Who are the 47% who pay no federal taxes?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.
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Romney did not say he was talking about all the people who pay no federal income tax. He said that 47 percent of Americans had an entitlement mentality and would vote for Obama no matter what.

While there may be some overlap between those two groups, they are separate demographic groups.

He is saying Obama has a lock on 47 percent of the necessary 51 percent needed to win an election.

The election is therefore determined by the narrow band of swing voters, and that is who he must focus his efforts on capturing. There is no point wasting his time on the 47 percent who are madly in love with Obama.

This also implies that Romney believes he has a lock on his own 47 percent of the vote as well. So the battle will be over the remaining 6 percent.

Romney already dismissed the statistical gotcha that Libtards think they have, he stuck to his guns, and now the conversation has morphed into something the Libtards really don't want - a discussion of the government dependent mentality of the typical Obama voter.

I love it.
"The video is only horrible to Democratic base voters. Show it to an undecided swing voter, and there’s far too high a chance that he or she will pretty much agree with the sentiment. Which is something that Mitt Romney knows very well, which is why he smilingly encouraged the people who published the clip to publish the whole video."

Obama for America’s quiet, nervous, base repair efforts. | RedState
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"The video is only horrible to Democratic base voters. Show it to an undecided swing voter, and there’s far too high a chance that he or she will pretty much agree with the sentiment. Which is something that Mitt Romney knows very well, which is why he smilingly encouraged the people who published the clip to publish the whole video."

I have been saying this since the start!

"The video is only horrible to Democratic base voters. Show it to an undecided swing voter, and there’s far too high a chance that he or she will pretty much agree with the sentiment. Which is something that Mitt Romney knows very well, which is why he smilingly encouraged the people who published the clip to publish the whole video."

I have been saying this since the start!


I hear you. I must have posted it 3 times today. The "opposition" only wants to hear what they have to say along with their spin on it.
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.
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The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

The thing that confuses most people is everyone pays taxes through out the year, money does come out of their Checks, But the 47% either get it all, or even more than they Paid in, Back in a return at the end of the year, after they take all the Credits and Exemptions they qualify for.

My family Income fluctuates from year to year. Sometimes we go over the threshold and end up paying a good chunk in, But other years our income is lower and with the Kids and what not we end up getting a little more back than we paid in.

So I guess sometimes I am part of the 47% and other times I am not. :)
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

Seriously. That never crossed his tiny libtard mind.
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Look I'm not going to get sucked into this nonsense of back and forth all night.

We can split hairs over the exact percentage and who pays what. There are far too many people living off the rest. That's pretty clear to anyone following what's going on.

Anyone denying that is either blind, uninformed or an outright liar.

That's my only point. You guys can argue until midnight if you like. We both can spend hours providing links and sources. Each claiming the other is wrong.

We are not heading in the right direction when we have an overall economic situation like we do.

I don't care if Obama fixes it or Romney...it needs fixin'!
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Obama has some major splain' to do over this whole Libyan situation. It's time to stop manufacturing this false outrage over facts that your party doesn't want to admit to.
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

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