Who Is Occupying Who's Land?

Rehmani, et al,

I'm a bit confused in what you are saying here.

whole world know that israel built on occupied Palestinian territory,

Israel (proper) is that land generally considered and described as within the 1967 Borders.

Are you saying that Israel (proper) is on Palestinian Territory?


I don't think the whole world knows that at all.

Israel was initially established under the criteria of the UN General Assembly, pursuant to the "Step Preparatory to Independence." The UK relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged its forces in a pre-planned orderly withdrawal. On the same day, the Jewish Agency declared Independence and establishment of the State of Israel on the territory originally allotted to it by the partition plan, as coordinated with the UN Palestine Commission (as the successor to the UK). Fierce hostilities immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day, the Armed Forces of the neighboring Arab States entered the territory under the deceptive guise to assist the Arab Palestinians.

By the time of the Armistice Arrangements, Israel controlled much of the territory allotted to the Arab State by the partition resolution, including the western part of Jerusalem. Egypt and Jordan respectively controlled the remaining portions of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (which included East Jerusalem, with its walled Old City).

The armistice agreements were signed between Israel (representing the new Jewish State) and four of the bordering Arab States (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria). The agreements, which were all similar in general content, made clear that the purpose of the armistice was not to establish or recognize any territorial, custodial or other rights, claims or interests of any party. In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians were not even a party to any Armistice Agreement.

The State of Palestine and its territory is actually first recognized in the UN Resolution (A/RES/43/177) where it Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967; that would be the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and parts of Jerusalem.

While treaties between Israel and the Arab States of Jordan (1994) and Egypt (1979) were created, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, the Arab Palestinians were not parties to the treaties which established permanent international boundaries between Israel and the States of Jordan and Egypt.

It is in the Oslo Accords, that the jurisdiction of the Arab Palestinians is defined.

So I ask,
  • What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestinian?
  • What is the defined territory of the Arab Palestinian?
  • What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?
  • What capacity to enter into relations with the other states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
Most Respectfully,
The whole story as you described above is made by the Masters who control the world before W
Rehmani, et al,

I'm a bit confused in what you are saying here.

whole world know that israel built on occupied Palestinian territory,

Israel (proper) is that land generally considered and described as within the 1967 Borders.

Are you saying that Israel (proper) is on Palestinian Territory?


I don't think the whole world knows that at all.

Israel was initially established under the criteria of the UN General Assembly, pursuant to the "Step Preparatory to Independence." The UK relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged its forces in a pre-planned orderly withdrawal. On the same day, the Jewish Agency declared Independence and establishment of the State of Israel on the territory originally allotted to it by the partition plan, as coordinated with the UN Palestine Commission (as the successor to the UK). Fierce hostilities immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day, the Armed Forces of the neighboring Arab States entered the territory under the deceptive guise to assist the Arab Palestinians.

By the time of the Armistice Arrangements, Israel controlled much of the territory allotted to the Arab State by the partition resolution, including the western part of Jerusalem. Egypt and Jordan respectively controlled the remaining portions of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (which included East Jerusalem, with its walled Old City).

The armistice agreements were signed between Israel (representing the new Jewish State) and four of the bordering Arab States (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria). The agreements, which were all similar in general content, made clear that the purpose of the armistice was not to establish or recognize any territorial, custodial or other rights, claims or interests of any party. In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians were not even a party to any Armistice Agreement.

The State of Palestine and its territory is actually first recognized in the UN Resolution (A/RES/43/177) where it Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967; that would be the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and parts of Jerusalem.

While treaties between Israel and the Arab States of Jordan (1994) and Egypt (1979) were created, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, the Arab Palestinians were not parties to the treaties which established permanent international boundaries between Israel and the States of Jordan and Egypt.

It is in the Oslo Accords, that the jurisdiction of the Arab Palestinians is defined.

So I ask,
  • What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestinian?
  • What is the defined territory of the Arab Palestinian?
  • What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?
  • What capacity to enter into relations with the other states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
Most Respectfully,
The whole story as you described above is made by the Masters, who control the world before WWII, in the result of WWII Master gave the world UNO so as Jewish got Israel, so as world changed after WWII, World can be change again by the different Master. This is what history tell us and always repeat, so please don't tell us what suit to you be real. Let's talk about your question!
1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.
2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.
3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?
4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.


