Who is Oppressed: Muslim women with Hijab or Western Society Women?

Did you watch the video?

It brings up by lot of good points. :cool:

Middle ground? Good points?

Yeah good points if you believe its better to just have women never experience the world as a real human being who can't take a breath of fresh air without risking sucking in cloth and obscuring her vision. Because we all know women LIKE not being able to see their world clearly. So.....LIBERATING and all. I couldn't even watch this entire video after listening to that woman WHINE about how she doesn't like being SEEN in public because she believes everyone who sets eyes on her are JUDGING her somehow! Frankly that sounds like a mental health issue and unhealthy fear of life itself. Oh sure, a common complaint about women who all secretly wish to scuttle through their existence like cockroaches seeking out the dark.

I'm sorry -you started this thread so deal with any responses that aren't just thrilled. Islam objectifies women as being property, not real human beings that matter and not as human beings just as valuable as the other half of the species in either the eyes of the law or the eyes of their creator. If your religion treated women as real human beings, it wouldn't shift responsibility for a man's actions regarding sex off to women where she is not only responsible for her own sexuality and sexual actions but those of a man as well. Your religion assumes men can't possibly be expected to control themselves unless women are at all times hidden objects in the game of life -because we all know the very sight of a woman's WRIST in public is likely to drive a man insane. And naturally the religion absolves him of that and blames the woman instead. Yet I manage not to jump every man regardless of his attire and regardless of how much skin he shows -isn't that just AMAZING? But then my religion actually expects me to act like a full grown adult capable of self control no matter how someone else may or may not be dressed. Apparently your religion thinks that is an unrealistic and even unbearable burden for a man though, huh? This video is trying to pretend its really all about somehow making life better for a woman when in reality the hijab came about as just another means of controlling women as the property of men -not liberating them! ROFL Even when trying to pretend it was liberating for a woman to be under a hijab, it is in reality sending the message the only way for a woman to feel free as a Muslim is by not being free. Does a MAN worry that others are JUDGING him based on his appearance when in public or is this just a problem for women who just can't be expected to know how to be an adult human being dealing face-to-face with others in life and needs to hide behind a veil just to get through their pathetic day? Get real, it isn't about freeing women -its enslaving them even more as lesser things. And if people are JUDGING them if they go out in public without being a hidden object -just who is doing that judging and why isn't the religion instructing THEM to knock it off? Oh no, that would be too easy -better to shift that off to the woman again as not quite fit to be in public dressed like a real person instead of a shapeless, faceless THING.

This video is perpetrating a fraud and deceit -the attire was designed BY men FOR men as a means of controlling women. It sure as hell wasn't designed by women as their idea of "modest" because no woman in her right mind would think its a great idea walking around in public with obscured vision and sweltering in the heat. It inflicts a level of discomfort that men would never dream of inflicting on THEMSELVES -and don't. In fact you know good and well the issue regarding vision is a nonstop complaint in regions where it is required. Complaints that fall on the deaf ears of MEN who demand it anyway who think its far better to force women to risk getting hit by a car crossing the street and risk dropping dead of heat stroke than LIVE! Ah but at least they were dressed like the hidden objects and non-person of lesser value than any man their creator intended them to be, right? I put it right up there with the Saudi MONSTERS who refused to let school girls flee their burning school during the night and pushed them back into the flames because they weren't "properly" dressed and were wearing their nightclothes! WTF inhumane religion calls for THAT kind of bullshit of forcing children as young as SIX to be forced back into a burning building to be burned alive because they weren't covered from head-to-toe when fire broke out during the night? When was the last time a Muslim man or boy was forced back into a burning building to be burned alive because he was wearing his jammies when fire broke out? Another fine example about how believing in the "perfect" religion makes all practitioners "perfect" -these people belong in PRISON and would anywhere where women are actually considered to be human beings too -but none were charged. Oh gee, these MONSTERS couldn't wrap the child in a blanket as she came running out? OH NO, even then it might make a man lose total control because we all know men are just not able to control themselves if they catch a glimpse of an ankle of a girl as young as six while she flees screaming from a burning building, right? Apparently they believe their deity would prefer to see those nasty, disgusting, scared to death but at all times less-than-fully-human little brats forced back into a burning building to die a horrific and completely unnecessary death. But would definitely high five their murderers for upholding all that Muslim female FREEDOM and all, right? THAT is the kind of control intended by hijab -NOT freedom. It was ALWAYS about control -it is STILL always about CONTROL. To the point where the sociopathic practitioners of the religion -and there are MANY - would actually insist the very life of a six year old girl isn't even worth a hunk of CLOTH! Or those children would be alive today. You know when a man flees a burning building I'm betting he's a lot more concerned about escaping with his life, as he should be. But way too many of these same Muslim men would turn around and insist their PROPERTY women must sacrifice their life and place far less value on their own lives -because they sure do. THAT is hijab -CONTROL. It takes a lot of nerve to try and convince someone the prison designed for them by men in order to better control them is in reality "freedom" and freedom is just a prison. But of course NOT true when it comes to MEN who wouldn't dream of locking themselves in the prison they designed for their women property, right? ROFL

