Whitehouse ***ADMITS*** no evidence of foreign interference in the election process !!!!!!!!!

What's even more amazing is how far the bar for evidence is both lowered and raised in these posts...simply amazing!!!

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar

You can see the contradictions all the time.

One of the intelligence agencies was simply making things up, exaggerating things etc to make a case for invading Iraq. Congress has come out and made a report that shows this was the case. Yet the right will ignore this report, ignore what happened at all costs. But when the intelligence services say something to don't want to be true, then they'll ignore what the intelligence communities say.

There are far too many people, many who seem to come on sites like this, who are just willing to make up the world around them.

I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?
I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Remember, Obama has begun "Operation Butthurt" - the Obama administration contrived the whole situation as a pretext to war,

Obama trying to provoke confrontation with Russia to preempt Trump:


We are being governed by the criminally insane

Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Remember, Obama has begun "Operation Butthurt" - the Obama administration contrived the whole situation as a pretext to war,

Obama trying to provoke confrontation with Russia to preempt Trump:


We are being governed by the criminally insane


"Operation butthurt"??? Fucking hell.....
You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Remember, Obama has begun "Operation Butthurt" - the Obama administration contrived the whole situation as a pretext to war,

Obama trying to provoke confrontation with Russia to preempt Trump:


We are being governed by the criminally insane


"Operation butthurt"??? Fucking hell.....

Fucking Hell is right....by design.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner at work

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?
Read the FBI report they never touched or had access to the server or computers.

So, this proves that no one did?
It means the claim that they have solid evidence the Russians did it is a lie. Further the civilian firm that did investigate has a beef with Russia. The code is actually open source and available to ANYONE with an internet connection and the FBI and CIA never actually saw any actual evidence that connects the Russians.
So to be clear, if the CIA has a man inside the Russian gov or if they have tapped into their communications you think it's a smart thing to release that information to the public? Do you have any worries about compromising those assets?


The "intelligence report" is a "consensus view" of 17 agencies

it is not based on hard evidence


Of course it's based on hard evidence you dumbshit. The evidence is what they draw their conclusions from. The evidence is strong enough to give the 3 agencies extremely high confidence in their findings.

What hard evidence?
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.
What in the hell are talking about? You have no clue... You are drawing conclusions without access to any of the information.
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

The job of journalists is to expose the crimes and corruption of politicians.
And yes, journalists were always eager to find out the secrets, they even payed a lot of money to get the secrets.
In the case of Hillary and her staff, their corruption was an open secret, and the dishonest media was complicit in a cover up.

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability...

If you believe in it, then explain, why did the media covered up the corruption of Killary and her staff?

...but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process...

The single side that was targeted by the Establishment and their dishonest MSM was Trump, and that was a biased interference in the electoral process.
They tried every trick in their book to prop up the corps of Killary: she got the QA for the debates, the dishonest media lied about the rating, they tried to picture Trump as a sexual predator, as a racist, as a women-hater. They even told stories about his "German blood", which was supposed to associate him with "them Nazis" and Hitler.

But the support of Trump was so huge, that no trickery and biased interference could not shift the results in a degree, that would permit Killary to win the election.

Even the voices of illegal invaders to California could not change the outcome, though it influenced the results of the popular vote.

So if the election was hacked and rigged, then it was hacked and rigged against Trump, Trump won despite the hacking and the dirty tricks of the Etablissement and their dishonest MSM.

.... if it is being done by a foreign government.

If a foreign government interfered in the elections, then this was Israel.
Israeli billionaires contributed huge amounts of money to Killary, the Israel Lobby was supporting the DNC, the Cuckservatives, not Trump.
Israeli citizens own a lot of American media, that is another way to interfere in American election.
There is no prove that Russian government did any leaks, and you know it.

Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked.

Trump has lawyers who know when it is time to make the tax returns public, Trump did not violate any laws, concerning his taxes and the declarations of them, and you know it.
Last edited:
Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Remember, Obama has begun "Operation Butthurt" - the Obama administration contrived the whole situation as a pretext to war,

Obama trying to provoke confrontation with Russia to preempt Trump:


We are being governed by the criminally insane


"Operation butthurt"??? Fucking hell.....

Fucking Hell is right....by design.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner at work


Fucking hell, because you're so fucking childish.
The evidence that our top agencies collected to draw the "highly confident" conclusions that they released in the report. The evidence that people with top secret security clearance get to see.

Please give me an example of what hard evidence they could release that would convince and satisfy you and that wouldn't compromise our national security assets
For example the FBI never checked the DNC server or computers a private firm did that a firm that does NOT have high level Government security clearance so if in fact there were evidence then why couldn't it be presented since NO ONE in the Government actually saw the evidence first hand.

DO you know any of this? Or just speculating?
Read the FBI report they never touched or had access to the server or computers.

So, this proves that no one did?
It means the claim that they have solid evidence the Russians did it is a lie. Further the civilian firm that did investigate has a beef with Russia. The code is actually open source and available to ANYONE with an internet connection and the FBI and CIA never actually saw any actual evidence that connects the Russians.

