Who do you trust most to give power back?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Which of the candidates do you think would be the most willing to give up the power of the Presidency if we gave it to them?
I don't think you have to be a Paul supporter to admit Paul would be that guy... I doubt any of the other people on stage would give any power back, in fact most have said they would grow Government is some shape or form.
Honestly as far as this question is concerned.....Ron Paul.

But I also believe his policy on international affairs would really hurt us and our friends. Plus anarchy scares me.
I would also say Paul is the most humble. But with that comes a level of danger because he too easily is willing to trust anyone else based on his sense that everyone else is equally intentioned.
...in the current GOP primary lineup that fits your question. Since every one knows who it is or has already gave U his name already, I must say the following... lets hope America wakes up & supports him before we go complete police state.

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty to purchase a little TEMPORARY safety deserve NEITHER LIBERTY OR SAFETY." Think about it!

Which of the candidates do you think would be the most willing to give up the power of the Presidency if we gave it to them?
I trust our military to ensure anyone we elect as President will willingly relinquish that power when their term is up.
You're a fucking idiot. You and your fellow meatheads will do as told. If that weren't true the White House would have been raided withing a couple of hours after your hero signed the patriot "act".

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