White House set to release FISA documents next week.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
Democrats you can’t spy on a political opponent!

What Obama did can never happen again
This goes all the way back to Lois Lerner and her type of government official under Obama....as soon as he took office he weaponized our government against half of us....that was wrong...Obama tried to frame Trump with the aid of his justice appointees...I don't care what side of the isle you are in you must agree that this can never happen again....we can never allow that kind of abuse at our nations leadership level ever again...so heads must roll and I believe people will do time...people that followed the direction of and carried out the wishes of president Obama...he is the one that ordered this whole expensive divisive nightmare...

and no one in our media is curious enough to request an interview with the Magic Kenyan.....unreal....no reporter wants to get his side?...bunch of cowards....
This goes all the way back to Lois Lerner and her type of government official under Obama....as soon as he took office he weaponized our government against half of us....that was wrong...Obama tried to frame Trump with the aid of his justice appointees...I don't care what side of the isle you are in you must agree that this can never happen again....we can never allow that kind of abuse at our nations leadership level ever again...so heads must roll and I believe people will do time...people that followed the direction of and carried out the wishes of president Obama...he is the one that ordered this whole expensive divisive nightmare...

and no one in our media is curious enough to request an interview with the Magic Kenyan.....unreal....no reporter wants to get his side?...bunch of cowards....

If you think the left is going to agree with you, think again. They could care less how many laws are broken, as long as the result is to persecute President Trump, his staff, or any of his followers. These people have no respect for the rule of law, they only care about “social justice”, which equates to what makes them feel good and punishing anyone not onboard with the Agenda.
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
This goes all the way back to Lois Lerner and her type of government official under Obama....as soon as he took office he weaponized our government against half of us....that was wrong...Obama tried to frame Trump with the aid of his justice appointees...I don't care what side of the isle you are in you must agree that this can never happen again....we can never allow that kind of abuse at our nations leadership level ever again...so heads must roll and I believe people will do time...people that followed the direction of and carried out the wishes of president Obama...he is the one that ordered this whole expensive divisive nightmare...

and no one in our media is curious enough to request an interview with the Magic Kenyan.....unreal....no reporter wants to get his side?...bunch of cowards....
Leftists don't care...Ends justify the means...This is an object lesson.
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..

Somewhere on TV tonite. I forget where. It was said that Horowitz has already completed the FISA portion of his report.

Both Barr and the WH have been discussing these investigations/FISA release dates for a few months now. I always believed they
were putting pressure on Horowitz, to report what he found and not pretty it up.

When The Donald releases this info, he'll back up what Horowitz has found. Horowitz isn't allowed to go into details nor can he convene
any Grand Jury or question folks no longer employed.

I'd pay close attention to the parts where Foreign Intel agencies were involved. I would imagine that The Donald has alerted the leaders
of those nations so that they can relate how they were asked by the CIA to assist them in spying on American Citizens.

I've always believed that Trump wanted to nail Brennan and Clapper, more than he did Comey. Comey can be used to rat the other
two out. Brennan and Clapper can be used to involve Obama and Biden.

This could get very interesting.
Very interesting to say the least.

Not surprised Pelousy, Schiff and Nadler are screaming bloody murder. I'd scream as well if I were in their shoes.

Hope we all get to read the report.
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
It was released like a year ago.
It didn't reflect the administration's narrative then and it won't now.

Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department
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White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
I am not usually interested in banana republic shit like going after the prior administration. but...

If the docs show what I think they will, it will be the level of government abuse that warrants the death penalty. People who abuse their office should be executed. We should never put up with that.
Heavily redacted, and did not include everything-

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page
Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.

White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
It was released like a year ago.
It didn't reflect the administration's narrative then and it won't now.

Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
Any day now
Heavily redacted, and did not include everything-

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page
Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.

White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
It was released like a year ago.
It didn't reflect the administration's narrative then and it won't now.

Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department
This report about DOJ releasing that is from 10 months ago. So we've had 10 months to digest that. Anything new?

Those documents also provide clear evidence of Russia’s coordination with Carter Page, which didnt look good the Trump Campaign.
White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
What difference would sources and methods make if they were illegal Release the whole thing
Nothing would be compromised
Heavily redacted, and did not include everything-

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page
Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.

White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
It was released like a year ago.
It didn't reflect the administration's narrative then and it won't now.

Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department

Heavily redacted, and did not include everything-

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page
Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.

White House set to release FISA documents next week. Laura Ingrahm stated on her show earlier tonight that they can be expected by mid next week.

The White House is in consultation with the DOJ to make sure the release will not compromise the ongoing criminal investigations into FISA abuse and perjury by FBI, CIA, and other Obama administration staff.

Sean Hannity has been asking for the release of these documents for 2 years and now here they come. The 302's, FISA applications, and many other relevant documents are on the agenda to release.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosie among other democrats are screaming bloody murder and demanding the documents not be released.

I wonder why they do not want these released? Actually that is an easy question to answer. They do not want them released as they kill the narrative they want to push until the elections and this would end them in short order along with placing many democrats in legal jeopardy. This next week is going to be fun to watch..
It was released like a year ago.
It didn't reflect the administration's narrative then and it won't now.

Carter Page FISA Documents Are Released by Justice Department

When they are unredacted, we shall see...

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