My religion insists that men carry full responsibility for their actions -no matter how I as a woman choose to dress, no matter what I look like, no matter how much make-up I wear, no matter how sexy my clothing, no matter how much skin I show -and even if I were to walk down the street stark naked. At NO time under ANY circumstances does my religion allow men to shift the blame for their own lack of control off to those they victimized. That is because in my religion my gender doesn't make me less than a man in any way in the eyes of God OR the eyes of the law - and my religion never allows one half the species to shift responsibility for their lack of self control off to the other half. Your religion in this regard is just an apologist for justifying and excusing the lack of self control for men -to the point that in too many countries a raped woman can be harshly punished and even EXECUTED for adultery if raped. (But what a great way to pad those rape stats while pretending what a wonderful society Islam creates, huh?) While her rapist is given a slap on the wrist. Talk about adding insult to injury, huh. In fact Iran recently executed a 16 year old girl who had been the rape victim of a 51 year old former revolutionary guard. And executed in spite of the fact Iran signed an international agreement not to execute anyone under 16. So they LIED and claimed she was 22 in spite of the fact a birth certificate proving her age was produced. The circumstances of her arrest are even suspect. But hey, this is the same country where a man can get rid of an unwanted wife by simply claiming she committed adultery and then get her own children to participate in her stoning, scarring them for life -while passing on that wonderful respect for women seen in Islam, right? But hey, its not like these count as REAL people anyway, right? Besides executing rape victims for "adultery" and "crimes against chastity" is sending EXACTLY the message it was intended -females had better not expect society to lift a finger to save them from men who prey on them and if they don't do everything possible to protect the men who would abuse and victimize them -because their government and society will harshly punish THEM for it. While their far more valuable predator male will get little more than a slap on the wrist. And if he's lucky, maybe a ringside ticket to her public hanging or stoning. Ah, good times! Just makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over just thinking about the kind of "justice" these monsters would like to see inflicted on a global basis, doesn't it? And hey, these are absolutely the people I want to see with a NUKE too!

