White House turns to making threats as Obamacare enrollments stall

the high deductibles is a Republican plan, putting more ownership in the hands of the people....

This supposedly would let the ''market'' work, and the resistance from the customers to higher prices would bring the prices down....and through the customers seeking out the place that has the best price for the treatment they needed....would cause other health care places to lower their own prices...

Time will tell if this actually works.....so far, I don't think it has.
It's certainly putting the cost on customers .... rather than on employers and providers. On the other hand, the link I put up mentioned a Tennessee man who obtained "thousands" of dollars worth of dental care. My private insurance dropped dental years ago.
the high deductibles is a Republican plan, putting more ownership in the hands of the people....

This supposedly would let the ''market'' work, and the resistance from the customers to higher prices would bring the prices down....and through the customers seeking out the place that has the best price for the treatment they needed....would cause other health care places to lower their own prices...

Time will tell if this actually works.....so far, I don't think it has.

How can something Republicans didn't vote for be their plan? Typical when what we told you was a piece of shit idea doesn't work, the ones that pushed it through won't take responsibility for it being a turd.
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
67% of group plan holders..according to the national registry ..supposed to be next year sometime.....unless they extended implimentation again.
Oh. So it wasn't 2014 as originally claimed. And now it isn't 2015 as amended? You are moving it back to 2016?

This reminds me of those End-of-the-World preachers.

"I forgot to carry the one when I did the math."
Obamacare reduces the deficit, through its medicare savings.

you are not paying a dime more in taxes for it.

most people who were unable to get health insurance are happy with it.

I can understand why someone who only had catastrophic insurance is unhappy with full coverage.

Deductibles are high for some people, because they chose the high deductible instead of a lower deductible plan....they made this choice.

I would never do that...even at my husband's work where we have 3 choices on our deductibles, at our age, we do not choose the plan with the highest deductibles....we pay the higher premium upfront.

For the last 100 years, if you get your insurance through your employer, it has been subsidized by the US Federal government, through the tax write off they enacted at the bequest of employers, for their portion of what they paid in insurance costs for their employees....

those that did not have insurance and worked, were actually subsidizing YOUR employer benefit, while they went with no insurance at all.

The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford. The lower the deductible, the more expensive the plan. How could so many not understand this? Many had plans they liked with reasonable rates and deductibles. Obamacare changed all that and now they pay more all the way around, but are more likely to skip going to the doctor because they have to pay the full cost out of pocket. Most will pay completely out of pocket for the year because of the high deductibles and that's on top of higher premiums.
Oh. So it wasn't 2014 as originally claimed. And now it isn't 2015 as amended? You are moving it back to 2016?

This reminds me of those End-of-the-World preachers.

"I forgot to carry the one when I did the math."

It's the Obama administration moving it back. Obama likes to wave his magic pen and change the law at will.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
When people get the benefits of a society they are also required to share in responsibilities.

Why are people like you using such selfish arguments?
you are not paying a dime more in taxes for it.
Your cohorts just got through telling the Supreme Court that the mandate was a tax, not a penalty.

That was shortly after they told reluctant Democrat senators it was a penalty, not a tax... which was shortly after those Senators saying they wouldn't vote for Obamacare at all if it had any new taxes in it.

Maybe your Useful Idiot base will accept your repeated lies, 180-degree swings and doublethink without question.

But normal Americans remember what you said. That's why your polls and credibility ratings keep shrinking.

You need to get your stories straight.

But I guess that would involve a little honesty and integrity.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.
The compliance reporting alone is turning into a nightmare, especially if you are self-insured. Even the IRS doesn't seem to know how to determine the "value" of self-insurance for reporting purposes.

What a complete cluster.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.

Semantics, some did and some said that we'd save 2500 a year on premiums. Others said we'd be able to keep our doctor while others laughed at how gullible the american people were when O promised unicorns and then delivered a turd bouquet.
Obamacare reduces the deficit, through its medicare savings.

you are not paying a dime more in taxes for it.

most people who were unable to get health insurance are happy with it.

I can understand why someone who only had catastrophic insurance is unhappy with full coverage.

Deductibles are high for some people, because they chose the high deductible instead of a lower deductible plan....they made this choice.

