Who do you support, the police or FBI?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It's sad but questions like this pop into my mind as every institution gets politicized these days.

As most probably now, the largest police union endorsed Trump as President.

Nation's largest police union endorses Trump

And as we read in the news, every member of Mueller's team in the FBI were ardent Hillary supporters and tweeted often about how they needed to destroy Trump.

Now according to the main stream media, the police are racists and the FBI are angelic innocents, or vice versa depending on your political slant.

But I do kinda understand why the Police union cast their vote for Trump. I mean, here you have a sitting President in Obama refuse to utter the words "Islamic terrorist" so that people will not take out their angst and anger against innocent Muslims. But that did not prevent Obama from fanning the idea that the police force in the US was racist, after events like Ferguson and Baltimore.

The end result was police officers all across the country being assassinated.

Will the FBI encounter similar hostility now that they have been painted as the tool for the DNC?

More importantly, can the country ever come together again?
Obama and Holder where anti-white/police/America
they had a parade of tax payer paid,brand new SUVs through St Louis for a CRIMINAL
spent thousands of $$$$$ for a CRIMINAL...went to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal
...didn't give a shit about the white cop who the criminal ATTACKED
..and Obama said the police ''acted stupidly'' but not the black racist that started that other crap
It's sad but questions like this pop into my mind as every institution gets politicized these days.

As most probably now, the largest police union endorsed Trump as President.

Nation's largest police union endorses Trump

And as we read in the news, every member of Mueller's team in the FBI were ardent Hillary supporters and tweeted often about how they needed to destroy Trump.

Now according to the main stream media, the police are racists and the FBI are angelic innocents, or vice versa depending on your political slant.

But I do kinda understand why the Police union cast their vote for Trump. I mean, here you have a sitting President in Obama refuse to utter the words "Islamic terrorist" so that people will not take out their angst and anger against innocent Muslims. But that did not prevent Obama from fanning the idea that the police force in the US was racist, after events like Ferguson and Baltimore.

The end result was police officers all across the country being assassinated.

Will the FBI encounter similar hostility now that they have been painted as the tool for the DNC?

More importantly, can the country ever come together again?

When a police officer falls out of line, there are many people above him he has to answer to. It's less likely for an FBI agent.

A police shooting takes place. The coroner comes out, forensic scientists come out, many times a different agency other than the police come out, homicide detectives come out, the media comes out.

What happens when the head of the FBI instructs the AG not to pursue charges against somebody that obviously broke the law several times? The media reports on it for a day or two. Nobody above the FBI will look into the matter, especially when the head is in the same cabal as his superiors. Nothing happens there unless the political opposition gets in and has the situation investigated himself.

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