Who are the Palestinians? An Arab Invention.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 61768
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You forgot to mention that the Dome of the Rock was originally a Jewish synagogue and later it was transformed into a Cathedral and then later when the land was conquered and taken over by Muslims it was converted from a church into a Mosque. So as a Mosque, no it didn't stand there for 1300 years. Only in your confused mind.

Well I never mentioned any of the above because there's no evidence that the Dome of the Rock was ever a Jewish synagogue, having been built in 691CE by the Ummayids, that's highly unlikely. Yes, the Crusaders turned it into a church while they ruled Jerusalem and then it was re-converted back into a Mosque when Jerusalem was reconquered ans has remained a mosque ever since. My mind isn't confused, unlike some.
It was a Jewish synagogue (notice the dome and the link / information posted about early synagogue structures and domes) which the Romans later turned into a cathedral and later on when the Muslims came in and took it over it was turned it into a Mosque. Is there any land, any building, anything the Moslems didn't steal from other people by conquest or terrorism? Pakistan was carved out of India too. Mohammad was born in 570 A.D. so look sometime before 600 A.D. for who the original occupants were of lands, etc. As for the Jews? They were in Israel thousands of years before Mohammad was even a twinkle in his mothers eye and afterward as well. AND THERE WERE NO MOSQUES THEN EITHER.

Your Koran identifies Israel as given to the Jews by God. There is no mention of Jerusalem or Palestinians in your Koran. There is no religious connection between Israel and Islam. You've got one Muslim Cleric who even went on record stating there as no religious significance to Muslims connected to Israel or Jerusalem and that the Palestinians were an "Arab Invention." The cat is out of the bag. Could this be the sequel to the tale of the rat in the hat?
Dirtbags Became Duststorms

Even Medina was Jewish before the predatory desert savages swarmed into it.

So? The Dome of the Rock was never a synagogue.
Yes it was. That is a historical fact that you cannot get around. When it was built it was a Jewish Synagogue. Much later it was taken by the Romans (invaders) and then after the Muslim invaders came in it was turned into a Mosque and the land was claimed by revisionists claiming it was some sort of holy site for Islam. It never was and although you've got a Muslim Cleric and a Hamas Minister both telling you that there is no such thing as a Palestinian (see videos on this thread), that they are all Arabs, Egyptians.......from other lands originally (except for those who have been there long enough to be born there-but still Arabs) and that there is no religious connection to the land - you won't admit it. It was all by design to take Israel and drive the Jews into the Med. Sea. This too has been admitted by some.

You're probably not going to admit that you know this anytime soon so what is the point in arguing a point that has already been historically proven and admitted as true by Israel's enemies? There isn't one. I have a flower garden to plant. Good bye.

The descendants of those that built anything in the area before the birth of Christ converted to Christianity by 380 AD when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire.

Arab is a linguistic/cultural classification. Arab is to Arabian as Hispanic is to Spaniard. The ancestors of the Muslims and Christians of Palestine practiced various religions before subsequent conversion to their current religions. The Zionist colonists are descendants of Europeans that converted to Judaism and have little to no Middle Eastern ancestry, hence their ancestral ties to Palestine are minimal compared to the native Palestinians. But of course, common sense and historical fact has little to do with Zionism.

"European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree"

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
I have a flower garden to plant. Good bye.

I'm sure they will thrive if you put the same effort into feeding your plants the amount of bovine excrement you produce in this forum. ;)
I plant them in very rich soil, water them and keep the weeds out by pulling them up from the root. I do not use fertilizer very often. I make sure the ones that need full sun are in full sun, those that require a more shady area I put in a more shady area. Each plant needs something different and has to be cared for accordingly. In that regard,I find plants are like people. Perhaps that is why Jesus used analogies of the seed, the ground and the Word of God to preach.

I do put a lot of effort into my plants and my flowers thrive because I take care of them. I also put a lot of effort into what I write about on this board and on this particular forum a good weeding was in order.
Now that has been accomplished and I'm going to go back to the religion forum and post a morning devotion. I believe in blooming where I've been planted. How about you?

