Whitehouse ***ADMITS*** no evidence of foreign interference in the election process !!!!!!!!!

So the election machines weren't hacked.

Why were these dishonest people in their lying MSM talking about the "hacking of the election"? If somebody talks about "hacking the election", then he implies that the counting of the votes was influenced by Russian hackers so, that Killary lost the election.

The dishonest talking heads (I cannot call them Journalists) wanted to fool Americans, they hoped that Americans are already dumbed down to such a degree, that they would believe that Putin hacked the election machines and influenced the counting of votes in favour of Trump.
That's not what is being said by serious people... in fact the intelligence reports are claiming jut the opposite. No evidence of voting machine hacks or vote manipulation was found. They did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Try sticking to the facts and not inflating the problem with more dishonestly.
Clinton discredited herself but there's no evidence any liberals switched their votes due to revelations of Democrat corruption. Since when does a liberal care about their own corruption? The unfairness with media collusion doesn't bother them a whit.
Why are so stuck on votes being changed? Who cares... the election is over!
Only idiots deny Russia's involvement, but thankfully most sober people including many Republicans understand the situation.
We do understand the issue. The left doesn't. They are the ones stuck on hacking and emails.

I have to point out to them that Democrat corruption is the real problem, the emails would be a non issue. So it depends if you care more about Democrat corruption or how it became public knowledge.
And yet Obabble expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the fake hacking, while doing absolutely nothing when China really hacked the OPM and stole PI of millions of government employees (current and former).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why is Russia's hacking fake and China's real?

Because there is actual evidence that the Chinese hacked the OPM for over a year and stole data.

There is no evidence that Russia hacked election machines.
What is that evidence?

Clearly actual news doesn't penetrate your safe space bubble.

The federal government announced to the world yesterday that Chinese hackers had penetrated its computer systems, potentially putting the personal information of at least 4 million current and former federal employees at risk.

Here are more details of what we know about the history and scope of this incident and what OPM is telling affected federal workers to do.

A little history

This is not the first hacking incident OPM has suffered. In March of 2014, Chinese hackers also broke into OPM’s computer systems, apparently in search of tens of thousands of employees who had applied for top secret security clearances.

Much like this time, the incident didn’t hit the news until a few months after it occurred. Note that the date of the story linked to in the New York Times was in July 2014 even though the incident took place in March 2014. The article did note, however, that the attack was particularly noteworthy because Chinese hackers attempt to break into OPM’s servers almost daily but had rarely succeeded.

OPM Data Breach: What You Need to Know
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

The job of journalists is to expose the crimes and corruption of politicians.
And yes, journalists were always eager to find out the secrets, they even payed a lot of money to get the secrets.
In the case of Hillary and her staff, their corruption was an open secret, and the dishonest media was complicit in a cover up.

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability...

If you believe in it, then explain, why did the media covered up the corruption of Killary and her staff?

...but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process...

The single side that was targeted by the Establishment and their dishonest MSM was Trump, and that was a biased interference in the electoral process.
They tried every trick in their book to prop up the corps of Killary: she got the QA for the debates, the dishonest media lied about the rating, they tried to picture Trump as a sexual predator, as a racist, as a women-hater. They even told stories about his "German blood", which was supposed to associate him with "them Nazis" and Hitler.

But the support of Trump was so huge, that no trickery and biased interference could not shift the results in a degree, that would permit Killary to win the election.

Even the voices of illegal invaders to California could not change the outcome, though it influenced the results of the popular vote.

So if the election was hacked and rigged, then it was hacked and rigged against Trump, Trump won despite the hacking and the dirty tricks of the Etablissement and their dishonest MSM.

.... if it is being done by a foreign government.

If a foreign government interfered in the elections, then this was Israel.
Israeli billionaires contributed huge amounts of money to Killary, the Israel Lobby was supporting the DNC, the Cuckservatives, not Trump.
Israeli citizens own a lot of American media, that is another way to interfere in American election.
There is no prove that Russian government did any leaks, and you know it.

Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked.

Trump has lawyers who know when it is time to make the tax returns public, Trump did not violate any laws, concerning his taxes and the declarations of them, and you know it.
You're so full of shit... I think the world heard nonstop about hillaries emails, foundation, and even Benghazi for years and years. There was no lack in coverage. There was definitely faverable commentary trying to dismiss and excuse her actions. No more and no worse than you hear on hannity and conservative radio doing the same thing against liberals.

The rest of your post is just making excuses for Russia. Why would you want to dismiss and ignore their actions? Are you really that blind of a partisan? We will see the script change after Putin turns his targets on Trump, yall will be eating crow.

