White House Fears Senate Democrat May Have The Vote On Calling Witnesses


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
White House expects GOP defections on calling witnesses in Senate impeachment trial

Now I remember making a post in here last month asking why are Republicans so scared to death of calling witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE to the shakedown scheme with Ukraine -- despite all of the tough talk about "Wait and see when it gets to the Senate, and Trump's witnesses testify" -- all of the Trumpers have totally abandoned the whole witness testifying thing -- unless of course those witnesses are everybody WHO HAD ZERO DIRECT KNOWELEDGE of what Trump was impeached for....which obviously proves that republicans are full of shit...as usual.....again, why are they so afraid of witness testimony??

"The White House is preparing for some Republican senators to join Democrats in voting to call witnesses in President Trump's impeachment trial, which could get underway in the coming days. Senior White House officials tell CBS News they increasingly believe that at least four Republicans, and likely more, will vote to call witnesses. In addition to Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah and possibly Cory Gardner of Colorado, the White House also views Rand Paul of Kentucky as a "wild card" and Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee as an "institutionalist" who might vote to call witnesses, as one official put it."

I thought once Pelosi handed over the articles of impeachment, Moscow Mitch would just simply call a vote to skip a trial and dismiss the impeachment charges outright -- but apparently, he fears he doesn't have the votes for such a blatant display of sycophancy...I definitely don't remember it playing out that way during the last impeachment trial -- so what's the problem with calling witnesses??
Trump did nothing wrong.

He would have no problem finding witneses and precedence to make that known.
Well, there is nothing wrong with establishing the reason for the phone call, is there???

And once Creepy Uncle Joe and his crackhead son are put in the witness chair, it's all over for the Democrats!!!
The Ds are so damn dumb. They pursued O’s and Hillary’s made up Russia hoax for 3 years then vote for impeachment on an absurd Ukrainian phone call. Yet, they ignore Don’s illegal warmongering. What a dumb party.
Democrats want to extend their public losing streak? lol ok
Well, there is nothing wrong with establishing the reason for the phone call, is there???

And once Creepy Uncle Joe and his crackhead son are put in the witness chair, it's all over for the Democrats!!!
Cool.....as long we get to hear from Bolton, Mulvaney and Pompeo....Rick Perry, Rudy Giuliani...and those two guys that ACTUALLY GOT ARRESTED for what they did on behalf of Trump and Rudy...deal??

I am sure Trump would take that offer -- if he wasn't guilty
The fake impeachment has morphed into an effort to keep Quid Pro Joe and his deadbeat sprog, Hunted, out of prison now. Those two could do a ton of damage when facing RICO violations. Especially the cokehead if he's cranking. I look forward to witnesses.
The fake impeachment has morphed into an effort to keep Quid Pro Joe and his deadbeat sprog, Hunted, out of prison now. Those two could do a ton of damage when facing RICO violations. Especially the cokehead if he's cranking. I look forward to witnesses.
So why haven't the Attorney General charged anyone connected to Hunter and Joe for any of these RICO violations...

There are 35 crimes under the RICO statute, why has Trump's attorney general only charged people connected to Trump??
Trump did nothing wrong.

He would have no problem finding witneses and precedence to make that known.

Then why not let Bolton and Rudy testify?
Ask Pelosi why she didn't subpoena them.. She's the one charged with investigating the false allegations.

In America, we don't start the trial before investigations find a wrongdoing.

You'd be happier in a fascist shithole where your tactics prevail.
If Trump has done nothing wrong, bring Bolton, Mulvaney and Pompeo on in.
If they ended up not having 'damning' information about Trump YOU would claim they were lying to protect Trump.
and if they didn't have damning information about Trump -- Trump and his sycophants wouldn't be so scared shitless for them to testify....

Mulvaney admitted to the quid pro quo on live TV -- when he goes under oath, do you think he is going to commit perjury for Trump??

When they put Rick Perry under oath, do you think he is going to lie for Trump??

