Who’s Next? -- The Biden Administration's Domestic Terrorism Strategy is an announcement that they're coming for you.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Biden Administration's Domestic Terrorism Strategy is an announcement that they're coming for you.​

The Biden Administration’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism is, by its own admission, the first of its kind. The authors call it “America’s first government-wide national Strategy” to eradicate internal opponents of the regime—that is, not only to deter “violent extremism,” but even, in the words of Biden’s opening memo, “to root out the hatreds that can too often drive violence.”
This unprecedented state intervention into every level of American life is justified, the Administration claims, by the unrest that occurred at the Capitol on January 6. That event, while regrettable and ill-judged, has also been thoroughly mythologized into a veritable Reichstag Fire by Democrat politicians, Republican enablers, and a chorus of willing journalists.
A few buffoonish and overzealous protestors have been narrativized into a cabal of organized insurrectionists who brought us, in the words of Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to the brink of “a martial state.” One must admire the sinister rhetorical economy of a Party that can invent a threat of martial law while working steadily, and quite in the open, to impose it themselves.
At the heart of this assault on Americans by their government is a lie: the lie that Trump supporters killed Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick on January 6. As Northeastern Political Science Professor Max Abrahms notes in this feature, “Even after the official medical examiner concluded in April that Sicknick died from natural causes, President Biden, MSNBC, and CNN have continued to promote the politically self-serving fiction that he was killed in a terrorist attack.” Now, in the Administration’s new document, this invented murder is presented as the disastrous climax of an equally dishonest story about a supposed plague of right-wing terrorism in America.
But in this administration, and in the Strategy itself, we know where the focus is and will remain: squarely on those 80-some million Americans who will not stand to see their country overrun by a sadistic Monoparty. If you do not want to see the American way of life twisted into an enforced racial hierarchy and the apparatus of the state aimed squarely against the natural family, the Biden Administration has now announced that it has its eyes on you.
They do not really mind, in the end, if you realize this. In its most frank passages, the Strategy practically dares readers to notice its naked assertions of power. “Today’s domestic terrorists espouse a range of violent ideological motivations, including racial or ethnic bigotry and hatred as well as anti-government or anti-authority sentiment.” Dissent is terrorism and will be prosecuted as such: they know what they sound like. They know you can hear them. They just don’t think you can do anything about it.
Pillar Two of the Strategy is to “PREVENT DOMESTIC TERRORISM RECRUITMENT AND MOBILIZATION TO VIOLENCE.” This means “developing a mechanism by which veterans can report recruitment attempts by violent extremist actors.” It means “Pre-employment background checks and re-investigations for government employees,” i.e., purging the government apparatus of dissenters. And it means “tackling racism in America…ensuring that Americans receive the type of civics education that promotes tolerance and respect for all…acknowledging when racism and bigotry have meant that the country fell short of living up to its founding principles.” Oh yes: they know that parents and school boards across the country are standing up to drive their nasty racialist creed out of local schools. They know, and they intend to put a stop to it.
wherever and however we hold any sort of political power, we must not comply. State Governors and legislatures with red majorities must refuse to acquiesce to federally imposed indoctrination or unconstitutional imprisonment of citizens. Constituents must demand this posture of any politician who claims to be a Republican. No one should be allowed to bear that designation who is not expressly committed to fighting against the Biden Administration’s fraudulent and Orwellian scheme at every available opportunity.
And those “individuals, families, and local communities”—upon whom this Administration’s enforcers claim to rely, but whom in fact they are determined to break—must be given the tools to recognize what is being done and the language to denounce it for the abomination it is. We hope this feature will help with that endeavor.

Meanwhile, Weathermen conspirators and Progressive Marxists/DSA Democrats walk free amongst us within the halls of education and government inculcating our young and spreading Marxist lies, or direct BLM and Antifa gangs throughout America's Blue Plantation Cities reeking terrorism, violence, arson, looting, murder and mayhem.
Well, hmmm. The Office of Military Commissions has just convicted Bill Barr of treason and he is to be executed August 2nd. How's that for dealing with domestic terrorism (treason)? Biden himself will be in that position shortly. Along with Harris, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Graham, Pence, Fauci, and many many more. :auiqs.jpg:
"Right-wing terrorist backers get angry because right-wing terrorists aren't getting a free pass any more. Film at 11."

Obviously Laws are made for all citizens to follow. Yet, according to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies laws are for the law abiding not for those protected under the umbrella of Marxist Socialist power hungry Democrat politicians.
Obviously Laws are made for all citizens to follow. Yet, according to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies laws are for the law abiding not for those protected under the umbrella of Marxist Socialist power hungry Democrat politicians.
What else did the voices tell you?

I'm talking about both your purely internal voices, the weirdass conservative propaganda you spend you days listening to.