Are you sure you God planted you on this forum to write about Israel? If so, then stay. But if you are not called to challenge people on the topic of Israel then you'll continue to lose every debate you enter into because outside of the will of God you'll never accomplish a thing. Do you know the will of God for your life? Have you ever thought to seek God and find out what His will is for your life? I'd begin there first.

Make sure and read the morning devotion. It's important to start your day with God, Challenger.
Nothing to explain, these are Zionist wet-dream fantasy maps that bear no relation to the historical facts.

Haha, you and monti. He said basically the same thing. Please refer to my post #422 and the picture it contains. Monti ignored it. Pretty sure you will too.

What does the picture signify?

Groan. Take off your hat, I think it is too tight on your head. Or put on your glasses. It is a carving depicting a map of the original Mandate for Palestine that includes the portion that is now Jordan made in the old British prison underneath the Tower of David museum. Circa 1940-ish, well before the creation of the so called "hasbara".
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Trans-Jordania, a part of the Arab Kingdom of Syria that the French agreed to give to the British for Mandate purposes after they conquered Damascus and the Hashemites fled, was always set aside for the Hashemite Bedouins, it was a separate territory, not part of Palestine, just included in the Mandate "contract".
Trans-Jordania, a part of the Arab Kingdom of Syria that the French agreed to give to the British for Mandate purposes after they conquered Damascus and the Hashemites fled, was always set aside for the Hashemite Bedouins, it was a separate territory, not part of Palestine, just included in the Mandate "contract".

?????? I hope you realize how much you have contradicted your own self in this post. I'm not going to bother re posting the source material.

For the readers, Google "Arab Kingdom of Syria" and "British Mandate for Palestine" to see for yourself.
Trans-Jordania, a part of the Arab Kingdom of Syria that the French agreed to give to the British for Mandate purposes after they conquered Damascus and the Hashemites fled, was always set aside for the Hashemite Bedouins, it was a separate territory, not part of Palestine, just included in the Mandate "contract".
Ah, so the "country of Hashemite" was a separate entity from the "country of Pal'istan".

It's hilarious how you make up history as go.
...It's hilarious how you make up history as go.
You're projecting again, dear.

You're unable to address a single salient point.

You're just seeking attention, right?

Why don't you address the silly, invented "country of Pal'istan" nonsense proposed by the convert cabal.
I thought I have and it was already quite clear.
...It's hilarious how you make up history as go.
You're projecting again, dear.

You're unable to address a single salient point.

You're just seeking attention, right?

Why don't you address the silly, invented "country of Pal'istan" nonsense proposed by the convert cabal.
I thought I have and it was already quite clear.

Funny stuff. Why waste time with that cutting and pasting?
Posting an actual map of 1946 Palestine as evidence for what you asked for is cutting and pasting... gotcha!

Perhaps it is you who is unable to address salient points.

Posting an actual map of 1946 Palestine as evidence for what you asked for is cutting and pasting... gotcha!

Perhaps it is you who is unable to address salient points.


An actual map of what?

You actually cut and pasted something you found on the web that means nothing... just like your typical cutting and pasting.
Nothing to explain, these are Zionist wet-dream fantasy maps that bear no relation to the historical facts.

Haha, you and monti. He said basically the same thing. Please refer to my post #422 and the picture it contains. Monti ignored it. Pretty sure you will too.

What does the picture signify?

Groan. Take off your hat, I think it is too tight on your head. Or put on your glasses. It is a carving depicting a map of the original Mandate for Palestine that includes the portion that is now Jordan made in the old British prison underneath the Tower of David museum. Circa 1940-ish, well before the creation of the so called "hasbara".

...and you are citing that as a historical document?! :shock:

1. Who was it drawn by and in what circumstances?
2. What's the exact year/date of the drawing, "1940-ish" means nothing?

It looks like a child's depiction of a gun turret pointing to the right, so if you can't answer the aforementioned questions, that's really all there is to say about your doodle.
1. Who was it drawn by and in what circumstances?
2. What's the exact year/date of the drawing, "1940-ish" means nothing?

