White Privilege

The loss of 10,000 black homes and the destruction of the wealthiest black community in the United States, and it never even came up in my public school education.

Maybe the curriculum did not allow time for every single episode in American history to be covered. Ever hear of the white man who was lynched by a white mob in Washington County, Misssissippi in 1877 after he boasted in public about murdering a black man? Ever hear of the Italian immigrants lynched in New Orleans in 1891? Ever hear of the Great Molasses Flood? Study a lot about the Seminole Wars? Or maybe your school just sucked.
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Obama Wants to Create More Victims of White Privilege
More phony racial “identities” -- for more racial conflict.
December 14, 2016
Bruce Thornton

For a couple of years Obama and the U.S. Census Bureau have been working on adding to the 2020 census a new ethnic group, or “racial category.” This new addition to the conga-line of victims of white hegemony is called “Mena,” comprising people from the Middle East and North Africa, which includes very culturally diverse peoples from Berbers to Israelis, Arabs to Persians. All sorts of soothing rationales have been put forth for this move, such as helping government and scholars “understand more about trends in health, employment and education,” as USA Today put it. But in reality the change would create even more clients for what radio hosts Larry Elder calls “Victicrats,” the Democrat Party and identity politics hustlers who gain political power and influence by claiming to champion the “people of color” victimized by “white privilege” and racial oppression.

The White House is frank about how altering the census would make this happen: impacting how the Voting Rights Act is enforced and Congressional districts are drawn; creating affirmative action plans and monitoring discrimination in housing, bank lending, and education; and identifying new recipients of government largess. That is, targeting those who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they are the beneficiaries of more government patronage. In addition, since most of these people identify as “white” on the current census, giving them a different option would support the Democrats’ narrative of a demographic shift that is reducing whites to a minority, and that will create The Coming Democrat Majority, as John Judis and Ruy Teixera called it in their 2004 book. Removing some 10 million “Menas” from the white category would confirm that thesis and comfort those still grieving over Donald Trump’s electoral refutation of that hypothesis.

More broadly, this scheme to alter the census reveals just how incoherent and corrupt are our ethnic and racial identity politics. Take the category “Hispanic.” It ignores the diversity of class, religion, culture, and language that separates these groups and create their identities. It asserts that a Mixtec Indian from Oaxaca, who speaks Mixtec instead of Spanish, supposedly shares an identity with a third-generation Mexican-American from California, who speaks English instead of Spanish. Such a broad term is meaningless, collapsing together Caucasians, blacks, Indians, mestizos, and mulattos who happen to have Spanish surnames.

The same is true of all the other racial categories. “Black” could mean an American descendant of slaves, or a mulatto born of a white woman and a Kenyan, or an immigrant from countries as different from one another as Nigeria and Trinidad. It ignores regional, class, and educational differences among American blacks, predicating their “blackness” solely on skin color and the assertion that they are all victims of endemic white racism. “Asian” is equally ridiculous, for it bases identity merely on inhabiting the same vast continent. It’s amazing that the people who fervently worship at the altar of diversity endorse crude racial categories that are left over from the “scientific racism” of early 20th century progressives, and that erase the incredible diversity of human cultures and individuals.

The worst category, however, is “white.” These days “white” is an ideological artifact, defining millions of diverse peoples by their alleged “privilege,” notions of “supremacy,” racism, xenophobia, sexual repression, and neurotic fear of the dark-skinned “other” and cultural differences. Or, as a professor at California State University San Marcos recently said at a “Whiteness Forum,” “a system of power based on racist ideology maintained discursively, institutionally, and materially.” This definition of “White” reduces 200 million Americans to a caricature based on late fifties sit-coms like The Donna Reed Show and Father Knows Best, an antiseptic, homogenous suburban world where everybody is white, middle class, church-going, and sexually uptight.


Now Donald Trump must deliver on his promises to begin rolling back the policies and programs that have picked winners and losers from among the great diversity of the people’s “passions and interests,” rather than trusting in divided government to give these factions scope yet not let them overwhelm other factions. Our new president can start by pruning the executive agencies and their regulations, reinvigorating federalism, and ditching all the racial and ethnic categories on the census, let alone allowing the creation of a new one like the preposterous “Mena.”

Obama Wants to Create More Victims of White Privilege
Obama Wants to Create More Victims of White Privilege
More phony racial “identities” -- for more racial conflict.
December 14, 2016
Bruce Thornton

For a couple of years Obama and the U.S. Census Bureau have been working on adding to the 2020 census a new ethnic group, or “racial category.” This new addition to the conga-line of victims of white hegemony is called “Mena,” comprising people from the Middle East and North Africa, which includes very culturally diverse peoples from Berbers to Israelis, Arabs to Persians. All sorts of soothing rationales have been put forth for this move, such as helping government and scholars “understand more about trends in health, employment and education,” as USA Today put it. But in reality the change would create even more clients for what radio hosts Larry Elder calls “Victicrats,” the Democrat Party and identity politics hustlers who gain political power and influence by claiming to champion the “people of color” victimized by “white privilege” and racial oppression.