This is how it works in a religion that actually respects everyone based on their shared humanity instead of what is between their legs, one that actually believes the creation of one half of our species wasn't a tragic accident by their creator who regrets the error and doesn't even really much like that half as being lesser things. In my religion if a man doesn't get executed for the crime -a woman can't be either. And whatever punishment a man faces for the crime, a woman cannot face anything harsher than that. Which means if a man doesn't face execution or a life sentence for adultery -neither does a woman! Oh wow what a novel concept, huh? In MY religion if a man isn't expected to wander out in public obscuring his view of the world behind a bunch of cloth, neither is a woman. In my religion both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly -but "modestly" is not defined and sure didn't mean "obscure every human feature to the point your species is in doubt, much less your gender". It isn't a commandment, it isn't a punishable offense, the religion doesn't demand the "owners" of women beat the shit out of them for it and it doesn't demand women must dress like 7th century barbarians but are allowed to define "modesty" in relation to the specific era in which they live! Which means if I dressed up like an unrecognizable blob meandering down the street I would actually be bringing just as much attention to myself as the person walking down the street wearing see through clothing -instantly noticeable even if for different reasons. So I dress modestly for the era I happen to live -and don't pretend "modestly" is dressing as if I am an object unworthy to participate in society unless I make myself unrecognizable even as a fellow human being! You think that woman on the right in the video looked HUMAN? She covered anything that could identify her SPECIES much less her gender! Is there really a legitimate reason a woman should be unrecognizable when on the street even to people who know her? Are you for real? What does that really say about the value and worth of a woman if she is only "free" by not not looking like a HUMAN BEING when out in public! If its such a good thing -then wouldn't it even be better if men went out unrecognizable as human beings too? Encouraging women to do to this to themselves is to give them the real message their religion is sending about how they are NOT the equal of men either in the eyes of the law or the eyes of God but lesser, not quite fit to participate in society as humans because they are little more than THINGS that need to treat their gender as a shameful thing. In my religion if a man isn't ordered to show up in public covered from head-to-toe like he is just a shameful object unfit to be seen by others - neither is a woman. In my religion neither laws NOR punishment are based on the gender of those involved -and it isn't based on the religious beliefs of those involved in the act either. It is based on nothing more than our shared humanity which makes us equal both in the eyes of God AND in the eyes of the law. But then I also don't believe in a deity who thinks only half of his creations are worthy and the other are little more than the personal property of that first half.

Where is the video talking about Islamic and Sharia laws that go even further in objectifying women as little more than the property of some man, laws that specifically call for the unequal application of the law based on nothing but gender and justifies this unequal treatment of women under the law, laws that clearly show their lesser status and value to society itself in Islam. You know where they discuss how when their religion is able to gain full control of a society, they inevitably end up forcing women to the very fringes of society, limiting their ability to even fully participate in society at all -and how that is actually real "freedom" too! ROFL

How about this? YOU go experience life firsthand walking around in public with that garb on, seeing firsthand what it feels like never to get a clear view of the world around you when in public with the implied statement its because you don't DESERVE to see or experience the world like a real human being instead of a shameful OBJECT that must be hidden even when in public. I figure after a full year you might get the idea of what it might be like knowing this is the way it will be for the rest of your life And then tell us all about how FREE it made YOU feel and why any REAL woman would want to blunt their ability to participate in LIFE itself in this way.

Or how about THIS instead? How about a religion that teaches participants that only you bear responsibility for your acts and no matter the circumstances, you are expected to treat others as you wish to be treated yourself -regardless of that person's gender or religion? How about a religion that says our shared humanity as God's creations require the same rules and laws and punishment against harming each others? One that says the rules and laws and punishments are based on our shared humanity and not any arrogant false claim that the creator of all of us really only likes some of us and doesn't really mind all that much seeing the rest of us harmed. How about a religion that doesn't encourage the objectification of women, doesn't view them as afterthoughts and little more than the personal property of some man. A religion that doesn't suggest our creator really only values half the species so much so that even in the afterlife, its all about men -while most women will be banned from the mens' club except for those there whose sole purpose for existence is to serve as their sex slave. How about a religion that says rules and laws intended to make women feel like lesser beings both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of the law, little more than property of the other half who exist to please them is actually not good for either gender?

Oh wait -I have that religion. So stick your hijab where the sun don't shine.
Did you watch the video?

It brings up by lot of good points. :cool:

Middle ground? Good points?