It looks like a child's depiction of a gun turret pointing to the right, so if you can't answer the aforementioned questions, that's really all there is to say about your doodle.
Since you want to keep your hat (and blinders) on and not do any research that would refute your narrative, let me explain.

#2 first. I took the picture myself while visiting the Kishle in late spring 2015. Do you know what and where the Kishle is? Let me help you out:

During the period of the British mandate, it was used as a police station and prison where some members of the Jewish underground were also incarcerated.
Link:Tower of David | The Kishle - Herod's Palace in Jerusalem
So with that knowledge, I could not nail down an exact date and called it "1940-ish".

Which brings me to #1: And thanks to you and your lack of wanting to see for yourself, I did some more research for me and you:
In late fall 1947, Shmuel Matza, then a 20-year-old member of the Etzel (also known as Irgun) Jewish underground paramilitary organization, was detained in the Kishle prison by the British on suspicion of possessing illegal arms.

“I decided to show the British that I was not afraid of them, that I would continue to be a member of Etzel even after my prison term, that I would continue to challenge them,” Matza recalls.

So one morning, Matza slipped his breakfast fork in his pocket just before the guards accompanied him back to his quarters—a tiny cell infested by rats and lice with only a mat of woven cloth on which to sleep. When the lights went out and everyone was sleeping, including the police officers, Matza quietly removed that fork from his pocket.

Slowly and determinedly, he carved the following deep into the prison wall:
Link: Before Jerusalem’s reunification, there were defiant carvings on a prison wall

So now we both know that it was carved in 1947, and the person who carved it was 20 years old at the time. Not quite a child. And unless you are totally blind, it is a rough carving of the map of the original Mandate area.

You're welcome.
1. Who was it drawn by and in what circumstances?
2. What's the exact year/date of the drawing, "1940-ish" means nothing?

It looks like a child's depiction of a gun turret pointing to the right, so if you can't answer the aforementioned questions, that's really all there is to say about your doodle.
Since you want to keep your hat (and blinders) on and not do any research that would refute your narrative, let me explain.

#2 first. I took the picture myself while visiting the Kishle in late spring 2015. Do you know what and where the Kishle is? Let me help you out:

During the period of the British mandate, it was used as a police station and prison where some members of the Jewish underground were also incarcerated.
Link:Tower of David | The Kishle - Herod's Palace in Jerusalem
So with that knowledge, I could not nail down an exact date and called it "1940-ish".

Which brings me to #1: And thanks to you and your lack of wanting to see for yourself, I did some more research for me and you:
In late fall 1947, Shmuel Matza, then a 20-year-old member of the Etzel (also known as Irgun) Jewish underground paramilitary organization, was detained in the Kishle prison by the British on suspicion of possessing illegal arms.

“I decided to show the British that I was not afraid of them, that I would continue to be a member of Etzel even after my prison term, that I would continue to challenge them,” Matza recalls.

So one morning, Matza slipped his breakfast fork in his pocket just before the guards accompanied him back to his quarters—a tiny cell infested by rats and lice with only a mat of woven cloth on which to sleep. When the lights went out and everyone was sleeping, including the police officers, Matza quietly removed that fork from his pocket.

Slowly and determinedly, he carved the following deep into the prison wall:
Link: Before Jerusalem’s reunification, there were defiant carvings on a prison wall

So now we both know that it was carved in 1947, and the person who carved it was 20 years old at the time. Not quite a child. And unless you are totally blind, it is a rough carving of the map of the original Mandate area.

You're welcome.

Well no it isn't. It's a map of what the Zionists called "Greater Israel" and it's completely unsurprising that a Zionist terrorist would replicate Zionist propaganda while in prison. Interesting that he drew a symbolic map with a hand clenching a rifle on the wall, according to his own account, that's the same symbology HAMAS uses. As a bit of social history, it's interesting; as evidence, it's worthless. Transjordania was administered from the Palestine mandate authority, it was never part of the Palestine mandate itself, regardless of what indoctrinated 20 year old Shmuel Matza may have thought at the time.
I have a flower garden to plant. Good bye.