When did arab muslims last physically own Palestine under Customary International law. And at the time of WW1 who under Customary International law owned the land and who did they pass ownership too in 1919 under Customary International law it being the last time that land changed hands as spoils of war. The new owners then passed the land to mandates under the control of Britain, France and Russia and allocated parcels of land to arab muslims namely Iran, Iraq, Syria and Trans Jordan. This left the area now called Palestine as the NEW NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. The UN should never have partitioned the land but stuck to the mandate rules and gave the Jews the whole of Palestine and informed the arab muslims that they could move to the land that had been given to them under the mandate, or stay and become full citizens of Israel.

It is the muslims that consider themselves the masters in numbers but are far too disorganised to make them count

Office Of The Historian / US Department Of State
MILESTONES: 1945–1952
Creation of Israel, 1948
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.


Eliahu Elath presenting ark to President Truman

Although the United States supported the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which favored the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had assured the Arabs in 1945 that the United States would not intervene without consulting both the Jews and the Arabs in that region.

The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region. Great Britain wanted to preserve good relations with the Arabs to protect its vital political and economic interests in Palestine.
But I agree with you that Muslims are still dis-organised.

The British by rights had no say in the matter and it was their inherent ANTI SEMITISM and JEW HATRED that led to the problems we face today. The LoN should have relieved Britain of its mandate and given it to a stronger nation to manage.
Nonsense, You people will never understand, always making stupid argument and keep changing your own point of view, please be real and free your self from your master who are using you.
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Israel shoots at women, children, babies and civilians men because it wants to kill them and terrorise the survivors.

Killing Hamas is incidental to Israel when everyone in Gaza knows how all of Israel would happily destroy them, and does so to whatever calculations say the international community will stomach.

Every Hamas member killed creates four more recruits.
Killing Hamas doesn't even work for Israel's public objectives.
It's the effort that counts.

According to your logic, the Palestinians must be exterminated.


According to my logic, Israel by making peace can achieve peace. It can never achieve peace through making war.
If Israel kills every last Palestinian, others will come for Israel.

Israel has tried this since 1948 and the Palestinians have refused to talk, so what has changed all of a sudden to make you talk such rubbish. What are the Palestinians doing towards a just and mutual peace deal ?

This comment is too banal for a reply...
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?

Hi Hoss........You could say the same thing for the Zionist Mantra.......trust you are well Hoss..steve
Truly I don't understand the claim that Israel is stealing or occupying "Palestinian land" when the indigenous Palestinians were Jews & there were no Muslims at all, let alone Muslim Palestinians until after the 7th century AD.
How ridiculous

Would you be so kind as to tell us why the above comment is "so ridiculous." Or do you prefer others just see you as an imbecile to laugh at?
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
Okey dokey. So Mohammad received it and his wife wrote it out. (since he was illerate) Got it!
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
Okey dokey. So Mohammad received it and his wife wrote it out. (since he was illerate) Got it!
Mister, No, His(PBUH) companion wrote it and in Islam has tradition to memorize and recite daily or as much as some one can. For your knowledge Al-Quran can be recite or read by 7 methods without changing the pronunciation and meaning.
Please see some Muslim scholar around you for right knowledge.
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
Okey dokey. So Mohammad received it and his wife wrote it out. (since he was illerate) Got it!
Mister, No, His(PBUH) companion wrote it and in Islam has tradition to memorize and recite daily or as much as some one can. For your knowledge Al-Quran can be recite or read by 7 methods without changing the pronunciation and meaning.
Please see some Muslim scholar around you for right knowledge.

Will you tell us how "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land" when among the indigenous Palestinians since antiquity were Jews & not a single Muslim around until after the 7th century AD? This claim sounds like they are saying Israel is stealing their own land.
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
Okey dokey. So Mohammad received it and his wife wrote it out. (since he was illerate) Got it!
Mister, No, His(PBUH) companion wrote it and in Islam has tradition to memorize and recite daily or as much as some one can. For your knowledge Al-Quran can be recite or read by 7 methods without changing the pronunciation and meaning.
Please see some Muslim scholar around you for right knowledge.

Will you tell us how "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land" when among the indigenous Palestinians since antiquity were Jews & not a single Muslim around until after the 7th century AD? This claim sounds like they are saying Israel is stealing their own land.

Palestinians were almost all Christians that converted from the Roman Religions by 400 AD. After the Arab conquest of the mid 600s AD most, but not all, converted to Islam. Jews were a very tiny population. Same people different religions. The Europeans that settled in Palestine and stole the land from the Muslims and Christians were Europeans, not Palestinians or even Middle Easterners.
@Rehmani, et al,

Let the examination begin!

Let's talk about your question!

1) What is the permanent population of the Arab Palestine?
  • Jordanian,Lebanese,Palestinian and Palestinian Christian including Arab Jewish are part of UNITED PALESTINE population, you can not beat the numbers and you can not change the facts. Be Real.

