White Privilege in American Society


Obama's partisan opposition was completely keeping in line with what we have seen from both sides as we become more bitterly divided.

Hell, republicans reacted far better to Obama's election than you lefties reacted to Trump's election.

Now THAT is hilarious! You must not read very much.

If Obama had run his campaign in the manner that Trump had, using fear mongering, and making some of the outlandish statements that Trump has made, he would have never become president.

Your rationalizations for the violent butthurt of your fellow lefties does not change the facts, ie that republicans reacted far better to Obama's election than you lefties reacted to Trump's election.

I'm not rationalizing anything associated with violence, sonny.

Obama is not in office anymore, and is likely glad to be out, and I am happy for him.

As far as "Trumplethinskin" goes, he has had a very trying first 100 days hasn't he? With more on the way.

Plus, he has not even had to try to work with an uncooperative Senate or House, because the Republicans have them both under their control....and they still can't get out of their own way.

Now that's comedy.

Your opinion on Trump's first 100 day is irrelevant to the topic.

Obama is out of office.

That does not change the fact that conservatives did not react nearly as badly to his election as you lefties did to Trump's election.

I said Obama is out of office. You don't need to repeat what I said.

That's out of the way now, so I will await your proof that conservatives did not react as badly to Obama as the left did to Trump.

As an editorial comment, your opinion is irrelevant...so prove your point with polls, articles or credible news sources.

I won't hold my breath.

Here is the goggle search for "conservatives riot after Obama election"

It is nothing but lefties trying to explain away the truth, ie that there were no such riots, because conservatives aren't violent thugs like lefties.

conservatives riot after obama is elected - Google Search
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Thats what you do best.You categorize every black person who is alive and breathing as being personally affiliated with every organization that "pro black" as being "anti white" in order to facillutate would

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

What you do best is destroy your own position without me having to do it for you and destroy your own credibility by lying about your adversary.

You want me to respect a "pro-black" organization that has explicitly anti-white chapters(Breitbart calls out Black Lives Matter Philly for having blacks-only meetings), and has the same goals as stormfront, while you are perfectly content with living in a world that AUTOMATICALLY associates the words "pro-white" with long past white racial phenomena like the Nazis and the KKK.

You might want to check your privilege dude, because it is a pretty huge fucking elephant in the room right now.
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.
That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Are you fucking kidding? Seriously? Read some history on the Civil Rights Movement. When black people "fought" for the right to vote, do you think that they had no adversaries? There were people who were murdered, churches were bombed, homes were torched, water hoses and German Shepards were unleashed on people who only wanted an EQUAL opportunity to participate in an American right of citizenship.

Your problem is that you would rather bitch and moan on a public message board about how you are being "called boy" when in fact you don't even know what REAL oppression is.

To answer your inane question regarding "how I suppose white people tackle their problems when they are mandated to integrate their every activity"?

First learn the difference between a MOMENT and a MOVEMENT......it's called sacrifice. And you are not sacrificing anything but your own valuable time by complaining on an anonymous message board to some anonymous people about how white privilege "does not exist".

If you were really as passionate as you claim to be, you would be doing something other than that.

That aside, I PERSONALLY would be EXTREMELY elated if a group of white people had the stones to organize and address certain issues like drug abuse, and suicide to help WHITE PEOPLE...especially if meant that it would potentially prevent another sicko like Dylan Roof from walking into a church of peaceful, law abiding people who are minding their own business and slaughtering them because his drug usage caused the same kind of hostility that you have to get out of control.

In fact, I am on the board of a large non profit that provides services for people with depression as well as drug problems which a...and you can rest assured that the majority of the people walking through the doors for help are not just blacks.

Now what?
Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Thats what you do best.You categorize every black person who is alive and breathing as being personally affiliated with every organization that "pro black" as being "anti white" in order to facillutate would
Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

What you do best is destroy your own position without me having to do it for you and destroy your own credibility by lying about your adversary.

You want me to respect a "pro-black" organization that has explicitly anti-white chapters(Breitbart calls out Black Lives Matter Philly for having blacks-only meetings), and has the same goals as stormfront, while you are perfectly content with living in a world that AUTOMATICALLY associates the words "pro-white" with long past white racial phenomena like the Nazis and the KKK.

You might want to check your privilege dude, because it is a pretty huge fucking elephant in the room right now.

"My privilege? My position"? You don't have a clue what those are.

When have I mentioned BLM in the time that I've wasted talking to you?

Are you ignorant enough to think that by racial association, that I follow the activities of BLM?

From all of the your pointless chattering about them, it's obvious to me that you spend far more time monitoring them than I do......and I don't at all.
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

those issues are issues unto themselves a not evidence of white privilege as you claim. the only one that I could see actually even being related is affirmative action, as it is race based. the others are not racial in nature. safe spaces are claimed by people of all races. people of many races claim micro-aggressions etc. my point was that this white privilege label is nothing more than an offshoot of that hypersensitive, everyone's-a-vicitim mentality that has spun off a myriad of lunacy, not all of which is racial in nature, and of which "white privilege" is just the latest example.

and, seeing as I didn't make the claim in the first place that these things are or are not actually even related to white privilege, but made a statement more broad in nature, as indicated above, it is not my job to explain or disprove why these things exist. the burden of proof to establish that relationship falls to you, as you made the claim ..

asking me again to "explain why they exist" is just an extension of your original circular reasoning, as you are again attempting to affirm the premise with these examples without any actual proof, or even argument in support of your supposed claim, so if you could actually offer some evidence in support of your statement that would be great.....
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.