Yeah good points if you believe its better to just have women never experience the world as a real human being who can't take a breath of fresh air without risking sucking in cloth and obscuring her vision. Because we all know women LIKE not being able to see their world clearly. So.....LIBERATING and all. I couldn't even watch this entire video after listening to that woman WHINE about how she doesn't like being SEEN in public because she believes everyone who sets eyes on her are JUDGING her somehow! Frankly that sounds like a mental health issue and unhealthy fear of life itself. Oh sure, a common complaint about women who all secretly wish to scuttle through their existence like cockroaches seeking out the dark.

I'm sorry -you started this thread so deal with any responses that aren't just thrilled. Islam objectifies women as being property, not real human beings that matter and not as human beings just as valuable as the other half of the species in either the eyes of the law or the eyes of their creator. If your religion treated women as real human beings, it wouldn't shift responsibility for a man's actions regarding sex off to women where she is not only responsible for her own sexuality and sexual actions but those of a man as well. Your religion assumes men can't possibly be expected to control themselves unless women are at all times hidden objects in the game of life -because we all know the very sight of a woman's WRIST in public is likely to drive a man insane. And naturally the religion absolves him of that and blames the woman instead. Yet I manage not to jump every man regardless of his attire and regardless of how much skin he shows -isn't that just AMAZING? But then my religion actually expects me to act like a full grown adult capable of self control no matter how someone else may or may not be dressed. Apparently your religion thinks that is an unrealistic and even unbearable burden for a man though, huh? This video is trying to pretend its really all about somehow making life better for a woman when in reality the hijab came about as just another means of controlling women as the property of men -not liberating them! ROFL Even when trying to pretend it was liberating for a woman to be under a hijab, it is in reality sending the message the only way for a woman to feel free as a Muslim is by not being free. Does a MAN worry that others are JUDGING him based on his appearance when in public or is this just a problem for women who just can't be expected to know how to be an adult human being dealing face-to-face with others in life and needs to hide behind a veil just to get through their pathetic day? Get real, it isn't about freeing women -its enslaving them even more as lesser things. And if people are JUDGING them if they go out in public without being a hidden object -just who is doing that judging and why isn't the religion instructing THEM to knock it off? Oh no, that would be too easy -better to shift that off to the woman again as not quite fit to be in public dressed like a real person instead of a shapeless, faceless THING.

This video is perpetrating a fraud and deceit -the attire was designed BY men FOR men as a means of controlling women. It sure as hell wasn't designed by women as their idea of "modest" because no woman in her right mind would think its a great idea walking around in public with obscured vision and sweltering in the heat. It inflicts a level of discomfort that men would never dream of inflicting on THEMSELVES -and don't. In fact you know good and well the issue regarding vision is a nonstop complaint in regions where it is required. Complaints that fall on the deaf ears of MEN who demand it anyway who think its far better to force women to risk getting hit by a car crossing the street and risk dropping dead of heat stroke than LIVE! Ah but at least they were dressed like the hidden objects and non-person of lesser value than any man their creator intended them to be, right? I put it right up there with the Saudi MONSTERS who refused to let school girls flee their burning school during the night and pushed them back into the flames because they weren't "properly" dressed and were wearing their nightclothes! WTF inhumane religion calls for THAT kind of bullshit of forcing children as young as SIX to be forced back into a burning building to be burned alive because they weren't covered from head-to-toe when fire broke out during the night? When was the last time a Muslim man or boy was forced back into a burning building to be burned alive because he was wearing his jammies when fire broke out? Another fine example about how believing in the "perfect" religion makes all practitioners "perfect" -these people belong in PRISON and would anywhere where women are actually considered to be human beings too -but none were charged. Oh gee, these MONSTERS couldn't wrap the child in a blanket as she came running out? OH NO, even then it might make a man lose total control because we all know men are just not able to control themselves if they catch a glimpse of an ankle of a girl as young as six while she flees screaming from a burning building, right? Apparently they believe their deity would prefer to see those nasty, disgusting, scared to death but at all times less-than-fully-human little brats forced back into a burning building to die a horrific and completely unnecessary death. But would definitely high five their murderers for upholding all that Muslim female FREEDOM and all, right? THAT is the kind of control intended by hijab -NOT freedom. It was ALWAYS about control -it is STILL always about CONTROL. To the point where the sociopathic practitioners of the religion -and there are MANY - would actually insist the very life of a six year old girl isn't even worth a hunk of CLOTH! Or those children would be alive today. You know when a man flees a burning building I'm betting he's a lot more concerned about escaping with his life, as he should be. But way too many of these same Muslim men would turn around and insist their PROPERTY women must sacrifice their life and place far less value on their own lives -because they sure do. THAT is hijab -CONTROL. It takes a lot of nerve to try and convince someone the prison designed for them by men in order to better control them is in reality "freedom" and freedom is just a prison. But of course NOT true when it comes to MEN who wouldn't dream of locking themselves in the prison they designed for their women property, right? ROFL