The definition of MSM is those organizations that present themselves as "news" organizations, ABC,CBS,NBC,NYT,WashingtonPost,NewsWeek,etc. and they are suppose to be objective.
We expect Hannity,Rush,etc. to be biased as they are "Commentators" not news people.
So when the by a 3 to 1 margin Americans believe that the MSM was biased in their news presentations and therefore NOT believable why should we
be upset with the Russians trying to influence the election when the MSM was "influencing" the election of Hillary.
Here are the FACTS...

7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
I agree with that, I don't believe anything I hear in the news. but that is because everybody is doing their political partisan spin. I heard y'all bitching about CNN none stop, yet every show covered hillaries emails scandal and had Trump surrogates as part of the conversation. It was definitely weighted in hillaries favor but network news today is more like reality TV than actual news.
So the election machines weren't hacked.

Why were these dishonest people in their lying MSM talking about the "hacking of the election"? If somebody talks about "hacking the election", then he implies that the counting of the votes was influenced by Russian hackers so, that Killary lost the election.

The dishonest talking heads (I cannot call them Journalists) wanted to fool Americans, they hoped that Americans are already dumbed down to such a degree, that they would believe that Putin hacked the election machines and influenced the counting of votes in favour of Trump.
That's not what is being said by serious people... in fact the intelligence reports are claiming jut the opposite. No evidence of voting machine hacks or vote manipulation was found. They did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Try sticking to the facts and not inflating the problem with more dishonestly.
Clinton discredited herself but there's no evidence any liberals switched their votes due to revelations of Democrat corruption. Since when does a liberal care about their own corruption? The unfairness with media collusion doesn't bother them a whit.
Why are so stuck on votes being changed? Who cares... the election is over!
Only idiots deny Russia's involvement, but thankfully most sober people including many Republicans understand the situation.
We do understand the issue. The left doesn't. They are the ones stuck on hacking and emails.

I have to point out to them that Democrat corruption is the real problem, the emails would be a non issue. So it depends if you care more about Democrat corruption or how it became public knowledge.
Both are issues... when somebody brings up the problem of Russia's interference in our election and you dismiss it by saying that the real problem is the DNC corruption, then you fail to acknowledge the Russian problem. You are deflecting... so no, I don't think you understand that problem
And yet Obabble expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the fake hacking, while doing absolutely nothing when China really hacked the OPM and stole PI of millions of government employees (current and former).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why is Russia's hacking fake and China's real?

Because there is actual evidence that the Chinese hacked the OPM for over a year and stole data.

There is no evidence that Russia hacked election machines.
What is that evidence?

Clearly actual news doesn't penetrate your safe space bubble.

The federal government announced to the world yesterday that Chinese hackers had penetrated its computer systems, potentially putting the personal information of at least 4 million current and former federal employees at risk.

Here are more details of what we know about the history and scope of this incident and what OPM is telling affected federal workers to do.

A little history

This is not the first hacking incident OPM has suffered. In March of 2014, Chinese hackers also broke into OPM’s computer systems, apparently in search of tens of thousands of employees who had applied for top secret security clearances.

Much like this time, the incident didn’t hit the news until a few months after it occurred. Note that the date of the story linked to in the New York Times was in July 2014 even though the incident took place in March 2014. The article did note, however, that the attack was particularly noteworthy because Chinese hackers attempt to break into OPM’s servers almost daily but had rarely succeeded.

OPM Data Breach: What You Need to Know
Wait, you're getting this from a government report??! No no, where's the EVIDENCE that China was hacking. I want evidence
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Nobody ever said the machines were hacked dummy.

I know.

But you and your ilk are implying that Trump's victory is somehow invalid.


He worked with the Russians to steal the election. I wonder why people are saying his victory is invalid.

And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
So the election machines weren't hacked. This is not a revelation, nor is it what our intelligence agencies are unanimously blaming Russia for.

What exactly are they blaming them for? There hasn't been an ounce of proof just magical dragon, Alice in wonderland leaps.

Vague accusations in order to discredit Trump's election and his presidency

character assassination


Nothing vague about it.

Look for the definition of "vague"

Don't use an Orwellian or Butthurt dictionary


I know the definition of vague. The report was very specific about what happened. Nothing vague about it.
So the election machines weren't hacked. This is not a revelation, nor is it what our intelligence agencies are unanimously blaming Russia for.

What exactly are they blaming them for? There hasn't been an ounce of proof just magical dragon, Alice in wonderland leaps.

Vague accusations in order to discredit Trump's election and his presidency

character assassination


Nothing vague about it.

Look for the definition of "vague"

Don't use an Orwellian or Butthurt dictionary


I know the definition of vague. The report was very specific about what happened. Nothing vague about it.