I'm sure they will thrive if you put the same effort into feeding your plants the amount of bovine excrement you produce in this forum. ;)
I plant them in very rich soil, water them and keep the weeds out by pulling them up from the root. I do not use fertilizer very often. I make sure the ones that need full sun are in full sun, those that require a more shady area I put in a more shady area. Each plant needs something different and has to be cared for accordingly. In that regard,I find plants are like people. Perhaps that is why Jesus used analogies of the seed, the ground and the Word of God to preach.

I do put a lot of effort into my plants and my flowers thrive because I take care of them. I also put a lot of effort into what I write about on this board and on this particular forum a good weeding was in order.
Now that has been accomplished and I'm going to go back to the religion forum and post a morning devotion. I believe in blooming where I've been planted. How about you?

Are you sure you God planted you on this forum to write about Israel? If so, then stay. But if you are not called to challenge people on the topic of Israel then you'll continue to lose every debate you enter into because outside of the will of God you'll never accomplish a thing. Do you know the will of God for your life? Have you ever thought to seek God and find out what His will is for your life? I'd begin there first.

Make sure and read the morning devotion. It's important to start your day with God, Challenger.

Very enlightening, just the sort of comments you'd expect from a narcissistic control freak, that's had their Hasbara debunked.

Bit of news for you, the weeds were there before you and they'll be there when you've gone, just like the fact that the Palestinians of all religions were there befor the European Zionist colonists turned up to murder and oppress them and they'll still be there when the Zionists are long gone, no matter how many times they "mow the lawn".

As for your religion, meh, chacun à son goût. Me, I'm a Humanist, I believe humans create their own "gods" in their own self image; I start my days with a hot shower and a hearty breakfast, far more satisfying physically and spiritually. Bye, bye, don't let the door hit you on your arse on the way out.
Posting an actual map of 1946 Palestine as evidence for what you asked for is cutting and pasting... gotcha! Perhaps it is you who is unable to address salient points.

You of all posters should talk you fucking scumbag, who attacks every post that buries you with deflective nonsense:

BDS Movement Helping Israel, Not Palestinians

You are mentally ill.
Very enlightening, just the sort of comments you'd expect from a narcissistic control freak, that's had their Hasbara debunked. Bit of news for you, the weeds were there before you and they'll be there when you've gone, just like the fact that the Palestinians of all religions were there befor the European Zionist colonists turned up to murder and oppress them and they'll still be there when the Zionists are long gone, no matter how many times they "mow the lawn".As for your religion, meh, chacun à son goût. Me, I'm a Humanist, I believe humans create their own "gods" in their own self image; I start my days with a hot shower and a hearty breakfast, far more satisfying physically and spiritually. Bye, bye, don't let the door hit you on your arse on the way out.

What you are is an unintelligent lying piece of dogshit. The arab muslims were already in the process of ethnically cleansing the mideast long before the jews began moving in, and seeing what they have done to the Yazidi, Maneachans, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Coptics, Azeri, Bahai, and so many others - atrocities worthy of the genocide label - their racism, violence and intolerance defended by turds like you is quite obvious.

Go away trolling scumbag, and never come back, you fucking fraud.
Well no it isn't. It's a map of what the Zionists called "Greater Israel" and it's completely unsurprising that a Zionist terrorist would replicate Zionist propaganda while in prison. Interesting that he drew a symbolic map with a hand clenching a rifle on the wall, according to his own account, that's the same symbology HAMAS uses. As a bit of social history, it's interesting; as evidence, it's worthless. Transjordania was administered from the Palestine mandate authority, it was never part of the Palestine mandate itself, regardless of what indoctrinated 20 year old Shmuel Matza may have thought at the time.
Yes, I did see later in the article that it was actually a symbol of the Irgun (or Etzel), but if you do not see the resemblance to the map of the original Mandate then I cannot help you. The addition I see is the line going through it representing the Jordan river with the Sea of Galilee near the top and the Dead sea near the bottom.

However, I looked and looked and looked and can not see the hand clenching a rifle, neither in the picture nor described in the article. I admit to seeing something in the picture that might resemble the front portion of an AR15, but I am just trying to be informed and try to see what you're seeing. But you are you. You never try to see the other side.

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