Who should be held accountable ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Why have we just accepted these non-quality services, and the equipment we are offered now either to use or go along with it all ? I'm talking about the equipment and the inadequate services that we are using in which are being produced by these companies for this internet that we use. Anybody know or feel the same way that I do ?

They tell us that we need this, and that we need that, so we bite but then are dissapointed again and again when all is said and done. Is anyone getting fed up yet, I mean how much money are we willing to spend for all of this hype????????????? :cuckoo:
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Why have we just accepted these non-quality services, and the equipment we are offered now either to use or go along with it all ? I'm talking about the equipment and the inadequate services that we are using in which are being produced by these companies for this internet that we use. Anybody know or feel the same way that I do ?

They tell us that we need this, and that we need that, so we bite but then are dissapointed again and again when all is said and done. Is anyone getting fed up yet, I mean how much money are we willing to spend for all of this hype????????????? :cuckoo:

I am fed up with the lousy engineering that is being sold and the folks who accept crappy sub par performance. Microsoft started this lowered expectation of excellence. The idea that crappy audio/video quality was sellable. And the expectation that S/W doesn't have to be efficient or perform well. But it's the CONSUMERS that bought the crap and confirmed there's a market for crap..

WAAAAY back in history I worked for Ampex. They were the top of the Audio/Video world. HEADS would roll if we put out a machine or a roll of tape that had even the HINT of dropouts or poor audio/video performance. Today -- folks are trying to watch movies on a 4" screen with scratchy audio that is 2 seconds off from the video. If you watched lips, or weren't accustomed to drop frames and heavy compression, your head would split.

But here's the worse part. I don't care what consumer electronics looks like. But in the meantime -- all the professional grade equipment AND OUR ABILITY TO DESIGN it has dissappeared. Even the parts for putting together GREAT audio/video/computing are now virtually unavailable.

Future generations will accept less and less quality and more convienience and gimmicks. But lord help us if we have to design ERROR-FREE, high fidelity, RELIABLE systems to save our lives..

/rant_of a_frustrated_engineer
It's amazing. The new technology is sooo reliable, Air Force one still uses analog lol.

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