Hummm: The United Palestine

I wasn't trying to beat numbers --- heavens no! The Palestinian Refugee Numbers are the only refugees that actually grew in size. What I was asking is how the Palestinians define themselves? What distinguishes them from other populations?

2) What is the defined territory of The Arab Palestine?
  • The Palestine was one combined state under OTTOMAN EMPIRE before WWII, including JORDAN,LEBANON,JERUSALEM(Baitulmuqadas) including Invader Israel and invaded territories of UNITED PALESTINE. You can not change the facts to making your own story, be real, good for sole and body.

Well, this is not a fact.

Palestine was an undefined area under the Ottoman Empire; territory under the greater governmental region of Syria. In the post-WWI Era, Palestine had to be defined by the Allied Powers; and was defined to mean "the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies." Palestine was, in effect, not defined by either the Arab or the Palestinian, but "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers."

In fact, it should be noted that the Hostile Arab Palestinian, that claims all of Palestine, more often than not, defines Palestine in reference to the boundaries established by the Allied Powers, as determined by Syke-Picot Agreement (1916) and further subdivided by the Mandatory Powers. Palestine is directly mentioned in the Treaty of Sevres, but not mentioned once in the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923.

Oddly enough, during the Ottoman Empire Era, Gaza was a Sanjak (District) of the Damascus Eyalet (Province), Syria - Ottoman Empire. Its administrative center was Gaza City. What the Palestinians call "Palestine," as the former territory under Mandate, is more correctly called the former Sanjak of Gaza.

Today (A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012), the UN Recalls also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation “Palestine” should be used in place of the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system; referring to the territory occupied since 1967. Thus, for the first time since the Palestine Order in Council (1922), the meaning of "Palestine" has changed FROM: are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine --- TO: the territory occupied since 1967.

3) What does the government of the Arab Palestinian have effective control over?

Prior to the establishment and recognition that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated, by Resolution at the Seventh Arab Summit, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974, there was no recognized government for Palestine. The Palestinians in the West Bank had, through their "right of self-determination," approved Annexation into the Hashemite Kingdom in 1950. And the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian Occupation until 1967. In 1967, the Egyptian Occupation was pushed-out of Gaza, and the Jordanian Forces were forced back across the Jordan River. In 1988, the HM the King of Jordan, dissolved the Annexation of the West Bank, and the PLO, using the "right of self-determination" again, declared Independence.

As we move forward in time to the present, we see that today, the UN Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine (Insert A/43/827 S/20278 18 November 1988) by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988; and Affirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967 (A/RES/43/177 15 December 1988).

4) What capacity to enter into relation with the others states does the Arab Palestinian claim to have?
You got answer of question 3/4 in Question 2. Be real you can not change the facts by dividing the Palestine and people of Palestine and same time you can not beat the numbers, even though Jewish consider themselves master in numbers, in my point of view only good in counting money nothing else.​

Central to the theme of "entering into relations with other states" (Article 1d, Montevideo Treaty which discusses the definition, rights and rights of statehood) is the concepts behind the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    • Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.

    Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

    Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.
Condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression; [A/RES/2/110 (1947)]

5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the
purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing,
planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations; [S/RES/1373 (2001)]

Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State. [A/RES/25/2625 (1970)]
While the Gaza Strip and West Bank have demarcation lines rather than a permanent borders, the respect accorded is exactly the same under International Law until such time as the are finalized through negotiations.

The problem here is not about the territorial dispute, but the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinian cannot demonstrate that they can enter into a productive and peaceful negotiated effort to resolve the differences.
Article Thirteen: [Hamas Covenant (1988)]
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
ITEM Nineteen: [Hamas Political Positions (2013)]
  • Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.
There is no significant difference between the positions held by the HAMAS of 1988 and the HAMAS of today; nor has there been any significant progress in developing a "productive" Friendly and Co-operative relationship between the two States, in the last quarter century.

Most Respectfully,
You are saying what ever suite to you, and giving long explanation to justify the Jews invasion in The Holly Land in the form of Zionist but again you can not beat THE NUMBERS AND CHANGE THE FACTS, as you accept your self that Palestine was an undefined territory under Ottoman Empire( but Israel was not define even in history), that is how Empire run before industrial revolution, but it is up to people of Palestine who live in the territory longer than any one else and sustain, how they want to be name their country, neither master nor jews.
Its a jews mentality to divide the region and the people in small parts and groups, so Jews can establish their monopoly or authority. Exactly what Jews did in Palestine(according to you undefined territory and according to history Israel never exist) divide the region and people in small territories and groups, like Jordan,Lebanon,occupied Palestine and invader Israel.