No, it doesn't mean that at all. It's what you want it to mea.

I'd suggest that firstly in the report it says they have a lot of information that has been confirmed by people, presumably working in the Russian govt or in Russia who are in the know and who can't be outed as sources.

You have no evidence that they don't have any evidence, do you?
So the election machines weren't hacked.

Why were these dishonest people in their lying MSM talking about the "hacking of the election"? If somebody talks about "hacking the election", then he implies that the counting of the votes was influenced by Russian hackers so, that Killary lost the election.

The dishonest talking heads (I cannot call them Journalists) wanted to fool Americans, they hoped that Americans are already dumbed down to such a degree, that they would believe that Putin hacked the election machines and influenced the counting of votes in favour of Trump.
That's not what is being said by serious people... in fact the intelligence reports are claiming jut the opposite. No evidence of voting machine hacks or vote manipulation was found. They did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Try sticking to the facts and not inflating the problem with more dishonestly.
Clinton discredited herself but there's no evidence any liberals switched their votes due to revelations of Democrat corruption. Since when does a liberal care about their own corruption? The unfairness with media collusion doesn't bother them a whit.
I understand that the Bush Administration lied us into war

And I understand that the CIA is lying now.

You have to thoroughly investigate all claims

Trust no one.


Do you? How's that? I mean, I'm not going one way or the other, you could be right, but how do you know it? Or you just want to believe it?

You have to look at many sources.

But listen to the language

I saw "A" steal a watch from "B" - direct evidence

My 17 homies studied the evidence and 14 of us CONCLUDED that "A" did it. - circumstantial evidence.

When analyzing circumstantial evidence you must determine if there are bias and conflicts of interest


Sure, okay, so how have you come to the conclusion that this is made up?


Clapper is a fucking liar


Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Well I for one KNOW from reading Obama's autobiography that HE ADMITS to well here you read it!!!

From his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..

[This is Obama BLAMING Law enforcement for doing their job and excusing Pablo! Disgusting"]
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck...
I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.

[Remember this is a teen ager explaining to his MOM!! how pompous and arrogant!]
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry,

[what a smart-ass condescending spoiled brat!]
I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.

[Folks do you understand? This is how Obama has acted as President! "Tricks..tactics"!]
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
He has ALWAYS been an angry black man... he just hasn't grown up!!!
He has always LIED using "tricks, "effective tactics".
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year
He hired the architect of Obamacare who clearly stated it was because of the
"stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

Yea so based on Obama's OWN words and actions and pledges... Obama's the biggest liar!

And yet Obabble expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the fake hacking, while doing absolutely nothing when China really hacked the OPM and stole PI of millions of government employees (current and former).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why is Russia's hacking fake and China's real?

Because there is actual evidence that the Chinese hacked the OPM for over a year and stole data.

There is no evidence that Russia hacked election machines.

Who isn't a liar? Which liar do you believe? Assange? Putin? Trump? Clapper? Obama? Which one of these lies well enough for you to believe them?

Remember, Obama has begun "Operation Butthurt" - the Obama administration contrived the whole situation as a pretext to war,

Obama trying to provoke confrontation with Russia to preempt Trump:


We are being governed by the criminally insane


"Operation butthurt"??? Fucking hell.....

Fucking Hell is right....by design.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner at work


Fucking hell, because you're so fucking childish.

Yep, that's what the warmongers and gullible call me


U.S. Lending Support to Baltic States Fearing Russia

The warmongers love to intervene in the internal affairs of other nations but go apeshit when foreign nations return the favor

Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

The job of journalists is to expose the crimes and corruption of politicians.
And yes, journalists were always eager to find out the secrets, they even payed a lot of money to get the secrets.
In the case of Hillary and her staff, their corruption was an open secret, and the dishonest media was complicit in a cover up.

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability...

If you believe in it, then explain, why did the media covered up the corruption of Killary and her staff?

...but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process...

The single side that was targeted by the Establishment and their dishonest MSM was Trump, and that was a biased interference in the electoral process.
They tried every trick in their book to prop up the corps of Killary: she got the QA for the debates, the dishonest media lied about the rating, they tried to picture Trump as a sexual predator, as a racist, as a women-hater. They even told stories about his "German blood", which was supposed to associate him with "them Nazis" and Hitler.

But the support of Trump was so huge, that no trickery and biased interference could not shift the results in a degree, that would permit Killary to win the election.

Even the voices of illegal invaders to California could not change the outcome, though it influenced the results of the popular vote.

So if the election was hacked and rigged, then it was hacked and rigged against Trump, Trump won despite the hacking and the dirty tricks of the Etablissement and their dishonest MSM.

.... if it is being done by a foreign government.

If a foreign government interfered in the elections, then this was Israel.
Israeli billionaires contributed huge amounts of money to Killary, the Israel Lobby was supporting the DNC, the Cuckservatives, not Trump.
Israeli citizens own a lot of American media, that is another way to interfere in American election.
There is no prove that Russian government did any leaks, and you know it.

Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked.