My religion insists that men carry full responsibility for their actions -no matter how I as a woman choose to dress, no matter what I look like, no matter how much make-up I wear, no matter how sexy my clothing, no matter how much skin I show -and even if I were to walk down the street stark naked. At NO time under ANY circumstances does my religion allow men to shift the blame for their own lack of control off to those they victimized. That is because in my religion my gender doesn't make me less than a man in any way in the eyes of God OR the eyes of the law - and my religion never allows one half the species to shift responsibility for their lack of self control off to the other half. Your religion in this regard is just an apologist for justifying and excusing the lack of self control for men -to the point that in too many countries a raped woman can be harshly punished and even EXECUTED for adultery if raped. (But what a great way to pad those rape stats while pretending what a wonderful society Islam creates, huh?) While her rapist is given a slap on the wrist. Talk about adding insult to injury, huh. In fact Iran recently executed a 16 year old girl who had been the rape victim of a 51 year old former revolutionary guard. And executed in spite of the fact Iran signed an international agreement not to execute anyone under 16. So they LIED and claimed she was 22 in spite of the fact a birth certificate proving her age was produced. The circumstances of her arrest are even suspect. But hey, this is the same country where a man can get rid of an unwanted wife by simply claiming she committed adultery and then get her own children to participate in her stoning, scarring them for life -while passing on that wonderful respect for women seen in Islam, right? But hey, its not like these count as REAL people anyway, right? Besides executing rape victims for "adultery" and "crimes against chastity" is sending EXACTLY the message it was intended -females had better not expect society to lift a finger to save them from men who prey on them and if they don't do everything possible to protect the men who would abuse and victimize them -because their government and society will harshly punish THEM for it. While their far more valuable predator male will get little more than a slap on the wrist. And if he's lucky, maybe a ringside ticket to her public hanging or stoning. Ah, good times! Just makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over just thinking about the kind of "justice" these monsters would like to see inflicted on a global basis, doesn't it? And hey, these are absolutely the people I want to see with a NUKE too!