I would never do that...even at my husband's work where we have 3 choices on our deductibles, at our age, we do not choose the plan with the highest deductibles....we pay the higher premium upfront.

For the last 100 years, if you get your insurance through your employer, it has been subsidized by the US Federal government, through the tax write off they enacted at the bequest of employers, for their portion of what they paid in insurance costs for their employees....

those that did not have insurance and worked, were actually subsidizing YOUR employer benefit, while they went with no insurance at all.
those people chose the high deductibles because the premiums for their low deductible plans sky rocketed with the ACA to a point where it was no longer affordable.

Get back to me when you are able to debate this topic without your childish spin.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.
yes. The claim was an average of 2500 a year per family.

Now, if you take all those that now get it at little or no cost and average them in with everyone else, this may be true.

But for those who pay for the insurance?

Their costs went up dramatically....either a much higher deductible or a much higher premium for the lower deductible they used to have.

So what they did was play the word game. "average cost per family will go down"......forgetting to say "except for those that will have to pay for it. They will go up"

In other words...they duped yas.

What's it like to support an administration that sees you as one that is easily duped?
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.

Semantics, some did and some said that we'd save 2500 a year on premiums. Others said we'd be able to keep our doctor while others laughed at how gullible the american people were when O promised unicorns and then delivered a turd bouquet.
Well, if they said "you won't pay as much for your private insurance in 2015 with Obamacare as you would pay without it" .... they'd have been correct. Not that I'm a great Obamacare fan, but the hysterical cries on the right were overblown.
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
When people get the benefits of a society they are also required to share in responsibilities.

Why are people like you using such selfish arguments?
you sound like a socialist.

There is a difference between SHARING in responsibilities and ""taking on the bulk of the responsibilities"

For those that get free healthcare.....exactly what responsibilities are they sharing?
Now that Obamacare is in full swing, the leftist fanatics are crowing that more people are insured than before.

But that seems to depend on what the definition of "insured", is... to paraphrase another leftist liar.

People who are "insured" under Obamacare, are frequently skipping doctor-recommended procedures they used to accept... because they can't afford the huge deductibles they have to pay every year before Obamacare's "benefits" finally kick in.

I especially like they way the leftists keep claiming that with the subsidies in Obamacare, your costs are actually low.

That may be true... because while you don't pay all the costs, that guy who lives down the street and has three jobs, is paying the full costs of his own Obamacare policy... plus a generous amount of yours.

Oh, you're the one with three jobs? And you haven't seen your family for a month? You're the one paying full (high) Obamacare costs... plus most of your neighbor's costs. But don't expect your neighbor to stop by any time soon to say "Thank you". He thinks he's entitled to your money to pay his costs.

And why shouldn't he think he was entitled? The President of the United States told him he was. Would the President say something that wasn't so?

A pop quiz:

Q. What's the difference between a mugger and the President of the United States?
A. The mugger doesn't believe he's "entitled" to your money, and doesn't pretend he's benefitting you by taking it.

But both of them will take it from you anyway, whether you like it or not. And neither of them asked for your permission before doing it. And if you resist either one of them, both will use force against you.


White House Turns to Threats as ObamaCare Enrollments Stall - Breitbart

White House Turns to Threats as ObamaCare Enrollments Stall

by John Nolte
19 Oct 2015

Now that ObamaCare is failing in the exact way its critics predicted more than 5 years ago, the White House is preparing to use threats to increase ObamaCare enrollment numbers next year. The threat, of course, is the ObamaCare tax.

Next year the annual fine for not buying President Obama’s overpriced health insurance will jump to $695 or 2.5% of your income, whichever is greater. The White House intends to use the hefty fines as leverage in the upcoming 2016 enrollment period, which starts in November:

Administration officials are looking for a balance.

“We need to be make sure that we are very clear and explicit about that $695 penalty so people understand the choice they are making,” said spokeswoman Lori Lodes. But she said the main emphasis will stay on the benefits of having health insurance and how the law’s subsidies can dramatically lower the cost of monthly premiums.


It is no secret as to why no one is buying ObamaCare — ObamaCare sucks.