Do you also know the difference of "conflicted by interest"

You are a Hillary supporter

so anything that makes DJT look bad is acceptable to you.

So your opinion means NOTHING.

What exactly are they blaming them for? There hasn't been an ounce of proof just magical dragon, Alice in wonderland leaps.

Vague accusations in order to discredit Trump's election and his presidency

character assassination


Nothing vague about it.

Look for the definition of "vague"

Don't use an Orwellian or Butthurt dictionary


I know the definition of vague. The report was very specific about what happened. Nothing vague about it.

Do you also know the difference of "conflicted by interest"

You are a Hillary supporter

so anything that makes DJT look bad is acceptable to you.

So your opinion means NOTHING.


So you believe every intelligence agency is lying to you for political purposes when several weeks ago they were unnecessarily releasing devastating remarks concerning Hillary. Pretty dedicated to your preconceived beliefs, aren't you?
What exactly are they blaming them for? There hasn't been an ounce of proof just magical dragon, Alice in wonderland leaps.

Vague accusations in order to discredit Trump's election and his presidency

character assassination


Nothing vague about it.

Look for the definition of "vague"

Don't use an Orwellian or Butthurt dictionary


I know the definition of vague. The report was very specific about what happened. Nothing vague about it.

Do you also know the difference of "conflicted by interest"

You are a Hillary supporter

so anything that makes DJT look bad is acceptable to you.

So your opinion means NOTHING.

Wouldn't you say the same is true for you except for the opposite party. I haven't seen much of anything that does scream partisan allegiance from your posts. You are standing up for Russia over our own countries intelligence agents for Christ sake... doesn't get much worse than that
U.S. Statement on Reliability of Election Results

Following is the full text of a statement from a senior administration official, issued to The New York Times on Friday in response to questions about the federal government’s investigation into the integrity of the Nov. 8 presidential election. The government issued the statement to The Times on the condition that it be attributable only to a senior official.

The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian Government-directed compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the President-elect. Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.

The Federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day. As we have noted before, we remained confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out on election day. As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective."


But suddenly they changed their minds, an afterthought, in order to discredit the Trump administration

Me thinks motherfucking Clapper is LYING AGAIN

Americans DO NOT LET the butthurts interfere with the Trump Administration.


Nobody ever said the machines were hacked dummy.

I know.

But you and your ilk are implying that Trump's victory is somehow invalid.


He worked with the Russians to steal the election. I wonder why people are saying his victory is invalid.

And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.
Nobody ever said the machines were hacked dummy.

I know.

But you and your ilk are implying that Trump's victory is somehow invalid.


He worked with the Russians to steal the election. I wonder why people are saying his victory is invalid.

And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.

Really? That's exactly what the non-secret part of that report said. Russia did use illegal means to help him. The Russians even called each other to congratulate themselves on their success. Since he had about 3 million less votes, the American people are hardly on his side, and I really don't think very many who voted for him will be willing to ignore how he acquired the office..
I know.

But you and your ilk are implying that Trump's victory is somehow invalid.


He worked with the Russians to steal the election. I wonder why people are saying his victory is invalid.

And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.

Really? That's exactly what the non-secret part of that report said. Russia did use illegal means to help him. The Russians even called each other to congratulate themselves on their success. Since he had about 3 million less votes, the American people are hardly on his side, and I really don't think very many who voted for him will be willing to ignore how he acquired the office..

I give you an A+ for the avatar and an F- for the post.

Show me that Clapper , who has lied under oath - a brazen liar - is not lying now.

Show me where a NEUTRAL Information Technology expert witness has agreed with Clapper's "conclusions".


He worked with the Russians to steal the election. I wonder why people are saying his victory is invalid.

And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.

Really? That's exactly what the non-secret part of that report said. Russia did use illegal means to help him. The Russians even called each other to congratulate themselves on their success. Since he had about 3 million less votes, the American people are hardly on his side, and I really don't think very many who voted for him will be willing to ignore how he acquired the office..

I give you an A+ for the avatar and an F- for the post.

Show me that Clapper , who has lied under oath - a brazen liar - is not lying now.

Show me where a NEUTRAL Information Technology expert witness has agreed with Clapper's "conclusions".



So you believe Putin over our own security agencies. When did you first decide to become a traitor to our country?
Of course nobody is questioning the results. Trump won. That he did dismays millions, but the Russian hacking issue isn't about the fact that he won. It's about about the fact that they did it. Why is that distinction so hard for people, especially Trumpkins, to understand?

.....Oh, nevermind, I know why. Trumpkins don't have enough grey matter between their ears to saddle a junebug.
Of course nobody is questioning the results. Trump won. That he did dismays millions, but the Russian hacking issue isn't about the fact that he won. It's about about the fact that they did it. Why is that distinction so hard for people, especially Trumpkins, to understand?