This is how it works in a religion that actually respects everyone based on their shared humanity instead of what is between their legs, one that actually believes the creation of one half of our species wasn't a tragic accident by their creator who regrets the error and doesn't even really much like that half as being lesser things. In my religion if a man doesn't get executed for the crime -a woman can't be either. And whatever punishment a man faces for the crime, a woman cannot face anything harsher than that. Which means if a man doesn't face execution or a life sentence for adultery -neither does a woman! Oh wow what a novel concept, huh? In MY religion if a man isn't expected to wander out in public obscuring his view of the world behind a bunch of cloth, neither is a woman. In my religion both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly -but "modestly" is not defined and sure didn't mean "obscure every human feature to the point your species is in doubt, much less your gender". It isn't a commandment, it isn't a punishable offense, the religion doesn't demand the "owners" of women beat the shit out of them for it and it doesn't demand women must dress like 7th century barbarians but are allowed to define "modesty" in relation to the specific era in which they live! Which means if I dressed up like an unrecognizable blob meandering down the street I would actually be bringing just as much attention to myself as the person walking down the street wearing see through clothing -instantly noticeable even if for different reasons. So I dress modestly for the era I happen to live -and don't pretend "modestly" is dressing as if I am an object unworthy to participate in society unless I make myself unrecognizable even as a fellow human being! You think that woman on the right in the video looked HUMAN? She covered anything that could identify her SPECIES much less her gender! Is there really a legitimate reason a woman should be unrecognizable when on the street even to people who know her? Are you for real? What does that really say about the value and worth of a woman if she is only "free" by not not looking like a HUMAN BEING when out in public! If its such a good thing -then wouldn't it even be better if men went out unrecognizable as human beings too? Encouraging women to do to this to themselves is to give them the real message their religion is sending about how they are NOT the equal of men either in the eyes of the law or the eyes of God but lesser, not quite fit to participate in society as humans because they are little more than THINGS that need to treat their gender as a shameful thing. In my religion if a man isn't ordered to show up in public covered from head-to-toe like he is just a shameful object unfit to be seen by others - neither is a woman. In my religion neither laws NOR punishment are based on the gender of those involved -and it isn't based on the religious beliefs of those involved in the act either. It is based on nothing more than our shared humanity which makes us equal both in the eyes of God AND in the eyes of the law. But then I also don't believe in a deity who thinks only half of his creations are worthy and the other are little more than the personal property of that first half.

Where is the video talking about Islamic and Sharia laws that go even further in objectifying women as little more than the property of some man, laws that specifically call for the unequal application of the law based on nothing but gender and justifies this unequal treatment of women under the law, laws that clearly show their lesser status and value to society itself in Islam. You know where they discuss how when their religion is able to gain full control of a society, they inevitably end up forcing women to the very fringes of society, limiting their ability to even fully participate in society at all -and how that is actually real "freedom" too! ROFL

How about this? YOU go experience life firsthand walking around in public with that garb on, seeing firsthand what it feels like never to get a clear view of the world around you when in public with the implied statement its because you don't DESERVE to see or experience the world like a real human being instead of a shameful OBJECT that must be hidden even when in public. I figure after a full year you might get the idea of what it might be like knowing this is the way it will be for the rest of your life And then tell us all about how FREE it made YOU feel and why any REAL woman would want to blunt their ability to participate in LIFE itself in this way.

Or how about THIS instead? How about a religion that teaches participants that only you bear responsibility for your acts and no matter the circumstances, you are expected to treat others as you wish to be treated yourself -regardless of that person's gender or religion? How about a religion that says our shared humanity as God's creations require the same rules and laws and punishment against harming each others? One that says the rules and laws and punishments are based on our shared humanity and not any arrogant false claim that the creator of all of us really only likes some of us and doesn't really mind all that much seeing the rest of us harmed. How about a religion that doesn't encourage the objectification of women, doesn't view them as afterthoughts and little more than the personal property of some man. A religion that doesn't suggest our creator really only values half the species so much so that even in the afterlife, its all about men -while most women will be banned from the mens' club except for those there whose sole purpose for existence is to serve as their sex slave. How about a religion that says rules and laws intended to make women feel like lesser beings both in the eyes of God and in the eyes of the law, little more than property of the other half who exist to please them is actually not good for either gender?

Oh wait -I have that religion. So stick your hijab where the sun don't shine.

There are people who believe that middle eastern men have sex drives that are so much stronger than that of other men, the only way they can resist is to keep the women covered.

Fact is, in that culture, only chaste women have any monetary value. That is why a 13 year old is put to death for getting raped. Her father can no longer sell her and therefore, she is a waste of food.

Has anyone ever read a post of Frass's in its entirety?

This one is worth it.
It seems that Western women are the ones all up in arms about Saudi women not having the privilege to drive. Whereas it is a non-issue with 99% of the Saudi women.

