White Teacher Wins Big in Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
White Teacher Wins In Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit The Daily Caller
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist
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I recall many liberals here claiming he was just a whiny white guy and there was nothing questionable in his treatment

Good call!
White Teacher Wins Big in Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist

Your OP link goes to another political forum similar to this one.
You might want to check out the USMB rules and guidelines about linking to other political forums.
Just sayin.
White Teacher Wins Big in Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist

Your OP link goes to another political forum similar to this one.
You might want to check out the USMB rules and guidelines about linking to other political forums.
Just sayin.

Link fixed
White Teacher Wins In Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit The Daily Caller
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist
I don't remember hearing about this case before today but it sounds partially like racism and partially ageism. In this day and age, many districts hire principals and give them private instructions to weed out the older, tenured teachers in one way or another....move them around...give them poor reviews etc...so they can hire younger, cheaper, and non-tenured teachers...that's happening a lot around here.

Good for him for winning his lawsuit.
I read the Daily Caller link:

The jury sided with Everhart on the discrimination claim, but not on his claim of a hostile work environment. The $350,000 is for compensatory damages for heart problems and high blood pressure Everhart said were a result of his treatment. U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte will decide how much Everhart receives for back pay and benefits.

I disagree with your title. It's not about reverse discrimination. It's simply about discrimination in any form that is illegal under US code.

If it is true that that what that school teacher claims was done to him by that school principal, that is already bad enough. It doesn't matter if it is white on black or black on white - all discrimination of this sort is terrible.

I'm glad the guy won his lawsuit. Good for him.

Now, why you decided to link President Obama to this is just a mystery to me. Do you think that our President put that black school principal up to doing that? Is the president responsible for every case of prejudice or discrimination that makes it into the news headlines? Is this how Righties are thinking these days? Really?
I read the Daily Caller link:

The jury sided with Everhart on the discrimination claim, but not on his claim of a hostile work environment. The $350,000 is for compensatory damages for heart problems and high blood pressure Everhart said were a result of his treatment. U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte will decide how much Everhart receives for back pay and benefits.

I disagree with your title. It's not about reverse discrimination. It's simply about discrimination in any form that is illegal under US code.

If it is true that that what that school teacher claims was done to him by that school principal, that is already bad enough. It doesn't matter if it is white on black or black on white - all discrimination of this sort is terrible.

I'm glad the guy won his lawsuit. Good for him.

Now, why you decided to link President Obama to this is just a mystery to me. Do you think that our President put that black school principal up to doing that? Is the president responsible for every case of prejudice or discrimination that makes it into the news headlines? Is this how Righties are thinking these days? Really?
Our present President is the big step in anti-discrimination policy. And at the same time, his failures may be the reasons for the burst racial disputes
I read the Daily Caller link:

I disagree with your title. It's not about reverse discrimination. It's simply about discrimination in any form that is illegal under US code.

If it is true that that what that school teacher claims was done to him by that school principal, that is already bad enough. It doesn't matter if it is white on black or black on white - all discrimination of this sort is terrible.

I'm glad the guy won his lawsuit. Good for him.

Now, why you decided to link President Obama to this is just a mystery to me. Do you think that our President put that black school principal up to doing that? Is the president responsible for every case of prejudice or discrimination that makes it into the news headlines? Is this how Righties are thinking these days? Really?
Du bist lange genug hier, um zu wissen, wie es hier zugeht. Zentrales Thema ist oftmals nicht der im OP beschriebene Vorfall, sondern die (allgemeine) Politik, zu welcher, den beschriebenen Vorfall nutzend, übergegangen wird, um jemanden oder etwas zu bejubeln oder zu kritisieren.

Yeah, translation (corresponding) (Do I really have to do that?):
Incidents are often used as example for the greatness or incompetence of somebody or something, what is regularly the actual intention behind a new thread.
I read the Daily Caller link:

I disagree with your title. It's not about reverse discrimination. It's simply about discrimination in any form that is illegal under US code.

