White Privilege in American Society

Answering the question would help.

NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.
NOt much reality. The VAST majority of what gets called "racism" in this country is just people who have the NERVE to disagre with lefties.

Remember when you lefties spent a solid YEAR gloating on how Hispanics hated Trump and that meant that he COULD NOT win?

And then he said that ONE SPECIFIC individual Hispanic hated him, and you lefties called THAT racism?


Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.
Not much reality behind claims of racism.

And when, pray tell, did racism come to a screeching halt? Did it ever exist in America?

Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.
Nice moving of the goal posts. The question you asked was WAS there any reality of it NOW.

This is where you support your position that there is.

When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.
When I asked what would "lead us" to affirmative action, etc, it necessarily asks to go back to a cause. Maybe I could have been clearer, but I didn't mean in the last year, or even last ten years.

You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.
You sound pretty present tense here.

"o, no reality behind those things whatsoever?

I can't even take you a bit seriously if you can't admit real grievances from black people against the white majority."

Whatever there was in the past, today, the vast majority of what is called racism, isn't.

And the purpose of that shit cited, is now political, to maintain the liberal/minority alliance.

Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?
Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

Are you fucking kidding? Seriously? Read some history on the Civil Rights Movement. When black people "fought" for the right to vote, do you think that they had no adversaries? There were people who were murdered, churches were bombed, homes were torched, water hoses and German Shepards were unleashed on people who only wanted an EQUAL opportunity to participate in an American right of citizenship.

Your problem is that you would rather bitch and moan on a public message board about how you are being "called boy" when in fact you don't even know what REAL oppression is.

To answer your inane question regarding "how I suppose white people tackle their problems when they are mandated to integrate their every activity"?

First learn the difference between a MOMENT and a MOVEMENT......it's called sacrifice. And you are not sacrificing anything but your own valuable time by complaining on an anonymous message board to some anonymous people about how white privilege "does not exist".

If you were really as passionate as you claim to be, you would be doing something other than that.

That aside, I PERSONALLY would be EXTREMELY elated if a group of white people had the stones to organize and address certain issues like drug abuse, and suicide to help WHITE PEOPLE...especially if meant that it would potentially prevent another sicko like Dylan Roof from walking into a church of peaceful, law abiding people who are minding their own business and slaughtering them because his drug usage caused the same kind of hostility that you have to get out of control.

In fact, I am on the board of a large non profit that provides services for people with depression as well as drug problems which a...and you can rest assured that the majority of the people walking through the doors for help are not just blacks.

Now what?

Unless you honestly(and foolishly) believe that George Lincoln Rockwell and the like had as much support from every mainstream institution to destroy the civil rights movement as SJWs and "progressives" do to attack any and all perceived pro-white individuals, you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

We are fighting people who repeatedly say they have the moral high ground and have control over every institution during the fucking Information Age to make most people believe it. Your ancestors couldn't even fathom that kind of opposition, much less beat it.

If blacks had to fight the entirety of white America with an infinitely powerful media against everything they did, a declining birth rate, black guilt from some past event, extreme gender political gaps, extreme generational political gaps etc etc, blacks would have been obliterated no matter how right you were.

THIS is the only reason why "white privilege" is such a longstanding dogma. No matter how many times it is destroyed, some media outlet or global corporation will prop it up again. THIS is why any hypothetical pro-white group that is trying to enter the mainstream is ripped to shreds before anyone even knows it existed.

George Lincoln Rockwell?! Very poor example.He was a delusional, hapless nut.... Gunned down by one of his own inbred idiots.

I remember hearing about that fool getting punched in the face at San Diego State University while delivering an anti Semitic speech. The guy who did it was a friend of my family.

What political office did he hold that placed him a political position of influence to change or prevent change of long standing laws? None.

Now you are blaming the "information age" for holding you hostage?

Every era has obstacles which are relative to the tools available to initiate action and effect change that make social evolution a challenging task, so comparing a time in history that you were not even here to witness, with the present is ridiculous.

There are no laws restricting you from starting a movement to change what you believe is unjust. Anyone can come up with an excuse not to take action.

If the information age is your nemesis, then make it your weapon.

That's the difference between those who make things happen versus those who ask "what the fuck happened"

Frankly I don't believe that you have the courage to venture far away enough from your computer and this forum to start anything to help your own people.

You are a prisoner of your own laziness.

That's the problem with your generation.

That being said, I have wasted more than enough time talking in circles with you.

Good luck in your endeavor.
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Original question:

"Seriously, what would lead us to affirmative action, safe spaces, and defining micro-aggressions?"

Calm down, I already said I could have been clearer, but the original question asks a past tense question.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.

I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


I've observed my family and communitie(s) and civic group(s) and peers include minorities without comment, for decades.
I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


I admit to serious racism in the past.

Today? No.

Unless you are talking about the massive reverse or anti-white racism.

So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


I've observed my family and communitie(s) and civic group(s) and peers include minorities without comment, for decades.

It's different from talking to someone.
So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


I've observed my family and communitie(s) and civic group(s) and peers include minorities without comment, for decades.

It's different from talking to someone.

Oh brother.....
So, when did it end? When did black people (any monorities) officially lose the right to complain?

Seriously, I'm asking.

Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
You don't understand the demographics of this country very well.

Even the whitest small towns have more than a few non-white people living all over.

It is far more likely that many black posters on here can go days without so much as seeing a white person in the flesh. The blackest cities and towns are almost entirely black.
Seriously I'm not sure.

I recall growing up, in a middle class mostly white suburb in the 70s.

I heard of lots of racism in the press. But not in my community or my family.

So, I assumed that my family and neighborhood was exceptional.

I grew older and moved into a wider world.

And still kept hearing about how racist the world was, and I started to note that it was never were I was.

Then I heard that the city I was in was supposedly, according to activist was very racist. When I could see that that was not true.

Then I realized that all those reports of how racist America supposedly was, WAS directed at my family and community. That those who were making those accusation were talking about people that I knew very well were NOT racist.

Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
You don't understand the demographics of this country very well.

Even the whitest small towns have more than a few non-white people living all over.

It is far more likely that many black posters on here can go days without so much as seeing a white person in the flesh. The blackest cities and towns are almost entirely black.

That so contrary to reality.
Now follow up question.....I can only assume you're white. How many black friends can you find to ask about their experiences?

I mean black or minority friends that you can trust to tell it without an agenda.

Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
You don't understand the demographics of this country very well.

Even the whitest small towns have more than a few non-white people living all over.

It is far more likely that many black posters on here can go days without so much as seeing a white person in the flesh. The blackest cities and towns are almost entirely black.

That so contrary to reality.
You are literally clueless.
Why? Are my observations less valid because of my skin color?

Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
You don't understand the demographics of this country very well.

Even the whitest small towns have more than a few non-white people living all over.

It is far more likely that many black posters on here can go days without so much as seeing a white person in the flesh. The blackest cities and towns are almost entirely black.

That so contrary to reality.
You are literally clueless.

I apologize, I didn't realize you were talking about cities and towns in Africa.
Not really. But you might not observe things unless they happen to you. That's why I am asking you to find a minority friend who can tell you their observations, based on their experiences.


From what you read in this forum, do you believe that the majority of those posting here have what could be called "minority friends"?
You don't understand the demographics of this country very well.

Even the whitest small towns have more than a few non-white people living all over.

It is far more likely that many black posters on here can go days without so much as seeing a white person in the flesh. The blackest cities and towns are almost entirely black.

That so contrary to reality.
You are literally clueless.

I apologize, I didn't realize you were talking about cities and towns in Africa.
No moron, I am talking about south Florida.

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