.....Oh, nevermind, I know why. Trumpkins don't have enough grey matter between their ears to saddle a junebug.

As I've pointed out before and you and your ilk have ignored the similarities...

So let's see. The worse case scenario based on the "FACTS"... is Russia TRIED to influence the election of Trump by hacking JUST the DNC and
releasing "harmful" emails that John Podesta had.
Does that sound like a fair assessment of the "FACTS" that make it worthy of the USA retaliation by expelling Russian diplomats?
Hmmm... "influencing" the election of Trump....
Key findings:
7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
So just to be clear.
It was wrong for Vlad to try via "hacking" to bring out stories "BAD" for Hillary...
it was OK for MSM to as the above key findings try to influence people to vote for Hillary?

What is the difference?
And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.

Really? That's exactly what the non-secret part of that report said. Russia did use illegal means to help him. The Russians even called each other to congratulate themselves on their success. Since he had about 3 million less votes, the American people are hardly on his side, and I really don't think very many who voted for him will be willing to ignore how he acquired the office..

I give you an A+ for the avatar and an F- for the post.

Show me that Clapper , who has lied under oath - a brazen liar - is not lying now.

Show me where a NEUTRAL Information Technology expert witness has agreed with Clapper's "conclusions".



So you believe Putin over our own security agencies. When did you first decide to become a traitor to our country?
When did you decide to LIE about the election? Clinton lost because she was a liar and a fraud. No one forced those people in the states that voted against her to do so, no one altered any votes and no one changed any votes. She lost because she was a bad candidate that routinely lied and manipulated.

If Russia did provide wikileaks with data how is that any different from the MSM providing cover for Hillary for over a year? How is it any different from the damaging leaks about Trump by the Democrats? Why is one leak bad but another good, ohh wait I know why because the leaks you like all helped YOUR candidate.

Again NO ONE hacked the election and Obama and the Federal Government all agree.
As I've pointed out before and you and your ilk have ignored the similarities...

So let's see. The worse case scenario based on the "FACTS"... is Russia TRIED to influence the election of Trump by hacking JUST the DNC and releasing "harmful" emails that John Podesta had.

Does that sound like a fair assessment of the "FACTS" that make it worthy of the USA retaliation by expelling Russian diplomats?

Well, see, there you go. You should start reading more and write less. Presumably, but I could be wrong, you wouldn't now point that out again seeing as it's been noted that the "Russia collected on some Republican-affiliated targets but did not conduct a comparable disclosure campaign."

Fair assessment, you have the gall to ask? Hell, no! Fuck "assessment," baby; you ain't ready for that yet. You don't even have an accurate read of the damn report the USIC released to the public! You can't even accurately read and regurgitate what is written in black and white, and that goes for my post that you replied to. I wouldn't credit you with being able to accurately assess how to pour piss out of a boot having the directions written on the heel..

Of course nobody is questioning the results. Trump won. That he did dismays millions, but the Russian hacking issue isn't about the fact that he won. It's about about the fact that they did it. Why is that distinction so hard for people, especially Trumpkins, to understand?.....Oh, nevermind, I know why. Trumpkins don't have enough grey matter between their ears to saddle a junebug.
You must be one of them Trumpkins....Why don't you try giving "Miss Millicent" a call and askin' her to help you understand because I'm not going to give you any more or my time.

This is now the second thread in which I've observed that you straight up do not accurately retell or interpret what you read. I said I was done with you then, but then I wasn't aware of one of USMB's best features. I know of it now....
Last edited:
And he "stole" how?

having a better platform does not mean that he "stole" the election


He acquired it with the illegal help of a foreign government, and it is extremely doubtful if he could have done it without that help. He stole the the presidency.
Liar and RETARD. The Government and the American people do not agree with your moronic claim.

Really? That's exactly what the non-secret part of that report said. Russia did use illegal means to help him. The Russians even called each other to congratulate themselves on their success. Since he had about 3 million less votes, the American people are hardly on his side, and I really don't think very many who voted for him will be willing to ignore how he acquired the office..

I give you an A+ for the avatar and an F- for the post.

Show me that Clapper , who has lied under oath - a brazen liar - is not lying now.

Show me where a NEUTRAL Information Technology expert witness has agreed with Clapper's "conclusions".



So you believe Putin over our own security agencies. When did you first decide to become a traitor to our country?

I swore to support the Constitution of the US against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC

I have NEVER swore allegiance to the Demo_rats

The CIA has been politicized -it is controlled by folks with their own agenda

Secondly, and most importantly Hillary was going to DISARM all Americans

I didn't need Vladimir to tell me not to vote for her.



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