And before you talk about how "long ago" that was, realize that there are people who were alive and growing up during Jim Crow. Cultural change doesn't turn on a dime.
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.

And before you talk about how "long ago" that was, realize that there are people who were alive and growing up during Jim Crow. Cultural change doesn't turn on a dime.

oh, please, I didn't claim racism didn't exist or anything of the sort.

if you're not going to bother to actually respond to other people's posts, why bother posting to them at all, as you can just plug your opinions in here anywhere without going through all of that.

at this point we're going right past everything involved in our actual discussion, addressing none of the points actually made, and leaping to invoke Jim Crow.

That is nothing but an appeal to emotion fallacy, so you are apparently just blowing off the entire issue of your using logical fallacy to make your argument in the first place and trying to paper over it via the use of yet another logical fallacy.

Well, Bravo on the double down anyhow.

you have made no argument that withstands any sort of logical reasoning whatsoever and YOU are not going to take ME seriously.


well thanks for the entertainment anyhow...

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Are you fucking kidding? Seriously? Read some history on the Civil Rights Movement. When black people "fought" for the right to vote, do you think that they had no adversaries? There were people who were murdered, churches were bombed, homes were torched, water hoses and German Shepards were unleashed on people who only wanted an EQUAL opportunity to participate in an American right of citizenship.

Your problem is that you would rather bitch and moan on a public message board about how you are being "called boy" when in fact you don't even know what REAL oppression is.

To answer your inane question regarding "how I suppose white people tackle their problems when they are mandated to integrate their every activity"?

First learn the difference between a MOMENT and a MOVEMENT......it's called sacrifice. And you are not sacrificing anything but your own valuable time by complaining on an anonymous message board to some anonymous people about how white privilege "does not exist".

If you were really as passionate as you claim to be, you would be doing something other than that.

That aside, I PERSONALLY would be EXTREMELY elated if a group of white people had the stones to organize and address certain issues like drug abuse, and suicide to help WHITE PEOPLE...especially if meant that it would potentially prevent another sicko like Dylan Roof from walking into a church of peaceful, law abiding people who are minding their own business and slaughtering them because his drug usage caused the same kind of hostility that you have to get out of control.

In fact, I am on the board of a large non profit that provides services for people with depression as well as drug problems which a...and you can rest assured that the majority of the people walking through the doors for help are not just blacks.

Now what?

Unless you honestly(and foolishly) believe that George Lincoln Rockwell and the like had as much support from every mainstream institution to destroy the civil rights movement as SJWs and "progressives" do to attack any and all perceived pro-white individuals, you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

We are fighting people who repeatedly say they have the moral high ground and have control over every institution during the fucking Information Age to make most people believe it. Your ancestors couldn't even fathom that kind of opposition, much less beat it.

If blacks had to fight the entirety of white America with an infinitely powerful media against everything they did, a declining birth rate, black guilt from some past event, extreme gender political gaps, extreme generational political gaps etc etc, blacks would have been obliterated no matter how right you were.

THIS is the only reason why "white privilege" is such a longstanding dogma. No matter how many times it is destroyed, some media outlet or global corporation will prop it up again. THIS is why any hypothetical pro-white group that is trying to enter the mainstream is ripped to shreds before anyone even knows it existed.
Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.

well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.
well there's an excellent example of circular logic, if nothing else....

Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Thats what you do best.You categorize every black person who is alive and breathing as being personally affiliated with every organization that "pro black" as being "anti white" in order to facillutate would
White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

What you do best is destroy your own position without me having to do it for you and destroy your own credibility by lying about your adversary.

You want me to respect a "pro-black" organization that has explicitly anti-white chapters(Breitbart calls out Black Lives Matter Philly for having blacks-only meetings), and has the same goals as stormfront, while you are perfectly content with living in a world that AUTOMATICALLY associates the words "pro-white" with long past white racial phenomena like the Nazis and the KKK.

You might want to check your privilege dude, because it is a pretty huge fucking elephant in the room right now.

"My privilege? My position"? You don't have a clue what those are.

When have I mentioned BLM in the time that I've wasted talking to you?

Are you ignorant enough to think that by racial association, that I follow the activities of BLM?

From all of the your pointless chattering about them, it's obvious to me that you spend far more time monitoring them than I do......and I don't at all.

Your privilege is obvious(which I have already explained in significant detail), and you have already declared your position that "white privilege" exists.

You don't have to declare your allegiance to BLM for me to use them as an example against the notion of "white privilege" because of the simple fact that a white equivalent(which is sorely needed, even if only for the drugs and depression)is not allowed to exist by contemporary society(it is not about having the "stones", it is about society progressing to the point of equality so that such a group won't automatically be attacked and maligned by disgusting slime like the ADL and SPLC) .
Black people(and every other non-white group) are allowed to have organizations that are explicitly created to only serve their interests, and white people are not, which means black people have privileges white people don't have.
Tell me a real reason why those things exist, then. And if you could present it in non-political terms (as in no "liberals suck, that's why!"), that would be great.

Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining microaggressions?

THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?
THe need to maintain a political alliance based on fighting a bogeyman.

So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.
So, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority.


Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.
Of course you can't. Because that would mean that you would have to seriously argue your position.

Something you can't do.

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

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