Who is the Somerton Man? The clues that could provide an answer


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Somerton Man film finds missing link - trailer


JOHN Lyons and his wife were strolling along Somerton Beach in South Australia when they noticed a man lying slouched against the seawall at an uncomfortable angle. His body was flat, his head was propped up awkwardly on the concrete wall. Lyons was worried, only because the mosquitoes were out in force and the man didn’t seem to be reacting to them at all. He went over to check he was breathing, but as he approached the man raised his right arm. Lyons and his wife walked on.

The next morning was the first day of summer 1948. Lyons went for a morning swim at the same beach and, as he towelled off, he noticed the same man, lying in the exact same position he’d seen him the night before.
The man was dead. An unsmoked cigarette rested on his chest, his hair was immaculate, and his double-breasted jacket was pressed and in perfect condition. The man didn’t seem homeless or like he’d been drinking; rather he was well-presented and overdressed for what was a warm evening prior. Who he was and why he was on the beach has remained a mystery for 70 years, despite decades of thorough investigation and a number of tantalising leads. Today, the identity of the Somerton Man remains unknown — although we are getting closer to an answer.
Who is the Somerton Man? Clues that could provide an answer

But not close enough. Check back in another 70.

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