The DOJ & FBI KNOW Who The J6 Pipe Bomber Is - Why Do They Refuse To Reveal It Or Make The Arrest?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
To track down and arrest every J6 Conservative protestor the DOJ & FBI:

- Used everCapirotol security camera, every traffick camera, every business security canera, every ring doorbell camera...

- Used cell phone data...

- Tracked down every license plate in the DC Capitol area...

- Collected, analyzed every credit / debit card purchase to track down card owners...

- The FBI even admitted to violating the US Constitution, violating the Patriot At, and illegally spying on Americans thousands of times

The DOJ & FBI had all of tjose same legal and illegal tools and resources to identify, track down, and arrest the 'Capitol Pipe Bomber'.






These are only a very small n7mber ogmf photos and evidence they SHOWED.

Not 1 hair

Not 1 print - finger, shoe, etc...

No evidence acquired from the pipebomb

Unable to track the bomber on canera vack where they originated, as they dod with hundreds of J6ers

No cell phone hit

No credit card

The greatest law enforcement / ctiminal investigative agency in the world that tracked down every American citizen at the Capitol on J6...

....and they remain silent, no arrest, and unwilling to give Congress anything it has on the bomber.


The bomb didn't go off.

A national threat - someone so meticulous in covering their tracks, remaining invisible - capable of defeating the FBI, delivers a DUD?

VP Harris claimed to have been in tbe building while the pipebomb was in place.

According to Senator Ron Johnson, the Secret Service definitively affirmed that they swept the outside areas of the DNC building adjacent to the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking deck, AND FOUND NOTHING.
- How could the SS f* up THAT badly?!

'The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance.'

'The Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.'

The entire 'J6 Capitol Pipe Bomb' story is filled with holes.

Its messy.

It requires Americans to believe the world's premiere investigative agency was outsmarted / defeated by a Trump supporter - 'MAGA'.

It requires Americans to believe the most elite protection detail in the world missed a bomb mere feet away from both the entry and exit door as well as the parking garage.

It is ridiculous. It is almost unbelievable.

Let's say the Secret Service sleep-walked through their security sweep to ensure the protection of the Vice President of the United States...
- Why didn't we hear more about this serious lapse in protection, an iinternal nvestigation,a report, or changes made?

That still means the FBI, the premiere investigative bureau in the world who tracked down every American at / near the Capitol over a period of over a year and put them in DC Gitmo.

I don't believe for a second the FBI does NOT know who the Pipe Bomber is.

I don't believe the eorld's premiere investigative service has been reduced to releasing vidros and BEGGING Americans they have illegally spied on for help idrntifying the bomber.

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". . .The informant told his handlers at the FBI that the Kansas City Proud Boy Group he was infiltrating and accompanied to the Capitol on January 6th “were not involved in, nor did they inspire the breaking of the barriers at the Capitol building. CHS describe the scene as the crowd doing it as a “herd mentality,” and that it was not organized. The crowd was shouting “stop the vote,” as they made their way to the Capitol building…"

To track down and arrest every J6 Conservative protestor the DOJ & FBI:

- Used everCapirotol security camera, every traffick camera, every business security canera, every ring doorbell camera...

- Used cell phone data...

- Tracked down every license plate in the DC Capitol area...

- Collected, analyzed every credit / debit card purchase to track down card owners...

- The FBI even admitted to violating the US Constitution, violating the Patriot At, and illegally spying on Americans thousands of times

The DOJ & FBI had all of tjose same legal and illegal tools and resources to identify, track down, and arrest the 'Capitol Pipe Bomber'.

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These are only a very small n7mber ogmf photos and evidence they SHOWED.

Not 1 hair

Not 1 print - finger, shoe, etc...

No evidence acquired from the pipebomb

Unable to track the bomber on canera vack where they originated, as they dod with hundreds of J6ers

No cell phone hit

No credit card

The greatest law enforcement / ctiminal investigative agency in the world that tracked down every American citizen at the Capitol on J6...

....and they remain silent, no arrest, and unwilling to give Congress anything it has on the bomber.


The bomb didn't go off.