The Biden Administration's Domestic Terrorism Strategy is an announcement that they're coming for you.​

The Biden Administration’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism is, by its own admission, the first of its kind. The authors call it “America’s first government-wide national Strategy” to eradicate internal opponents of the regime—that is, not only to deter “violent extremism,” but even, in the words of Biden’s opening memo, “to root out the hatreds that can too often drive violence.”
This unprecedented state intervention into every level of American life is justified, the Administration claims, by the unrest that occurred at the Capitol on January 6. That event, while regrettable and ill-judged, has also been thoroughly mythologized into a veritable Reichstag Fire by Democrat politicians, Republican enablers, and a chorus of willing journalists.
A few buffoonish and overzealous protestors have been narrativized into a cabal of organized insurrectionists who brought us, in the words of Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to the brink of “a martial state.” One must admire the sinister rhetorical economy of a Party that can invent a threat of martial law while working steadily, and quite in the open, to impose it themselves.
At the heart of this assault on Americans by their government is a lie: the lie that Trump supporters killed Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick on January 6. As Northeastern Political Science Professor Max Abrahms notes in this feature, “Even after the official medical examiner concluded in April that Sicknick died from natural causes, President Biden, MSNBC, and CNN have continued to promote the politically self-serving fiction that he was killed in a terrorist attack.” Now, in the Administration’s new document, this invented murder is presented as the disastrous climax of an equally dishonest story about a supposed plague of right-wing terrorism in America.
But in this administration, and in the Strategy itself, we know where the focus is and will remain: squarely on those 80-some million Americans who will not stand to see their country overrun by a sadistic Monoparty. If you do not want to see the American way of life twisted into an enforced racial hierarchy and the apparatus of the state aimed squarely against the natural family, the Biden Administration has now announced that it has its eyes on you.
They do not really mind, in the end, if you realize this. In its most frank passages, the Strategy practically dares readers to notice its naked assertions of power. “Today’s domestic terrorists espouse a range of violent ideological motivations, including racial or ethnic bigotry and hatred as well as anti-government or anti-authority sentiment.” Dissent is terrorism and will be prosecuted as such: they know what they sound like. They know you can hear them. They just don’t think you can do anything about it.
Pillar Two of the Strategy is to “PREVENT DOMESTIC TERRORISM RECRUITMENT AND MOBILIZATION TO VIOLENCE.” This means “developing a mechanism by which veterans can report recruitment attempts by violent extremist actors.” It means “Pre-employment background checks and re-investigations for government employees,” i.e., purging the government apparatus of dissenters. And it means “tackling racism in America…ensuring that Americans receive the type of civics education that promotes tolerance and respect for all…acknowledging when racism and bigotry have meant that the country fell short of living up to its founding principles.” Oh yes: they know that parents and school boards across the country are standing up to drive their nasty racialist creed out of local schools. They know, and they intend to put a stop to it.
wherever and however we hold any sort of political power, we must not comply. State Governors and legislatures with red majorities must refuse to acquiesce to federally imposed indoctrination or unconstitutional imprisonment of citizens. Constituents must demand this posture of any politician who claims to be a Republican. No one should be allowed to bear that designation who is not expressly committed to fighting against the Biden Administration’s fraudulent and Orwellian scheme at every available opportunity.
And those “individuals, families, and local communities”—upon whom this Administration’s enforcers claim to rely, but whom in fact they are determined to break—must be given the tools to recognize what is being done and the language to denounce it for the abomination it is. We hope this feature will help with that endeavor.

Meanwhile, Weathermen conspirators and Progressive Marxists/DSA Democrats walk free amongst us within the halls of education and government inculcating our young and spreading Marxist lies, or direct BLM and Antifa gangs throughout America's Blue Plantation Cities reeking terrorism, violence, arson, looting, murder and mayhem.

If the post office can't find me, why should I worry about anyone else finding me?
The Democrat Party has all of the characteristics of a totalitarian police state regime.
They are already creating thought crimes.
Are there any Left Wing politicians or pundits who have enough of a conscience to speak out about this?
How far are they going to go with this?
Are they going to start arresting opposition leaders like it is done in banana republic marxist countries?
Will people start disappearing in the middle of the night?
If I wanted to report a dangerous radical racist to the government, who do I call?

We spent years laughing off all your civil war threats and 2nd amendment remedy talk until you jerks tried to violently overturn an election. Now that we are taking you people seriously you are bitching. You wanted to be taken seriously didn't you?
Obviously Laws are made for all citizens to follow. Yet, according to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies laws are for the law abiding not for those protected under the umbrella of Marxist Socialist power hungry Democrat politicians.
What else did the voices tell you?

I'm talking about both your purely internal voices, the weirdass conservative propaganda you spend you days listening to.

When was a "Democrat" last prosecuted and adjudged for domestic terrorism? How many were arrested on January 6th 2021? Why were Antifa and BLM activists released on that day... Example: John Sullivan (BLM activist).... released after proven by video of inciting mob to attack the Capitol building.
Meanwhile over 400 Americans are lanquishing in prison cells for protesting a fraudulent, illegitimate presidential election.
We spent years laughing off all your civil war threats and 2nd amendment remedy talk until you jerks tried to violently overturn an election. Now that we are taking you people seriously you are bitching. You wanted to be taken seriously didn't you?

Hmmm....., how many weapons were used to forcibly and violently overturn the election on January 6th? To my knowledge the only weapons were carried and used by Capitol Police.
Only one person was killed by gunfire and that was a female veteran by the name of Ashli Babbitt.
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If they’re serious about addressing domestic terrorism they’d begin by eradicating the entire democrat party.
They already have since there is no democrat party in power.

For once you're right on the money. There are no longer Democrats, they've sold out to their Marxist betters....

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