The White House is frank about how altering the census would make this happen: impacting how the Voting Rights Act is enforced and Congressional districts are drawn; creating affirmative action plans and monitoring discrimination in housing, bank lending, and education; and identifying new recipients of government largess. That is, targeting those who would be inclined to vote Democrat once they are the beneficiaries of more government patronage. In addition, since most of these people identify as “white” on the current census, giving them a different option would support the Democrats’ narrative of a demographic shift that is reducing whites to a minority, and that will create The Coming Democrat Majority, as John Judis and Ruy Teixera called it in their 2004 book. Removing some 10 million “Menas” from the white category would confirm that thesis and comfort those still grieving over Donald Trump’s electoral refutation of that hypothesis.

More broadly, this scheme to alter the census reveals just how incoherent and corrupt are our ethnic and racial identity politics. Take the category “Hispanic.” It ignores the diversity of class, religion, culture, and language that separates these groups and create their identities. It asserts that a Mixtec Indian from Oaxaca, who speaks Mixtec instead of Spanish, supposedly shares an identity with a third-generation Mexican-American from California, who speaks English instead of Spanish. Such a broad term is meaningless, collapsing together Caucasians, blacks, Indians, mestizos, and mulattos who happen to have Spanish surnames.

The same is true of all the other racial categories. “Black” could mean an American descendant of slaves, or a mulatto born of a white woman and a Kenyan, or an immigrant from countries as different from one another as Nigeria and Trinidad. It ignores regional, class, and educational differences among American blacks, predicating their “blackness” solely on skin color and the assertion that they are all victims of endemic white racism. “Asian” is equally ridiculous, for it bases identity merely on inhabiting the same vast continent. It’s amazing that the people who fervently worship at the altar of diversity endorse crude racial categories that are left over from the “scientific racism” of early 20th century progressives, and that erase the incredible diversity of human cultures and individuals.

The worst category, however, is “white.” These days “white” is an ideological artifact, defining millions of diverse peoples by their alleged “privilege,” notions of “supremacy,” racism, xenophobia, sexual repression, and neurotic fear of the dark-skinned “other” and cultural differences. Or, as a professor at California State University San Marcos recently said at a “Whiteness Forum,” “a system of power based on racist ideology maintained discursively, institutionally, and materially.” This definition of “White” reduces 200 million Americans to a caricature based on late fifties sit-coms like The Donna Reed Show and Father Knows Best, an antiseptic, homogenous suburban world where everybody is white, middle class, church-going, and sexually uptight.


Now Donald Trump must deliver on his promises to begin rolling back the policies and programs that have picked winners and losers from among the great diversity of the people’s “passions and interests,” rather than trusting in divided government to give these factions scope yet not let them overwhelm other factions. Our new president can start by pruning the executive agencies and their regulations, reinvigorating federalism, and ditching all the racial and ethnic categories on the census, let alone allowing the creation of a new one like the preposterous “Mena.”

Obama Wants to Create More Victims of White Privilege

Sadly, the tactics are working. It's being taught in our schools now. White kids are being taught that they must take action to make up for their white privilege. It's not viewed as something you just don't do, like act racist. If you don't check your privilege at the door and make an effort to make reparations, then you are the problem. Meanwhile, blacks and other minorities are taught that they are somehow inferior to whites and therefore owed something for being cheated at birth.

It's crazy that people believe this. They started by claiming that virtually everything whites did or said was racist. From border security to Obamacare, opinions on issues were either labelled as correct or racist, with the right answer being what is in line with the current left's narrative. Teachers started finding ways to show that kindergarten children were innately racist by saying they refused to try certain ethnic foods or didn't play with a certain child at recess. Schools started separating children at recess when they started acting like best friends if the children were white. They were forced to play with others. One school went as far as to start calling police over perceived racist comments. After one child refused a brownie treat at a school party by saying he didn't like those brownie things, the teacher notified the principal's office and police were called.

The militant left is taking their agenda seriously. After 8 years of Obama, their radical vision for America was so close and they stepped it up. This is behind the sheer panic of losing the White House. Their dream is turning to ashes because sanity prevailed. That doesn't mean they are going to give up. Obama will do what he can before leaving office and schools will continue with the indoctrination of students.

They need people divided and in fear of other groups. Past dictators knew this. America is much more difficult. With communications and news readily available, it's hard to control the flow of information. They focused on schools and began implementing their agenda decades ago. Today's youth is too often ill-prepared for an independent life after finishing school. Inner city schools haven't seen improvement despite trillions over the years being poured into them. The plan was never to teach students how to function on their own. The education has been designed to ease them into liberalville, touted as the only safe place from the evil wealthy racist whites. There always has to be a villain that only government can fight.

Equality has turned into equal outcomes. Fairness is now favoring certain groups over others. Money belongs to government and it's wrong for private citizens to have too much of it. Now we are declared guilty of things by virtue of being born white. Knew that one was coming when the other racist charges didn't stick. They wore the race card out and I guess some didn't grasp the crap they spewed about it being racist to oppose Obamacare or Common Core, so they simplified things and declared whites to be innately racist. It's in people's DNA. Of course, the intelligent people know that racism is taught, but the left couldn't allow people the opportunity to deny the charge of racism. Not only are whites declared racists but they are expected to atone for it. Skin color is all that's needed to charge, convict and fine you for your sins.

Listen to groups, like BLM, and you will understand the effect that the left's plot has had on people over the years. Between the teachings in schools and the rhetoric from Obama and other black leaders, too many are convinced that whites are evil and must be stopped. And some whites believe that they must pay for past sins.

Divide and conquer. The division is deep and maybe permanent. For now, we've delayed the 'conquer' part because we sent Hillary packing.
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