A national threat - someone so meticulous in covering their tracks, remaining invisible - capable of defeating the FBI, delivers a DUD?

VP Harris claimed to have been in tbe building while the pipebomb was in place.

According to Senator Ron Johnson, the Secret Service definitively affirmed that they swept the outside areas of the DNC building adjacent to the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking deck, AND FOUND NOTHING.
- How could the SS f* up THAT badly?!

'The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance.'

'The Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.'

The entire 'J6 Capitol Pipe Bomb' story is filled with holes.

Its messy.

It requires Americans to believe the world's premiere investigative agency was outsmarted / defeated by a Trump supporter - 'MAGA'.

It requires Americans to believe the most elite protection detail in the world missed a bomb mere feet away from both the entry and exit door as well as the parking garage.

It is ridiculous. It is almost unbelievable.

Let's say the Secret Service sleep-walked through their security sweep to ensure the protection of the Vice President of the United States...
- Why didn't we hear more about this serious lapse in protection, an iinternal nvestigation,a report, or changes made?

That still means the FBI, the premiere investigative bureau in the world who tracked down every American at / near the Capitol over a period of over a year and put them in DC Gitmo.

I don't believe for a second the FBI does NOT know who the Pipe Bomber is.

I don't believe the eorld's premiere investigative service has been reduced to releasing vidros and BEGGING Americans they have illegally spied on for help idrntifying the bomber.


To track down and arrest every J6 Conservative protestor the DOJ & FBI:

- Used everCapirotol security camera, every traffick camera, every business security canera, every ring doorbell camera...

- Used cell phone data...

- Tracked down every license plate in the DC Capitol area...

- Collected, analyzed every credit / debit card purchase to track down card owners...

- The FBI even admitted to violating the US Constitution, violating the Patriot At, and illegally spying on Americans thousands of times

The DOJ & FBI had all of tjose same legal and illegal tools and resources to identify, track down, and arrest the 'Capitol Pipe Bomber'.

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These are only a very small n7mber ogmf photos and evidence they SHOWED.

Not 1 hair

Not 1 print - finger, shoe, etc...

No evidence acquired from the pipebomb

Unable to track the bomber on canera vack where they originated, as they dod with hundreds of J6ers

No cell phone hit

No credit card

The greatest law enforcement / ctiminal investigative agency in the world that tracked down every American citizen at the Capitol on J6...

....and they remain silent, no arrest, and unwilling to give Congress anything it has on the bomber.


The bomb didn't go off.

A national threat - someone so meticulous in covering their tracks, remaining invisible - capable of defeating the FBI, delivers a DUD?

VP Harris claimed to have been in tbe building while the pipebomb was in place.

According to Senator Ron Johnson, the Secret Service definitively affirmed that they swept the outside areas of the DNC building adjacent to the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking deck, AND FOUND NOTHING.
- How could the SS f* up THAT badly?!

'The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance.'

'The Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.'

The entire 'J6 Capitol Pipe Bomb' story is filled with holes.

Its messy.

It requires Americans to believe the world's premiere investigative agency was outsmarted / defeated by a Trump supporter - 'MAGA'.

It requires Americans to believe the most elite protection detail in the world missed a bomb mere feet away from both the entry and exit door as well as the parking garage.

It is ridiculous. It is almost unbelievable.

Let's say the Secret Service sleep-walked through their security sweep to ensure the protection of the Vice President of the United States...
- Why didn't we hear more about this serious lapse in protection, an iinternal nvestigation,a report, or changes made?

That still means the FBI, the premiere investigative bureau in the world who tracked down every American at / near the Capitol over a period of over a year and put them in DC Gitmo.

I don't believe for a second the FBI does NOT know who the Pipe Bomber is.

I don't believe the eorld's premiere investigative service has been reduced to releasing vidros and BEGGING Americans they have illegally spied on for help idrntifying the bomber.

