Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

You can always depend on whitey to be sucking on a government tit.
You are so right when I lived in Chicago I was so appalled at Whitey living in Cabrini green and Robert Taylor homes ,while rich blacks wouldn't even give them a dime while driving their BMWs to work it was so sad

When I lived in Arizona for a year, you are so right, seeing Whitey get their monthly check , hanging out On a street corner getting drunk while hard working native Americans drive by in their Lexus to work not giving a damn

Yea great post , you are so correct
You agree with my post Chief sitting bull shitter? Lmao ,what are you drinking, Buffalo dung again ?
Anyone that can't do proportions shouldn't be attempting to make a argument.

Blacks being 1/5th of the population person to person = get more per capital.

I'd shit myself if blacks were using as much as whites. They already kill as much as whites...Christ we don't need them to be using welfare as much.
Ok OP you are a really a girl , ok kind of figured that out a bit ago, I love the Indian heritage , so I won't argue much from here on out
WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


More: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Probably mostly in red states.

So what, fake indian, what does this prove?
Population based Shitting Bull, clearly we left too may of you alive.

We won't make that mistake again.
Stats are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

In this case, they are used to manipulate the disgraceful redskin.
The fact is that using the OPs stats proves that almost twice the population of food stamp users compared to over all population of that race are using food stamps ( blacks) and that only about 66 percent of whites compared to food stamp usage and overall population of whites use food stamps. So the claim that percentage wise that blacks use more food stamps then whites is accurate and in fact over twice as many blacks per capita are on food stamps then whites.
The fact is that using the OPs stats proves that almost twice the population of food stamp users compared to over all population of that race are using food stamps ( blacks) and that only about 66 percent of whites compared to food stamp usage and overall population of whites use food stamps. So the claim that percentage wise that blacks use more food stamps then whites is accurate and in fact over twice as many blacks per capita are on food stamps then whites.

Now, can you give us some algorithms?
The fact is that using the OPs stats proves that almost twice the population of food stamp users compared to over all population of that race are using food stamps ( blacks) and that only about 66 percent of whites compared to food stamp usage and overall population of whites use food stamps. So the claim that percentage wise that blacks use more food stamps then whites is accurate and in fact over twice as many blacks per capita are on food stamps then whites.

Now, can you give us some algorithms?
I don't need to. The facts are clear. 13 percent of the population are black yet 25 percent of those of food stamps are black. 60 percent of the population is white yet only 42 percent of those on food stamps are white. A 5th grader could do the math.
The fact is that using the OPs stats proves that almost twice the population of food stamp users compared to over all population of that race are using food stamps ( blacks) and that only about 66 percent of whites compared to food stamp usage and overall population of whites use food stamps. So the claim that percentage wise that blacks use more food stamps then whites is accurate and in fact over twice as many blacks per capita are on food stamps then whites.

Now, can you give us some algorithms?
I don't need to. The facts are clear. 13 percent of the population are black yet 25 percent of those of food stamps are black. 60 percent of the population is white yet only 42 percent of those on food stamps are white. A 5th grader could do the math.

So, you're saying that total food stamp costs for blacks are more than for whites?
The fact is that using the OPs stats proves that almost twice the population of food stamp users compared to over all population of that race are using food stamps ( blacks) and that only about 66 percent of whites compared to food stamp usage and overall population of whites use food stamps. So the claim that percentage wise that blacks use more food stamps then whites is accurate and in fact over twice as many blacks per capita are on food stamps then whites.

Now, can you give us some algorithms?
I don't need to. The facts are clear. 13 percent of the population are black yet 25 percent of those of food stamps are black. 60 percent of the population is white yet only 42 percent of those on food stamps are white. A 5th grader could do the math.

So, you're saying that total food stamp costs for blacks are more than for whites?
No I am saying far more blacks as a percentage of the population are on food stamps then are whites.
By the way the argument that whites get more money from the Government then blacks is flawed as there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. So no matter what you compared whites would get more in an absolute situation.
WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


More: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Probably mostly in red states.

Oh, my goodness. This is too funny. Do you know what the term "per capita" means? Obviously, whatever math classes you had never covered even the basic aspects of statistics.

Whites comprise 72% of the American population. So, naturally, in terms of raw percentage they're going to be getting the most food stamps. But you have to do a per capita analysis and then compare the results to get a clear, complete picture.

Whites comprise 72% of the population but only 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white. In contrast, blacks only comprise 13% of the population, but they account for 25.7% of food stamp recipients. Hispanics comprise about 17% of the population, but they only account for 10.3% of food stamp recipients.

In case you still don't get it, the percentage of whites on food stamps is about 42% less than the white percentage of the population. The percentage of hispanics on food stamps is about 40% less than the hispanic percentage of the population. The percentage of blacks on food stamps is nearly 100% more than the black percentage of the population.
WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


More: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Probably mostly in red states.

Oh, my goodness. This is too funny. Do you know what the term "per capita" means? Obviously, whatever math classes you had never covered even the basic aspects of statistics.

Whites comprise 72% of the American population. So, naturally, in terms of raw percentage they're going to be getting the most food stamps. But you have to do a per capita analysis and then compare the results to get a clear, complete picture.

Whites comprise 72% of the population but only 40.2% of food stamp recipients are white. In contrast, blacks only comprise 13% of the population, but they account for 25.7% of food stamp recipients. Hispanics comprise about 17% of the population, but they only account for 10.3% of food stamp recipients.

In case you still don't get it, the percentage of whites on food stamps is about 42% less than the white percentage of the population. The percentage of hispanics on food stamps is about 40% less than the hispanic percentage of the population. The percentage of blacks on food stamps is nearly 100% more than the black percentage of the population.

They really need to ditch the democrat party........since the democrats owned their ancestors they have never had the chance to experience true freedom...the democrats will just not let them go.......

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