I told yall already....Them lies hit different under oath
Executive privilege is a legitimate option for any president to use. Not because he's "scared shitless", there's no evidence to support that contention, but simply because you can't have an obstructionist Congress continually demanding documents and testimony of his administration for everything he does. The White House need some space in which people can discuss what they’re going to do, with some degree of confidentiality. Why? If you know everything you consider is going to made public, or shared in some way, then that’s going to chill your ability to have frank and open discussion. Politics always plays a part, too big a part if you ask me, and if the president has no sense of confidentiality then politics becomes an even bigger factor than it already is. I don't think we need that.

RE lying under oath, even if Mulvaney, Bolton, and others were forced to testify and did so, they wouldn't have to lie. First of all, to say that they would lie is to imply you know wrong-doing was done, which of course you do not. "I don't remember" is a phrase the Dems use all the time when it's their turn on the witness stand, you can make the person show up but you can't make them tell you what you want to hear. And all these guys are pretty good and answering questions without answering the question if you know what I mean. So they don't have to lie, and how would anyone really know even if they did?

Shouldn't those pricks in the House have subpoenaed the testimony and documents they wanted to acquire ALL of the information they needed BEFORE they impeached him? And gone to court to challenge the president's right to invoke executive privilege back then? Why should the Senate continue the investigation that the House was in too much of a hurry to do properly, if they felt they already had enough information then I see no reason for the Senate to subpoena anyone for further data.

And finally, invoking executive privilege is NOT an admission or even an implication of guilt. That's a bullshit argument. What we have here is political manipulation by the Dems from the beginning. It's all maneuvering to try for the best optics for them and positioning the president and the Senate GOP in a bad light, and doing so with no real hard evidence of any wrong-doing. It stinks to high heaven, and I really hope those bastards pay a heavy price in the next election.
Executive privilege is a legitimate option for any president to use. Not because he's "scared shitless", there's no evidence to support that contention, but simply because you can't have an obstructionist Congress continually demanding documents and testimony of his administration for everything he does. The White House need some space in which people can discuss what they’re going to do, with some degree of confidentiality. Why? If you know everything you consider is going to made public, or shared in some way, then that’s going to chill your ability to have frank and open discussion. Politics always plays a part, too big a part if you ask me, and if the president has no sense of confidentiality then politics becomes an even bigger factor than it already is. I don't think we need that.

RE lying under oath, even if Mulvaney, Bolton, and others were forced to testify and did so, they wouldn't have to lie. First of all, to say that they would lie is to imply you know wrong-doing was done, which of course you do not. "I don't remember" is a phrase the Dems use all the time when it's their turn on the witness stand, you can make the person show up but you can't make them tell you what you want to hear. And all these guys are pretty good and answering questions without answering the question if you know what I mean. So they don't have to lie, and how would anyone really know even if they did?

Shouldn't those pricks in the House have subpoenaed the testimony and documents they wanted to acquire ALL of the information they needed BEFORE they impeached him? And gone to court to challenge the president's right to invoke executive privilege back then? Why should the Senate continue the investigation that the House was in too much of a hurry to do properly, if they felt they already had enough information then I see no reason for the Senate to subpoena anyone for further data.

And finally, invoking executive privilege is NOT an admission or even an implication of guilt. That's a bullshit argument. What we have here is political manipulation by the Dems from the beginning. It's all maneuvering to try for the best optics for them and positioning the president and the Senate GOP in a bad light, and doing so with no real hard evidence of any wrong-doing. It stinks to high heaven, and I really hope those bastards pay a heavy price in the next election.
Bolton knew wrong doing was being done -- which is why he immediately ended the meeting and told his staff to talk to the lawyers -- he also referred to what Trump and Giuliani was doing as a drug deal.....in other words, he knew it was wrong and potentially criminal...

