Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

for me the 80's were a grand time ...
I just wish Reagans shooter had better aim.


You truly are stupid, but you're a real piece of shit to boot.
This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.

So say you actually pull your gun out and stay in place until you are found? You have a lot of explaining to do when the cops arrive, and explain very quickly.


Yeah.....didn't happen at the giffords shooting.....there were two concealed carriers there and neither one of them was shot by cops...or all the other mass shootings stopped by good guys with guns when the police arrived....

Do you guys have any grasp of reality......do you always pull out fake crap out of your asses.....

YOu do realize that there have been many mass shootings stopped by good guys...with guns.....do you know why they aren't shot by police twit?

Because the shooting is long over before the police arrive, and the good guy isn't shooting innocent people when the cops arrive, they holster their weapon and let the police know who they are....

You guys believe this stuff.......you really need help....
Hey moron....here are two good guys with guns stopping and holding four shooters for police....they were not shot....

Good Guys With Guns Intervene in Maine Walmart Shooting

Two good guys with a gun intervened in a shooting altercation at a Walmart in Maine last weekend.

According to WCSH in Portland, Maine, two bystanders legally carrying handguns intervened in a shooting situation on Sunday afternoon at the parking lot of a Walmart in Augusta.

Four suspects were taken into custody and charged with an array of offenses, including reckless conduct with a gun, aggravated assault, and drug trafficking, according to police.

Nobody was injured in the shooting and all parties denied medical assistance.

WCSH reports:

Police said the suspects involved were sitting in vehicles parked next to each other when an altercation arose. The occupants of one vehicle fired at the occupants of the other, which resulted in a return in gunfire.

When the shooting stopped, police said one suspect exited their vehicle to confront the occupants of the other vehicle. This is when two bystanders, who were legally carrying, interfered and stopped the incident, police said.
Follow this thread for further NRA talking points and rhetoric from the 2nd Amendments droids who will not offer any fact-based information on how to handle yourself in an active shooting situation if you are carrying a concealed weapon.

You know...people have actually been in these situations......used guns they were carrying and stopped mass shooters......and were not shot by police....this fantasy you guys have is sad........
The problem or should I say one of the many problems with martyrbegan's theory is unless the good guy has a clear shot it's more than likely he will miss due to the inability to concentrate on the target due to the fluid nature of group of people in a panic.

Do you understand that this is not just theory....that actual people, some with very little training have actually stopped mass shooters...and saved lives....in real life...not in some fantasy land.......and that nothing stated in the original post or from the anti-gun nuts has any basis in real life events.....

Do you even understand that?
Who gives a shit? whether 50M morons murder 50M people with guns or whether 50M people use guns to save 50M other people is irrelevant to the 2nd Amendment.
how could I kill a dead man ?

Reagan was dead in the 80's? :eek:

You took a LOT of the brown acid, dnja sploogy.

My garbage disposal broke down last week. I had to wait for the weekend to fix it. You can't believe the kind of slimy shit that built up in it.

You're kind of like that.

But less pleasant.
2nd failed attempt at the yur a drug user ploy...

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