those mistakes and what led to it so we don't repeat. But that doesn't mean I should be crying foul for something that never happened to me.
Slavery is just one example of the systematic racism this nation was founded on. Its extremely odd to me that you would point out what you say is basically a fine print catch phrase to keep whites from later claiming Blacks were their property ( which is exactly what they ended up doing anyway and getting reimbursed) while ignoring the fact that instead of doing away with slavery (which was an example of racism) they kept the institution. Make no mistake about it. From the moment Columbus "discovered" america this has been a land steeped in racism. I cant think of anything more silly than to suggest it isnt.
i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more.

The following may be additionally helpful, and likely more useful to gaining an understanding that transcends what one can glean from the miscellaneous ramblings and unstructured, self aggrandizing and/or biased prattling you'll find on the WWW:
I suspect that if you read the works above, you'll likely better understand racism, and specifically racism by whites toward non-whites, than will most folks who actually exhibit that behavior.
i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more.

The following may be additionally helpful, and likely more useful to gaining an understanding that transcends what one can glean from the miscellaneous ramblings and unstructured, self aggrandizing and/or biased prattling you'll find on the WWW:
I suspect that if you read the works above, you'll likely better understand racism, and specifically racism by whites toward non-whites, than will most folks who actually exhibit that behavior.
Never heard of any of those. i will check them out.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks
Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?

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I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks
Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.
I was just reading about the uproar over the Old Navy ad featuring a supposedly interracial couple consisting of a white male, a Black female, and a Black child. I know the reasons for some Black people having a problem with the ad but i specifically want to understand why white people may have an issue with it? Can a white person that has an issue with the ad please explain why?
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks
Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
XXXX -- Mod Edit -- can't get personal in the CleanDebate Zone,..
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
Last edited by a moderator:
Discuss what? You know why some black people have a problem with it but you don't know why some white people do? Huh? I thought the comments in the Huffington Post article expressed the white bigot POV pretty well. What else do you seek to know?

I loathe all advertising, and this kind of pandering ad really makes me roll my eyes. I find it hard to accept the notion of corporations as the champions of ethical conduct and civil rights. Perhaps there is some social consciousness involved, but I suspect that they merely have calculated that inclusiveness is good for their bottom line.
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?
Discuss the question I posed in the OP? I thought it was pretty clear i was seeking a white person to explain to me why they had an issue with the ad. Does this thread make you uncomfortable? You are correct. i know why some Black people have an issue with it but I have yet to find a white person i know personally that will admit they have a problem with it.

I understand you loathe all advertising but that was not the point. i was looking for specifics on this particular ad.
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

XXXX -Mod Edit -- Again, leave the personal snipes out please.
Last edited by a moderator:
Yes, it was clear that you were seeking a white person to explain their views on miscegenation so that you could have a good old fashioned debate in the CDZ. My question to you is why would you do something that pointless? Do you truly not understand the mentality of white racists? It's not that complicated. They're either insane or unintelligent. Which type were you hoping to engage in debate?
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?
i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more.

The following may be additionally helpful, and likely more useful to gaining an understanding that transcends what one can glean from the miscellaneous ramblings and unstructured, self aggrandizing and/or biased prattling you'll find on the WWW:
I suspect that if you read the works above, you'll likely better understand racism, and specifically racism by whites toward non-whites, than will most folks who actually exhibit that behavior.
Never heard of any of those. i will check them out.

NP...FWIW, Google Scholar is your friend. You will occasionally encounter some editorial content there, but when you do, it'll be rigorously developed ideas rather than the "junk" one typically comes by on mainstream sites. Most of what's there, however, is original research papers written only by experts in a given discipline. The trick, if one doesn't care to purchase the papers, is finding the research that's free. Fairly often, simply copying and pasting into a search engine/bar the author's last name, followed by the title of the paper followed by "pdf" will produce a site that does in fact have the paper offered for free.

Happy reading.
I wasnt looking for a debate thats why I said discuss. I wanted to know the specific reasons without having a debate about it. Obviously it wasnt pointless. The point was to gain more information. No i dont understand the mentality of white racists nor will I ever. This will just help me understand a little more. I dont necessarily think all of them are insane or unintelligent. Yes a lot of them are ignorant beyond belief but that doesnt make one "not intelligent". They just dont have enough information be it through lack of exposure or wanton and willful ignorance. There are highly intelligent racists all over the world. Most of our presidents have been racists. I was hoping to engage an intelligent racist to be honest but I will settle for one that can formulate a sentence and express themselves.

Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodríguez de Francia established new laws that greatly reduced the powers of the Catholic church (Catholicism was then an established state religion) and the cabinet, forbade colonial citizens from marrying one another and allowed them to marry only blacks...