It's a non-issue because speaking up about the issue would have zero effectiveness and possibly result in extremely negative consequences for them. Your post is patently disengenuous.

Question, Sunni: Does your wife drive?
What death threats?

Are you unfamiliar with islamic death threats to the media? Do you believe they will not start on the new bastions of free speech, discussion forums?


Thank you. I read a book by Ayyan Hirsi Ali called Infidel. It was really good. I have a lot of repect for her.

You do realize that reporters went back to Somalia and found that her story was a fraud?

When this was revealed she was kicked out of Denmark for receiving refugee status under false pretenses.

In essence her total story was a lie from the beginning to end. :doubt:
Are you unfamiliar with islamic death threats to the media? Do you believe they will not start on the new bastions of free speech, discussion forums?


Thank you. I read a book by Ayyan Hirsi Ali called Infidel. It was really good. I have a lot of repect for her.

You do realize that reporters went back to Somalia and found that her story was a fraud?

When this was revealed she was kicked out of Denmark for receiving refugee status under false pretenses.

In essence her total story was a lie from the beginning to end. :doubt:

Channeling Salman Rushdie.


Theo van Gogh
Are you unfamiliar with islamic death threats to the media? Do you believe they will not start on the new bastions of free speech, discussion forums?


Thank you. I read a book by Ayyan Hirsi Ali called Infidel. It was really good. I have a lot of repect for her.

You do realize that reporters went back to Somalia and found that her story was a fraud?

When this was revealed she was kicked out of Denmark for receiving refugee status under false pretenses.

In essence her total story was a lie from the beginning to end. :doubt:

Except she was a citizen and not subject to deportation.

Sunni, you really don't know much about women, do you?

Aside from that, Western women do what they want by choice and not by threats to their liberty and life.
Here's one I know of that is a lesbian..

Irshad Manji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is not a Muslim and would be thrown out of any mosque that she tried to enter.

Gullible western people listen to her and buy her books.

But she is an apostate and less than zero in the Islamic world.

Not in most of Europe, Turkey, Canada or the US. She'd probably even be welcome in Jordan..
Yes , I wish she would go to Jordan and walk the streets. :cool:
Thank you. I read a book by Ayyan Hirsi Ali called Infidel. It was really good. I have a lot of repect for her.

You do realize that reporters went back to Somalia and found that her story was a fraud?

When this was revealed she was kicked out of Denmark for receiving refugee status under false pretenses.

In essence her total story was a lie from the beginning to end. :doubt:

Except she was a citizen and not subject to deportation.

It took an act of the Dutch parliament in order for her to keep her citizenship.

Part of the deal was that she leave the country and emigrate to the United States.

But she publicly had to admit her lies in order to receive a passport to leave.

So she publicly admitted that she fabricated the whole story on the Dutch national media.
You do realize that reporters went back to Somalia and found that her story was a fraud?

When this was revealed she was kicked out of Denmark for receiving refugee status under false pretenses.

In essence her total story was a lie from the beginning to end. :doubt:

Except she was a citizen and not subject to deportation.

It took an act of the Dutch parliament in order for her to keep her citizenship.

Part of the deal was that she leave the country and emigrate to the United States.

But she publicly had to admit her lies in order to receive a passport to leave.

So she publicly admitted that she fabricated the whole story on the Dutch national media.

Yeah, and if she'd stayed in Somalia, she'd have been stoned.

What's your point?
She is not a Muslim and would be thrown out of any mosque that she tried to enter.

Gullible western people listen to her and buy her books.

But she is an apostate and less than zero in the Islamic world.

Not in most of Europe, Turkey, Canada or the US. She'd probably even be welcome in Jordan..
Yes , I wish she would go to Jordan and walk the streets. :cool:

Hey! How about you come to Kentucky and walk the streets! :lmao:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wroj0FLvzs]‪Patriotic drunk rednecks‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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