Already, a third of the co-ops have shut down, further undermining enrollee options; the cost of premiums are skyrocketing, primarily because only the sick are signing up, and you’re paying for a ton of Cadillac services you will never use: Men are paying for maternity care. We are all forced to pay for drug rehab. Worst of all, the deductibles are sky high — in the thousands. The result is that a guy like me looking for single-person coverage ends up paying three hundred dollars-plus a month for a plan that offers no real benefits.

With that deductible, I pay for all of my medical coverage on top of obscenely-priced monthly premiums.

Before ObamaCare made them illegal, my catastrophic plan perfectly fit the bill. High deductible, low monthly premium, but if something terrible happened I was covered.

ObamaCare is a massive rip-off, a lousy product that gets lousier and more expensive every year, and most of the 40 million or so among the uninsured do not want it.

So far only 9.1 million people have enrolled in ObamaCare. The Department of Health and Human services is predicting that only 1 million more will enroll up next year. That is well below — more than 50% below — the Congressional Budget Office predictions that claimed there would be upwards of 21 million enrollees by the end of 2016.

The DC media called Obama’s critics racist for claiming ObamaCare would…

…result in millions losing their insurance and doctors.

…increase the deficit.

…premiums would skyrocket.

….insurance companies would go out of business.

…most of the uninsured were uninsured by choice and not looking for ObamaCare.

…the government would threaten people who didn’t sign up.

All of that has come true.

It is only going to get worse.

And now we have reached the threat level — which is undoubtedly the part the White House and Left most looked forward to.

Affordable Care Act.



breitfart, big mouth lying at it's worst.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.

Semantics, some did and some said that we'd save 2500 a year on premiums. Others said we'd be able to keep our doctor while others laughed at how gullible the american people were when O promised unicorns and then delivered a turd bouquet.
Well, if they said "you won't pay as much for your private insurance in 2015 with Obamacare as you would pay without it" .... they'd have been correct. Not that I'm a great Obamacare fan, but the hysterical cries on the right were overblown.

Every major carrier that I've spoke to has quoted increased premiums due to healthcare policy changes. I never saw any decreases in premiums for my employees.
The reason people chose plans with higher deductibles is because it's all they can afford.

It has been that way for decades. The cost of insurance has been outpacing inflation for a very long time, and more and more people have been unable to afford insurance. This is not an ObamaCare thing.

During the entire time this has been going on, Republicans never did a thing about that. They completely abdicated on the issue.

ObamaCare has slowed down the rate of increase. This is not what was implied during the lead-up to its passage. The Left implied that health care costs would start to decrease.

A pox on both their houses.
Not that I'm really a fan of Obamacare, but did the dems actually say costs would decline? I don't recall that, but I could be wrong.

Semantics, some did and some said that we'd save 2500 a year on premiums. Others said we'd be able to keep our doctor while others laughed at how gullible the american people were when O promised unicorns and then delivered a turd bouquet.
Well, if they said "you won't pay as much for your private insurance in 2015 with Obamacare as you would pay without it" .... they'd have been correct. Not that I'm a great Obamacare fan, but the hysterical cries on the right were overblown.

Every major carrier that I've spoke to has quoted increased premiums due to healthcare policy changes. I never saw any decreases in premiums for my employees.
Again, if they said you increase is less with Obamacare than without, they did not lie
When people get the benefits of a society they are also required to share in responsibilities.

Why are people like you using such selfish arguments?
you sound like a socialist.

There is a difference between SHARING in responsibilities and ""taking on the bulk of the responsibilities"

For those that get free healthcare.....exactly what responsibilities are they sharing?
Socialist? Am I supposed to be discredited by a claim of yours? If so, why would you bother to continue past the point of the accusation?

You can't have a rational debate here
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There is a difference between SHARING in responsibilities and ""taking on the bulk of the responsibilities"

For those that get free healthcare.....exactly what responsibilities are they sharing?
You are about as confused as a person can possibly be.

How many people are getting FREE healthcare? Do you even know? And Who is taking on a bulk of responsibilities that others are not taking on? Can you name these responsibilities?

You are attempting to restrict what defines responsible citizenship responsibilities for those who receive free healthcare. If a citizen shares in volunteering in their community and engaging their community in politics and voting are they not sharing in a responsibility to make society better?

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