White Privilege in American Society

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide?

Yeah, actually....among others.

How do you suppose white people tackle those problems when we are socially mandated to integrate our every activity?

You fools couldn't even handle the Tea Party when they weren't even racially oriented, so I doubt you could handle an unapologetically white-oriented group that specifically combats drug abuse and depression in poor white communities.

You expect everyone to go along with the bullshit that BLM spews when its entire foundation is based on a lie, but you would scream bloody murder if there was a WLM that is based on verifiable facts, THAT is a massive example of how stupid the notion of "white privilege" is, THAT is also privilege.

The fact you are saying it's unfair that BLM exists proves you feel entitled and that the white race should have everything... Dude seriously? The fact is white people was not put on boats forced to come to America. Fprced to endure all of the heinous things that slaves had to. Do you think Hitler was bad? America was 10x worse.. literally slaughtered Any one who was different and the ones we didn't kill they raped the women and put the children to work.. Could you have survived? I can't even begin to actually imagine everything that they as African Americans had to go through..even still after so long and through the new generations still suffer from in some way shape or form simply for being different. This is White America.. This is the land of the free...if you are white. And when someone starts a movement such as BLM it is bashed and you think you deserve a WLM? It exists already what cause is there for something that already exist? But you want to throw a tantrum because "Kunta" over there has the train you wanna play with.. seriously you need to be put in time out or something with your childish ass. You and people like you are the PROBLEM. grow tf up

We need a WLM, moron.

Even Katsteve said he would be "elated" to see one, and he supposedly lived through the civil rights era.

The fact that you(white masochist liberals) and BLM believe that you can shame and attack the idea of a WLM out of existence when it is desperately needed PROVES how pathetic the notion of the existence of "white privilege" actually is.

That isn't what I said "moron" You are so focused on denying anything other than your own thoughts you are not taking the time to comprehend on an educated level exactly what anyone is saying. Take a breath...breathe dude.. And just ponder what exactly I am saying...

In a nut shell...

To consider a WLM movement you would have to initiate it for the right reasons..which there are right reasons.. and not the wrong reasons.. which is what seems to be where you are coming from. From what I understand you want one because they have one.. that isn't right. That is a tantrum. If you wish to start a WLM movement it would have to exist on a non-discriminatory base.. And be directed towards issues the white community faces where they are discriminated against. Which does happen. Discrediting BLM or white privilege would have nothing to do with this.. It would have to exist solely for the purpose of ending all biased opinions as a whole which is fundamentally what BLM is aimed at (there is more to it than that) but not everyone interprets everything the same or acts appropriately. Actions speak louder than words.. agree? Be angry.. aim for change.. but do it for the right reasons.

None of what I said to you, nor what you quoted me saying to Katsteve indicates any of that. In reality you are projecting your own ignorance and prolonged teenage angst onto me because you are in WAY over your head here.

The only one on here engaging me on an intellectual level literally agrees with my premise. You ARE a moron, kid.

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