Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

That kind of wishful thinking is why the good guy with gun fantasy is so dangerous.
It's a simple equation more guns=more bullets = more deaths.
The only workable solutions involve more security measures and more trained guards
In public places.
I don't know of anyone that fantasizes about this shit except gun grabber leftists. Where are YOUR examples of ccw holders taking each other out?

You stupid assholes demand proof to fictitious ill defined scenarios and pull whatever you want out of your rears for evidence.
2 Concealed Carry Holders Kill Each Other In Road Rage Incident
That's not what we were discussing, genius. We were talking about ccw holders shooting each other by accident. It's like talking to five year olds.
You asked for examples of ccw taking each other out.
And I gave you one.
I forgot I was talking to children.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count

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    Concealed Carry’s Body Count

    • A woman in North Dakota holds her pistol.
      FEBRUARY 11, 2015

    In America’s endless debate about gun rights versus public safety, there should be no disputing the hard facts in a new reporton gunshot fatalities showing that at least 722 nonself-defense deaths since 2007 were attributable to individuals with legal permits to carry concealed weapons. Concealed carry by citizens has been a soaring phenomenon as states liberalize laws in the name of lowering crime that allow more permits and easier gun access in public places, even schools, churches and restaurants.

    There is no central tally of the effects, with states often barring release of concealed-carry data and Congress hewing to the gun lobby’s opposition to research on guns’ effects on public health. But a methodical gleaning of eight years of news accounts by the Violence Policy Center, a gun safety group, found that in research involving 722 deaths in 544 concealed-carry shootings in 36 states and the District of Columbia, only 16 cases were eventually ruled lawful self-defense — even though this has been a major gun rights selling point for the new laws.

    More gravely, the study found that the fatalities included 17 law enforcement officers shot by people with legal permits along with 705 slain civilians. There were 28 mass shootings (involving three or more victims) in which 136 people were killed — even though concealed carry has also been sold as a defense against massacres like the one in Newtown, Conn.

    In studying the 544 shootings, the center found 177 cases where people with gun licenses were ultimately convicted of crimes, including homicides, and 218 cases where the permit holder used the gun to commit suicide. There were 44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide
DoYou realize how stupid and meaningless that example is ?

His example was fine, stupid and meaningless define you, vegetable boi.

The guy and everyone else who ran into the bathrooms basically killed themselves.

One with a firearm would be far more likely to survive. IF you had a brain, you would know this. Hey, but you have Hillary, and that's all a drone like you needs.
Whatever if it increases my chance by 1% I'll take it over 0% chance. I bet the guy in the bathroom in the Orlando incident wished he had a gun. He texted his mother for over 10 minutes I believe. Saying he was fixing to die.
Truth hurts, don't it?
What truth?
You as always were tub thumping.
The truth about any percent chance is a lot better than no chance. Like I said the guy that was in the bathroom texting his mother in the Orlando shooting that got killed wished he had a gun.
DoYou realize how stupid and meaningless that example is ?
The guy and everyone else who ran into the bathrooms basically killed themselves.
If one of them had a gun, it could've turned out different. If it could save one life, then why not?
DoYou realize how stupid and meaningless that example is ?

His example was fine, stupid and meaningless define you, vegetable boi.

The guy and everyone else who ran into the bathrooms basically killed themselves.

One with a firearm would be far more likely to survive. IF you had a brain, you would know this. Hey, but you have Hillary, and that's all a drone like you needs.
Yawn. ...
Truth hurts, don't it?
What truth?
You as always were tub thumping.
The truth about any percent chance is a lot better than no chance. Like I said the guy that was in the bathroom texting his mother in the Orlando shooting that got killed wished he had a gun.
DoYou realize how stupid and meaningless that example is ?
The guy and everyone else who ran into the bathrooms basically killed themselves.
If one of them had a gun, it could've turned out different. If it could save one life, then why not?
nope they were packed in like hot dogs.
If ?
Good guys with guns cannot prevent shootings. March 1981. four men are shot and wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in broad daylight. Two of the wounded were armed themselves. One of the wounded received a grievous, life altering head wound. The fourth was the President of the United States of America.

All were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All were good guys with guns.

And if they were not there?
So, if I'm in an active shooter situation my other option is having no ability to defend myself.

Would I rather hide or hide with a gun in case the shooter finds me?

What a stupid fuckin' thread....
Isn't that really the bottom line here?
An armed society is not necessarily a polite society, and an armed citizen is not always a prepared citizen.

Conversely, an unarmed victims is ALWAYS an easy target.

People wearing seat belts don't always survive crashes. Using the leftist 'logic" of duhs, seat belts should be outlawed.
as always wrong, no seat belts and other safety devices are infringing on your right according to conservatives
Good guys with guns cannot prevent shootings. March 1981. four men are shot and wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in broad daylight. Two of the wounded were armed themselves. One of the wounded received a grievous, life altering head wound. The fourth was the President of the United States of America.

All were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All were good guys with guns.

And if they were not there?
the 80's would have been different and the republican party would have made different choices .
]as always wrong, no seat belts and other safety devices are infringing on your right according to conservatives

Look, you're stupid as a stalk of broccoli, because, well..

You have come here spewing the idiocy that since a person with a concealed weapon might still be killed, we must strip everyone of civil rights.

Look, you're a fucking retard, you chose to be one so that you can be more partisan. Thinking is just not something you can do. That a gun will not GUARANTEE survival is irrelevant. A gun increases the odds of survival, just as a seat belt does. A smart person (ergo not you) utilizes both.
]as always wrong, no seat belts and other safety devices are infringing on your right according to conservatives

Look, you're stupid as a stalk of broccoli, because, well..

You have come here spewing the idiocy that since a person with a concealed weapon might still be killed, we must strip everyone of civil rights.

Look, you're a fucking retard, you chose to be one so that you can be more partisan. Thinking is just not something you can do. That a gun will not GUARANTEE survival is irrelevant. A gun increases the odds of survival, just as a seat belt does. A smart person (ergo not you) utilizes both.
Good guys with guns cannot prevent shootings. March 1981. four men are shot and wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in broad daylight. Two of the wounded were armed themselves. One of the wounded received a grievous, life altering head wound. The fourth was the President of the United States of America.

All were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All were good guys with guns.

And if they were not there?
the 80's would have been different and the republican party would have made different choices .
I just knew the 80s were going to suck when the first things that happened were the election of Ronald Reagan and the assassination of John Lennon.
Good guys with guns cannot prevent shootings. March 1981. four men are shot and wounded on the streets of Washington D.C. in broad daylight. Two of the wounded were armed themselves. One of the wounded received a grievous, life altering head wound. The fourth was the President of the United States of America.

All were surrounded by the best armed, best trained cadre of security personnel in history. All were good guys with guns.

And if they were not there?
the 80's would have been different and the republican party would have made different choices .
I just knew the 80s were going to suck when the first things that happened were the election of Ronald Reagan and the assassination of John Lennon.
for me the 80's were a grand time ...
I just wish Reagans shooter had better aim.
]as always wrong, no seat belts and other safety devices are infringing on your right according to conservatives

Look, you're stupid as a stalk of broccoli, because, well..

You have come here spewing the idiocy that since a person with a concealed weapon might still be killed, we must strip everyone of civil rights.

Look, you're a fucking retard, you chose to be one so that you can be more partisan. Thinking is just not something you can do. That a gun will not GUARANTEE survival is irrelevant. A gun increases the odds of survival, just as a seat belt does. A smart person (ergo not you) utilizes both.

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