Who are you going to believe? Dirty Fuel Profiteers' Toadies or Your Lying Eyes?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Will leadership emerge in such an undeniable existential crisis?
The State of the Climate report for 2021 highlights a world that is "changing before our eyes."
The 20-year temperature average from 2002 is on course to exceed 1C above pre-industrial levels for the first time.
And global sea levels rose to a new high in 2021, according to the study.
These latest figures for 2021 are being released early by the WMO to coincide with the start of the UN climate conference in Glasgow known as COP26.
Ideologues have their blindfolds to accessorize their tin foil toppers, but those charged with coping with the empirical reality do not have the luxury of self-delusion.

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"The concept of global warming
was created by and for the Chinese
in order to make U.S. manufacturing

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“I hope world leaders will hear them and come to Glasgow
ready to answer them with decisive action.

We need to recognise the scale of the consequences if we fail.
The difference between restricting the growth in temperatures to 1.5C
and allowing them to increase by 4C is potentially absolutely catastrophic
for our children, our grandchildren and succeeding generations.
We cannot discount their welfare.

“Together, we can mark the beginning of the end of climate change —
and end the uncertainty once and for all.”

Screen Shot 2021-08-23 at 11.49.56 AM.png
"Plan for the future!
Soaring temperatures, droughts, fires, floods, food shortages, etc.
will drive more desperate families to our border,
but once it gets just as crappy here,

there'll be no more reason for all them
rapists 'n drug dealers to come!"

The lefts been touting this nonsense
Climatologists, the Pentagon, etc., etc., etc.

The crackpots who fantasize that anthropogenic climate change that virtually every nation on earth now recognizes is a Chinese hoax will alway have those "lefts" festering in their noggins, but the reality-oriented can no longer delude themselves in that manner.
Climatologists, the Pentagon, etc., etc., etc.

The crackpots who fantasize that anthropogenic climate change that virtually every nation on earth now recognizes is a Chinese hoax will alway have those "lefts" festering in their noggins, but the reality-oriented can no longer delude themselves in that manner.
why hasn't the problem been fixed?
Will leadership emerge in such an undeniable existential crisis?
The State of the Climate report for 2021 highlights a world that is "changing before our eyes."
The 20-year temperature average from 2002 is on course to exceed 1C above pre-industrial levels for the first time.
And global sea levels rose to a new high in 2021, according to the study.
These latest figures for 2021 are being released early by the WMO to coincide with the start of the UN climate conference in Glasgow known as COP26.
Ideologues have their blindfolds to accessorize their tin foil toppers, but those charged with coping with the empirical reality do not have the luxury of self-delusion.

View attachment 558610

View attachment 558611

"The concept of global warming

was created by and for the Chinese

in order to make U.S. manufacturing


View attachment 558617

“I hope world leaders will hear them and come to Glasgow

ready to answer them with decisive action.

We need to recognise the scale of the consequences if we fail.

The difference between restricting the growth in temperatures to 1.5C

and allowing them to increase by 4C is potentially absolutely catastrophic

for our children, our grandchildren and succeeding generations.

We cannot discount their welfare.

“Together, we can mark the beginning of the end of climate change —

and end the uncertainty once and for all.”

Climate change is a risk to national security, the Pentagon says

View attachment 558629

"Plan for the future!

Soaring temperatures, droughts, fires, floods, food shortages, etc.

will drive more desperate families to our border,

but once it gets just as crappy here,

there'll be no more reason for all them

rapists 'n drug dealers to come!"

I know what I'm doing. I'm at 5500 feet above see level and getting my house ready to be a beachfront property. :thup:
Will leadership emerge in such an undeniable existential crisis?
The State of the Climate report for 2021 highlights a world that is "changing before our eyes."
The 20-year temperature average from 2002 is on course to exceed 1C above pre-industrial levels for the first time.
And global sea levels rose to a new high in 2021, according to the study.
These latest figures for 2021 are being released early by the WMO to coincide with the start of the UN climate conference in Glasgow known as COP26.
Ideologues have their blindfolds to accessorize their tin foil toppers, but those charged with coping with the empirical reality do not have the luxury of self-delusion.

View attachment 558610

View attachment 558611

"The concept of global warming

was created by and for the Chinese

in order to make U.S. manufacturing


View attachment 558617

“I hope world leaders will hear them and come to Glasgow

ready to answer them with decisive action.

We need to recognise the scale of the consequences if we fail.

The difference between restricting the growth in temperatures to 1.5C

and allowing them to increase by 4C is potentially absolutely catastrophic

for our children, our grandchildren and succeeding generations.

We cannot discount their welfare.

“Together, we can mark the beginning of the end of climate change —

and end the uncertainty once and for all.”

Climate change is a risk to national security, the Pentagon says

View attachment 558629

"Plan for the future!

Soaring temperatures, droughts, fires, floods, food shortages, etc.

will drive more desperate families to our border,

but once it gets just as crappy here,

there'll be no more reason for all them

rapists 'n drug dealers to come!"

But all those foreign scientists are just lying for US government grant money. It makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.
The lefts been touting this nonsense since AT LEAST the 70s. If they could fix it, they would have done it by now.

But im sure they are thankful for their useful idiots who believe this drivel.
116 in Portland, Oregon in June. 121 in Lytton, BC. Fires measured in hundreds of square miles, some even exceeding a thousand square mile. In fact, huge fires on every continent save Antarctica. Increased flooding on every continent save Antarctica.

The left asks us to "believe our eyes" while they rely on prophecies based on an unproven theory that humans influence the climate. Global Warming aka Climate Change is an extortion scam invented by a failed politician who had no background in science.
Like Biden telling us "I'm not punishing successful people" then 10 seconds later punishing successful people with $1.99 trillion in new taxes.
Like Biden telling us "I'm not punishing successful people" then 10 seconds later punishing successful people with $1.99 trillion in new taxes.
The lying criminal that preceded Biden in the White House gave the very wealthy that much in tax breaks. Didn't do a thing for the economy or the average worker. Concerning a wealth tax. If I add an addition on my house, my property taxes go up. Why should that be any different for someone adding immense wealth in their holding? Yes, $10 billion for Elon Musk sounds like a lot, but his holding increased in value by $36 billion in just one day.
Finally we are getting to the real issue, Dems are pissed that private companies are making a profit off fossil fuels.
"Dems" in Denialistspeak = among others, the Pentagon, every recognized domestic and international climatological body, and virtually every nation on earth that acknowledges the irrefutable empirical reality.

These same rudimentary-brained troglodytes only recently stopped vilifying the petroleum cartels for impeding the private profit of the whaling industry.

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"You scurvy, oleaginously-blighted bilge rats!
You're hurting harpoon sales!"

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