Finding someone who put their shoes up on Pelosi's desk is much more important. But, it kind of makes you wonder if they know who the pipe bomber is and the person isn't a MAGA.
Finding someone who put their shoes up on Pelosi's desk is much more important. But, it kind of makes you wonder if they know who the pipe bomber is and the person isn't a MAGA.
Because the pipe bomber didn’t post photos of themselves on Facebook planting the pipe bomb like the rioters on January 6th posted photos of them breaking into the Capitol.
Because the pipe bomber didn’t post photos of themselves on Facebook planting the pipe bomb like the rioters on January 6th posted photos of them breaking into the Capitol.
Oh. Now I get it. The Jan 6'rs were peaceful protesters who knew they weren't doing anything wrong but the pipe bomber knew he was doing something wrong and didn't want to get caught. I see your reasoning there and you're probably right.
Oh. Now I get it. The Jan 6'rs were peaceful protesters who knew they weren't doing anything wrong but the pipe bomber knew he was doing something wrong and didn't want to get caught. I see your reasoning there and you're probably right.
No, they were delusional sociopaths who thought they would ever have to face repercussions for lawlessness.

Amazing that you think this fact makes them look better.
The FBI used Capitol, street, business, and private cameras to track J6 protestors from the Capitol all the way back to their cars parked blocks (some farther) away to identify their car and license plates so they could eventually ID them, track them down, and arrest them.

Sooooo.....WHY couldn't the world's premiere investigative agency do the same thing with the Pipe Bomber?
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I see, so those in prison for the 1/6 and those awaiting trial are govt. operatives?
Of course not. That is sort of the point here.

They were involved in doing, and possibly? inciting this whole mess, (for we now know, they knew about it well in advance and made no effort to prevent the disaster,) and back when I read much of the evidence, they were usually referred to as, "unnamed co-conspirator."

The point here is, why should the government folks not also be awaiting trial, or on trial, for doing the same things?

If the government knew what was about to occur, why did they not just stop it?

Did you not watch the video in post #4? It asked very thoughtful and pertinent questions. This is not frivolous conspiracy talk, and you can even think Trump is a demagogue, a complete loon, and all those who showed up believing the election was unfair, were hot heads, but it was, still, empirically, their right to protest.

The FBI can disect a bomb, identify the elements, and often track down where they came from, what stores the parts were sold, and thus finding out who bought them

No prints, no markings on the outside or on the elements in the bomb.

No mention if the pipe bomb was capable of exploding and failed to go off or just a prop / for show for thr cameras.


The bomber's sneakers were identified - company, brand, design, size....longshot, but we are talking about the FBI, not Barney Fife.

What existing video that has been released to the public shows what side-dominance they are (right handed vs left, what foot he leads off with when they step...)

Thry know how tall they are based on the video and his size next to known / existing landmarks / objects in the video.

They know the exact location of the bomb - close to the entrance, exit, and parking garage.

Nothing disturbed, no marks, no prints, no hairs, no fibers, no signals, no warnings, nothing left behind, & it wasn't hidden extremely well....

...but somehow the best protection agency in the world with thousands of hours of practice and hands-on live experience completely missed a pipe bomb placed by the entrance / exit the VP was taking to/from the parking garage that was used ... placed by some 'ignorant MAGA Trump supporter'....

...who managed to outsmart the entire FBI who can't find them and the VP's Secret Service detail.

:eusa_doh: DOH!

That's got to be absolutely HUMILIATING for FBI Director Wray, his FBI, and the Secret Service....a Trump supporter making them look like amateurs.

No, they were delusional sociopaths who thought they would ever have to face repercussions for lawlessness.

Amazing that you think this fact makes them look better.
So, now you're saying that the Jan6'rs were the problem and that the pipe bomber wasn't a delusional sociopath who thought they would never have to face repercussions for their lawlessness? Boy, you turn on a dime, don't you?
So, now you're saying that the Jan6'rs were the problem and that the pipe bomber wasn't a delusional sociopath who thought they would never have to face repercussions for their lawlessness? Boy, you turn on a dime, don't you?
The pipe bomber is absolutely a criminal but he wasn’t so delusional as to think his actions wouldn’t have legal consequences.

Which is why the pipe bomber took such precautions to avoid being identified.

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