Who Is It that Believes The Election Was Stolen?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Thinking, educated people wonder who these morons are, and since the 2020 election ended, I've come to accept there is a larger percentage of these morons than I ever thought was possible. Three studies determine what most of us already knew.

Just who believes the claim that Trump won in 2020 and that the election was stolen from him? Who are these tens of millions of Americans and what draws them into this web of delusion?

Three sources provided The Times with survey data: The University of Massachusetts-Amherst Poll; P.R.R.I. (the Public Religion Research Institute); and Reuters-Ipsos. With minor exceptions, the data from all three polls is similar.

Alexander Theodoridis, a political scientist at the University of Massachusetts, summed it up:

About 35 percent of Americans believed in April that Biden’s victory was illegitimate, with another 6 percent saying they are not sure. What can we say about the Americans who do not think Biden’s victory was legitimate? Compared to the overall voting-age population, they are disproportionately white, Republican, older, less educated, more conservative, and more religious (particularly more Protestant and more likely to describe themselves as born again).
P.R.R.I. also tested agreement or disagreement with a view that drives “replacement theory” — “Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background” — and found that 60 percent of Republicans agreed, as do 55 percent of conservatives.

The Reuters/Ipsos data showed that among white Republicans, those without college degrees were far more likely to agree “that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump,” at 69 percent, than white Republicans with college degrees, at a still astonishing 51 percent. The same survey data showed that the level of this belief remained consistently strong (60 percent plus) among Republicans of all ages living in rural, suburban or urban areas.

Thinking, educated people wonder who these morons are, and since the 2020 election ended, I've come to accept there is a larger percentage of these morons than I ever thought was possible. Three studies determine what most of us already knew.

Just who believes the claim that Trump won in 2020 and that the election was stolen from him? Who are these tens of millions of Americans and what draws them into this web of delusion?

Three sources provided The Times with survey data: The University of Massachusetts-Amherst Poll; P.R.R.I. (the Public Religion Research Institute); and Reuters-Ipsos. With minor exceptions, the data from all three polls is similar.

Alexander Theodoridis, a political scientist at the University of Massachusetts, summed it up:

P.R.R.I. also tested agreement or disagreement with a view that drives “replacement theory” — “Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background” — and found that 60 percent of Republicans agreed, as do 55 percent of conservatives.

The Reuters/Ipsos data showed that among white Republicans, those without college degrees were far more likely to agree “that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump,” at 69 percent, than white Republicans with college degrees, at a still astonishing 51 percent. The same survey data showed that the level of this belief remained consistently strong (60 percent plus) among Republicans of all ages living in rural, suburban or urban areas.

With proven academic data showing that both academia and the media leans heavily to the Left, what you have in place is a propaganda behemoth that skews all elections.

That alone "fixes" elections for the DNC and is why they have dominated.
On election night I watched the incredible lead Trump had wiped out by mail in ballots. As if every mail in ballot was for Biden. I realized, the Fuckers are stealing the election.

Here in Arizona it was the opposite. Some of the media called the race early for Biden and the race tightened in subsequent days as mail-in votes were being counted.

On election night I watched the incredible lead Trump had wiped out by mail in ballots. As if every mail in ballot was for Biden. I realized, the Fuckers are stealing the election.
You watched just what had been predicted

Early Trump lead because he urged Republicans to vote in person and Republican legislatures blocked early counting of mail in votes.

As predicted, once the mail in votes were counted, Biden surged to the lead

Pennsylvania is a prime example where the legislature blocked early counting of mail in votes
P.R.R.I. also tested agreement or disagreement with a view that drives “replacement theory” — “Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background” — and found that 60 percent of Republicans agreed, as do 55 percent of conservatives.
That means 60 percent of Republicans are true Americans, because, if you don't care about the Great Replacement, you are either a fool or an enemy. Just ask Israelis what they think of Sudanese immigrants, or the Palestinians they stole the land from. They are the "60 percent of Republicans." And that's what makes the Jew incompatible to our nation and civilization, for he works by deception to accomplish here what he opposes by force in Israel. He is a hypocrite and a force for destruction

Who Is It that Believes The Election Was Stolen?​

All we need from you is your proof that it wasn't stolen! Why do you people keep this issue alive with your refusal to close the matter?

Thinking, educated people wonder who these morons are
What proof do you have of that?

Do you ever provide proof of anything you claim?
Sane people
So you think the stuttering, stumbling, plagiarizing, grifting boob in the WH, Calamity Joe, wrecking foreign policy, wrecking the economy, promoting illegal dictatorial mandates now even as he fails at Covid as well while needing cue cards and permission slips from Nancy to speak was the "sane" choice?

You watched just what had been predicted

Early Trump lead because he urged Republicans to vote in person and Republican legislatures blocked early counting of mail in votes.

As predicted, once the mail in votes were counted, Biden surged to the lead

Pennsylvania is a prime example where the legislature blocked early counting of mail in votes
Even the slightest step to protect the integrity of our elections--the most moderate and common sense proposals to prevent cheating--are met with apoplexy by one party, and fierce resistance. That's how you know which party needs to steal elections. That's how you know which party will destroy our republic and send us over the cliff into tyranny. It's just sad there are so many like you who look forward to that
Even the slightest step to protect the integrity of our elections--the most moderate and common sense proposals to prevent cheating--are met with apoplexy by one party, and fierce resistance. That's how you know which party needs to steal elections. That's how you know which party will destroy our republic and send us over the cliff into tyranny. It's just sad there are so many like you who look forward to that
Actually, all available evidence shows Donald J Trump tried to steal the election thru..

Widespread misinformation campaign about election integrity Frivolous lawsuits that he expected his appointed judges to support
Pressuring local election officials to overturn the voters
Pressuring his Vice President to overturn the states
Sending a mob to disrupt the certification process

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