I will advise to Jews please be real, you can not beat the numbers and change the facts. Please free yourselves from your master or elders, who are guiding you in wrong direction or using you as a slave and sacrificing you when they wanted as they did in Germany, you can not blame to only Hitler, as you know that you can not clap with one hand. Please Jews be real either MASAYA IS NOT COMING, 3000 YEARS ALREADY PASSED OR JEWS SKIP TWO MASAYA JESUS PBUH AND MOHAMMAD PBUH, please complete the line of Prophets and be normal human being, no race can be especial race, unless especial race sh....t smell perfume or some thing stand the race out of mankind. Please give up the silly idea and help the world moving forward and inviting them in the nation of Abraham PBUH, ONE NATION, ONE WORLD.

remember one little fact that arab muslim Palestinians did not exist before 635 C.E. but Jewish Palestinians existed for 3,000 years before this. So who has lived on the land the longest the upstart ISLAMONAZI's or the Jews ?

You can not change the facts and figures on ground, be real good for you and for the world. No Masaya is coming 3000 years already passed and off course Jews are not prime kind, please change yourselves and follow the line of prophet Jesus PBUH and Mohammad PBUH, thanks.
Question, Ahab: Who wrote the Quran and what does it say about killing Jews and non-believers?
Answer, : AL-Quran is not written by any one, AL-Quran is sent By Allah(God) and Received by Prophet Mohammad PBUH, like Bible(Ingeel) By Jesus PBUH and Tourat by Moses PBUH. AL-Quran is talking about a lot issues, you are only coating, what you attract as a common reader, but in my point of view AL-Quran is also saying that Jews and Christian are your brothers because they also own book of Allah.
But I will advise to you please see some Muslim scholar near around you to correct misunderstanding.
Okey dokey. So Mohammad received it and his wife wrote it out. (since he was illerate) Got it!
Mister, No, His(PBUH) companion wrote it and in Islam has tradition to memorize and recite daily or as much as some one can. For your knowledge Al-Quran can be recite or read by 7 methods without changing the pronunciation and meaning.
Please see some Muslim scholar around you for right knowledge.

Will you tell us how "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land" when among the indigenous Palestinians since antiquity were Jews & not a single Muslim around until after the 7th century AD? This claim sounds like they are saying Israel is stealing their own land.

Palestinians were almost all Christians that converted from the Roman Religions by 400 AD. After the Arab conquest of the mid 600s AD most, but not all, converted to Islam. Jews were a very tiny population. Same people different religions. The Europeans that settled in Palestine and stole the land from the Muslims and Christians were Europeans, not Palestinians or even Middle Easterners.

Get serious. For your education, please note the "Israelite" period from approximately 1000 BCE-732 BCE. So tell us how many of your so called Roman religions were around then that the Jews converted from?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem or don't know the difference between AD and BC?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem or don't know the difference between AD and BC?

It is you who have just proven yourself to be a fool. Feel free to try again. You see, BCE or BC if you prefer predates AD. So again I ask you how many of those Roman religions you refer to that Palestinians converted from were around in the time period of the Israelites 1000 BCE to 750 BCE?

Time periods in the Palestine region - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reread what I wrote you frigging moron.

"Palestinians were almost all Christians that converted from the Roman Religions by 400 AD."

As I said, a reading comprehension problem. I said nothing about pre-history.
Reread what I wrote you frigging moron.

"Palestinians were almost all Christians that converted from the Roman Religions by 400 AD."

As I said, a reading comprehension problem. I said nothing about pre-history.
Reread what I wrote you frigging moron.

"Palestinians were almost all Christians that converted from the Roman Religions by 400 AD."

As I said, a reading comprehension problem. I said nothing about pre-history.

Oh yeah right. Now I get it. The ancient Israelites converted to those pre Christian "Roman religions" you refer to, right? Heh Heh!
Let's make it clearer for the morons. By 400 AD the state religion of the Roman Empire (the one led by Constantinople) was the one now called Orthodox Christian. Most people in the Empire converted to the Christian religion, including those living in Palestine. Now shut up morons.
Let's make it clearer for the morons. By 400 AD the state religion of the Roman Empire (the one led by Constantinople) was the one now called Orthodox Christian. Most people in the Empire converted to the Christian religion, including those living in Palestine. Now shut up morons.

Having a discussion with you is like being locked in a piece of pipe. Round & round we go with no way out. Let me dumb it down for you. Prior to 400 AD when the state religion of the Roman empire became Christianity, what were those Roman religionyou refered to that the Jews, or Israelites converted to? Let me help you out. Was it Mazdakism, Manicheism, or what?

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