Now if you guys are so gung ho about Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, Obama's 9th grade teacher being called to testify -- why not keep that same energy for Pompeo and others??
Cool.....as long we get to hear from Bolton, Mulvaney and Pompeo....Rick Perry, Rudy Giuliani...and those two guys that ACTUALLY GOT ARRESTED for what they did on behalf of Trump and Rudy...deal??

I am sure Trump would take that offer -- if he wasn't guilty
Try that logic with Hillary, Obama and Biden.

Opps... Fascist always retain rights to their own privacy. Don't they?
Executive privilege is a legitimate option for any president to use. Not because he's "scared shitless", there's no evidence to support that contention, but simply because you can't have an obstructionist Congress continually demanding documents and testimony of his administration for everything he does. The White House need some space in which people can discuss what they’re going to do, with some degree of confidentiality. Why? If you know everything you consider is going to made public, or shared in some way, then that’s going to chill your ability to have frank and open discussion. Politics always plays a part, too big a part if you ask me, and if the president has no sense of confidentiality then politics becomes an even bigger factor than it already is. I don't think we need that.

RE lying under oath, even if Mulvaney, Bolton, and others were forced to testify and did so, they wouldn't have to lie. First of all, to say that they would lie is to imply you know wrong-doing was done, which of course you do not. "I don't remember" is a phrase the Dems use all the time when it's their turn on the witness stand, you can make the person show up but you can't make them tell you what you want to hear. And all these guys are pretty good and answering questions without answering the question if you know what I mean. So they don't have to lie, and how would anyone really know even if they did?

Shouldn't those pricks in the House have subpoenaed the testimony and documents they wanted to acquire ALL of the information they needed BEFORE they impeached him? And gone to court to challenge the president's right to invoke executive privilege back then? Why should the Senate continue the investigation that the House was in too much of a hurry to do properly, if they felt they already had enough information then I see no reason for the Senate to subpoena anyone for further data.

And finally, invoking executive privilege is NOT an admission or even an implication of guilt. That's a bullshit argument. What we have here is political manipulation by the Dems from the beginning. It's all maneuvering to try for the best optics for them and positioning the president and the Senate GOP in a bad light, and doing so with no real hard evidence of any wrong-doing. It stinks to high heaven, and I really hope those bastards pay a heavy price in the next election.
Bolton knew wrong doing was being done -- which is why he immediately ended the meeting and told his staff to talk to the lawyers -- he also referred to what Trump and Giuliani was doing as a drug deal.....in other words, he knew it was wrong and potentially criminal...

Now if you guys are so gung ho about Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, Obama's 9th grade teacher being called to testify -- why not keep that same energy for Pompeo and others??

Potentially criminal, my ass. You don't know shit about Bolton and what he knew or why he did anything.

Frankly, I don't see the need for anybody to testify in the Senate trial. But if it comes to that and the Senate votes to hear any witnesses, then Trump would and should invoke executive privilege, and what happens then? As I understand it, the Senate can't do anything else while that trial is ongoing, so what if it drags on for weeks or months while the subpoenas and executive privilege is argued and appealed in court? Is your bloodlust to get Trump at all costs worth it? Or maybe you think enough GOP senators will cross over and vote to remove him? Really?

I'm not seeing it, frankly. I think they start the trial, hear the arguments from both sides, and then the senators asks their questions. Then there will be a vote, to acquit then and there or keep going. My guess is, that'll be it, it'll end right there. Acquittal. AS IT SHOULD BE, THIS WAS ALWAYS A BULLSHIT POLITICAL STUNT BY THE DEMOCRATS.
Bolton knew wrong doing was being done -- which is why he immediately ended the meeting and told his staff to talk to the lawyers -- he also referred to what Trump and Giuliani was doing as a drug deal.....in other words, he knew it was wrong and potentially criminal...

Now if you guys are so gung ho about Schiff, the Bidens, Pelosi, Obama's 9th grade teacher being called to testify -- why not keep that same energy for Pompeo and others??
Ask Pelosi why she refused to call them before she stopped the investigation.

Its hilarious watching your desperation.

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