So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
Miss, if you don't understand "racism" look in the mirror. Everything you post is connected to race.

You want answers?
People do not like being told who they must associate with, especially in the sense of procreation.
Not that it is all that new of an idea... ya know, governments, media, corporations, telling people who it is "OK" to make babies with.

Now I'm sure in your negro supremacist little mind it is perfectly OK to tell everyone that they must make black babies. Though it must be pointed out that you are not espousing some new idea... this idea has been kicked around for some time.

Paraguay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So it's quite obvious that your confusion is because that you are a negro supremacist. You simply cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to being directed to mate with blacks.

So tell us, why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race, particularly that they must only marry blacks?


How is a ad telling you who to associate with? Its a picture and there were no directives printed on it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?
Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

More so, as FIRE uncovered, sorority girls now must pledge to engage, or be willing to engage in interracial dating to be accepted. Isn't that weird?
So it goes deeper that a single ad. Why is it that the "powers that be" are so insistent that they know who should breed with whom?

Doesn't such thought even remotely remind you of genocidal action?

(look up what genocide really is... though I have a suspicion that you already know, and really like the idea)

Considering this is actually a debate board, not "discussion" as you wish to hide behind.
Answer the question miss black supremacist...
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?

You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

This is the clean debate forum.
You do know what the word debate means? it's in the title of the forum you posted your "question".
Perhaps you forgot to post in another forum? It's understandable.

Oh yeah, and another thing. YOU LOST!
You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

This is the clean debate forum.
You do know what the word debate means? it's in the title of the forum you posted your "question".
Perhaps you forgot to post in another forum? It's understandable.
Unfortunately, I am going to have to ignore your input into the thread since you cant answer the question I posed to you.
Let's see if I understand...the ad offends you as a black man, b/c a black woman and her child are depicted as a family in the ad. Which reminds you of slavery?

You think white people are offended by the ad but you don't why they would be? I'm white and I'm not offended by the ad. I ask you why you think I should be?
Let's see if I understand...the ad offends you as a black man, b/c a black woman and her child are depicted as a family in the ad. Which reminds you of slavery?

You think white people are offended by the ad but you don't why they would be? I'm white and I'm not offended by the ad. I ask you why you think I should be?
The ad doesnt offend me at all. I understand why it offends some Black people due to the events that occurred during slavery. I can somewhat understand why it would offend a white woman. I am frankly baffled as to why it would offend a white male. i dont think anyone should really be offended but they are.
You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

This is the clean debate forum.
You do know what the word debate means? it's in the title of the forum you posted your "question".
Perhaps you forgot to post in another forum? It's understandable.

Oh yeah, and another thing. YOU LOST!

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

This is the clean debate forum.
You do know what the word debate means? it's in the title of the forum you posted your "question".
Perhaps you forgot to post in another forum? It's understandable.
Unfortunately, I am going to have to ignore your input into the thread since you cant answer the question I posed to you.

I did answer, and as any debate you owe an answer.
You are being deliberately obtuse, a clear logical fallacy, thus you have lost this debate.
Your only option is to crawl back to the racist forum or continue making a fool of yourself with sock puppets.

Everyone now knows one of your sock puppets. Care to toss a few more out?
Last edited:
You never answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

OK, playing deliberately obtuse are we now?
Eh, to hell with it.

Why would an ad tell you that?
Since normal people are not interracial... why would so many ad companies insist that their media be such?
It certainly does not match demographics.

Also, it's not just one ad. It's everything from orange juice to cheetos ads. You really think this isn't something noticeable?
People are going to buy orange juice and cheetos(seriously though, don't buy cheetos, they are poisonous)

So now you owe an answer to this ridiculous thread you have concocted missy.
Why is it wrong to tell people they cannot marry outside of their race, but it is perfectly OK to tell people they must marry outside of their race?
You still havent answered my question. How is an ad telling you who to associate with? BTW are you calling me missy to start an argument since I am a male?

OK then.
Here we have it. Little miss(or whichever pronoun she prefers) black supremacist is clearly incapable of clean debate.
So lets consider this thread closed?
The OP lost the debate through repeated instances of being deliberately obtuse (that means either being stupid, or acting as such).
Anyone feel like declaring a winner?
This isnt a debate. I asked a question hoping a white person of intellect would answer it. So far all I have gotten from you is anger. Can you answer the question I posed to you or not? How is an ad telling you who to associate with?

This is the clean debate forum.
You do know what the word debate means? it's in the title of the forum you posted your "question".
Perhaps you forgot to post in another forum? It's understandable.

Oh yeah, and another thing. YOU LOST!

Actually -- you should check the last page. You cant' get personal in the CDZ.. THat's why it's different than the other forums. So if you want "to win" --- you need to do it by the rules..

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