If it is true that that what that school teacher claims was done to him by that school principal, that is already bad enough. It doesn't matter if it is white on black or black on white - all discrimination of this sort is terrible.

I'm glad the guy won his lawsuit. Good for him.

Now, why you decided to link President Obama to this is just a mystery to me. Do you think that our President put that black school principal up to doing that? Is the president responsible for every case of prejudice or discrimination that makes it into the news headlines? Is this how Righties are thinking these days? Really?
Du bist lange genug hier, um zu wissen, wie es hier zugeht. Zentrales Thema ist oftmals nicht der im OP beschriebene Vorfall, sondern die (allgemeine) Politik, zu welcher, den beschriebenen Vorfall nutzend, übergegangen wird, um jemanden oder etwas zu bejubeln oder zu kritisieren.

Yeah, translation (corresponding) (Do I really have to do that?):
Incidents are often used as example for the greatness or incompetence of somebody or something, what is regularly the actual intention behind a new thread.


Das mag ja sein, aber solche Methode verlieren ganz, ganz ganz schell an Wirkung wenn sie auf dieser Art-u-Weise ständig benutzt werden. Immer zu sagen, "ach, ja, der Obama ist an dies und jenes dran Schuld, weil, weil, weil... BENGHAZI"... ist völlig verrückt. Dies beschmutzt die allegemeine Politik bis zu dem Punkt, an dem man zu dem unausweichlichen Schluss kommt, daß es sich überhaupt nicht mehr lohnt, darüber zu reden. In diesem Punkt sind Amis echt ermüdend und haben noch einiges über echtes debattieren zu lernen...

(Google Translate is your friend!)
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I read the Daily Caller link:

The jury sided with Everhart on the discrimination claim, but not on his claim of a hostile work environment. The $350,000 is for compensatory damages for heart problems and high blood pressure Everhart said were a result of his treatment. U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte will decide how much Everhart receives for back pay and benefits.

I disagree with your title. It's not about reverse discrimination. It's simply about discrimination in any form that is illegal under US code.

If it is true that that what that school teacher claims was done to him by that school principal, that is already bad enough. It doesn't matter if it is white on black or black on white - all discrimination of this sort is terrible.

I'm glad the guy won his lawsuit. Good for him.

Now, why you decided to link President Obama to this is just a mystery to me. Do you think that our President put that black school principal up to doing that? Is the president responsible for every case of prejudice or discrimination that makes it into the news headlines? Is this how Righties are thinking these days? Really?
Our present President is the big step in anti-discrimination policy. And at the same time, his failures may be the reasons for the burst racial disputes

Your opinion, which I respect. But I do not concur with it.
White Teacher Wins In Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit The Daily Caller
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist
Thanks for the proof that anti-discrimination laws are fair.

If any of his allegations are true, that woman deserves to be fired and he deserves to win his lawsuit.
White Teacher Wins In Reverse Discrimination Lawsuit The Daily Caller
In Obama’s America, we have seen an increase in racial division and strife. After all, the Democrats are even holding seminars to teach their people how to infuse race into any subject.
We have a president who focuses on convincing people that conservatives don’t support him because of the color of his skin, not due to the content of his character or policies. We even have an U.S. attorney general who readily admits that he is an activist which explains his refusal to prosecute discrimination cases of blacks against whites. In fact, in his mind, such cases cannot exist

White teacher wins 350 000 in Prince George s schools bias lawsuit - The Washington Post

Das mag ja sein, aber solche Methode verlieren ganz, ganz ganz schell an Wirkung wenn sie auf dieser Art-u-Weise ständig benutzt werden. Immer zu sagen, "ach, ja, der Obama ist an dies und jenes dran Schuld, weil, weil, weil... BENGHAZI"... ist völlig verrückt. Dies beschmutzt die allegemeine Politik bis zu dem Punkt, an dem man zu dem unausweichlichen Schluss kommt, daß es sich überhaupt nicht mehr lohnt, darüber zu reden. In diesem Punkt sind Amis echt ermüdend und haben noch einiges über echtes debattieren zu lernen...
Its mostly the DEM vs REP thing. Really nerved.

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