Trump has lawyers who know when it is time to make the tax returns public, Trump did not violate any laws, concerning his taxes and the declarations of them, and you know it.
You're so full of shit... I think the world heard nonstop about hillaries emails, foundation, and even Benghazi for years and years. There was no lack in coverage. There was definitely faverable commentary trying to dismiss and excuse her actions. No more and no worse than you hear on hannity and conservative radio doing the same thing against liberals.

The rest of your post is just making excuses for Russia. Why would you want to dismiss and ignore their actions? Are you really that blind of a partisan? We will see the script change after Putin turns his targets on Trump, yall will be eating crow.
And yet Obabble expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the fake hacking, while doing absolutely nothing when China really hacked the OPM and stole PI of millions of government employees (current and former).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why is Russia's hacking fake and China's real?

Because there is actual evidence that the Chinese hacked the OPM for over a year and stole data.

There is no evidence that Russia hacked election machines.
What is that evidence?
So the election machines weren't hacked.

Why were these dishonest people in their lying MSM talking about the "hacking of the election"? If somebody talks about "hacking the election", then he implies that the counting of the votes was influenced by Russian hackers so, that Killary lost the election.

The dishonest talking heads (I cannot call them Journalists) wanted to fool Americans, they hoped that Americans are already dumbed down to such a degree, that they would believe that Putin hacked the election machines and influenced the counting of votes in favour of Trump.
That's not what is being said by serious people... in fact the intelligence reports are claiming jut the opposite. No evidence of voting machine hacks or vote manipulation was found. They did point to DNC and Clinton campaign staff hacks, the leak of that material, internet trolling efforts to spread fake news, and a communicated attempt by the Russians to descredit Clinton during this election.

Try sticking to the facts and not inflating the problem with more dishonestly.
Clinton discredited herself but there's no evidence any liberals switched their votes due to revelations of Democrat corruption. Since when does a liberal care about their own corruption? The unfairness with media collusion doesn't bother them a whit.
Why are so stuck on votes being changed? Who cares... the election is over!
Only idiots deny Russia's involvement, but thankfully most sober people including many Republicans understand the situation.
Are you saying it was our medias job to hack private communications of our political parties and expose them threw a drip campaign?

The job of journalists is to expose the crimes and corruption of politicians.
And yes, journalists were always eager to find out the secrets, they even payed a lot of money to get the secrets.
In the case of Hillary and her staff, their corruption was an open secret, and the dishonest media was complicit in a cover up.

I'm not making excuses for anything Hillary or DNC staffers actually did, I believe in accountability...

If you believe in it, then explain, why did the media covered up the corruption of Killary and her staff?

...but when a single side is targeted, hacked and exposed, that throws off the electoral process...

The single side that was targeted by the Establishment and their dishonest MSM was Trump, and that was a biased interference in the electoral process.
They tried every trick in their book to prop up the corps of Killary: she got the QA for the debates, the dishonest media lied about the rating, they tried to picture Trump as a sexual predator, as a racist, as a women-hater. They even told stories about his "German blood", which was supposed to associate him with "them Nazis" and Hitler.

But the support of Trump was so huge, that no trickery and biased interference could not shift the results in a degree, that would permit Killary to win the election.

Even the voices of illegal invaders to California could not change the outcome, though it influenced the results of the popular vote.

So if the election was hacked and rigged, then it was hacked and rigged against Trump, Trump won despite the hacking and the dirty tricks of the Etablissement and their dishonest MSM.

.... if it is being done by a foreign government.

If a foreign government interfered in the elections, then this was Israel.
Israeli billionaires contributed huge amounts of money to Killary, the Israel Lobby was supporting the DNC, the Cuckservatives, not Trump.
Israeli citizens own a lot of American media, that is another way to interfere in American election.
There is no prove that Russian government did any leaks, and you know it.

Y'all threw a fit when Trumps tax returns got leaked.

Trump has lawyers who know when it is time to make the tax returns public, Trump did not violate any laws, concerning his taxes and the declarations of them, and you know it.
You're so full of shit... I think the world heard nonstop about hillaries emails, foundation, and even Benghazi for years and years. There was no lack in coverage. There was definitely faverable commentary trying to dismiss and excuse her actions. No more and no worse than you hear on hannity and conservative radio doing the same thing against liberals.

The rest of your post is just making excuses for Russia. Why would you want to dismiss and ignore their actions? Are you really that blind of a partisan? We will see the script change after Putin turns his targets on Trump, yall will be eating crow.

The definition of MSM is those organizations that present themselves as "news" organizations, ABC,CBS,NBC,NYT,WashingtonPost,NewsWeek,etc. and they are suppose to be objective.
We expect Hannity,Rush,etc. to be biased as they are "Commentators" not news people.
So when the by a 3 to 1 margin Americans believe that the MSM was biased in their news presentations and therefore NOT believable why should we
be upset with the Russians trying to influence the election when the MSM was "influencing" the election of Hillary.
Here are the FACTS...

7 in 10 (69%) voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
8 in 10 (78%) of voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton (59%) vs. for Trump (21%).
Even 1/3 (32%) of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump.
97% of voters said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote.
MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias

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