While we were sleeping


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Fireball and Bolide Reports

Excellent list of reported fireball impacters back to 2006. Scroll down to 2013 Febuary to see the Russian fireball's 440 kt airburst (typical US ICBM MIRV warhead is ~400 kt.)

SkySentinel Network

Nice chart showing global impact events back to 1994. System boasts 10 times as many fireball monitoring cameras than NASA's sentinel system.

SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

"EXPLODING METEOR CREATES ICE HALO: Around the world, observers are reporting bright fireballs in the midnight sky. The source of the display is Comet Encke, parent of the annual Taurid meteor shower. How bright is a Taurid fireball? This one exploded over Victoria, BC, in a flash of light almost as luminous as a full Moon:

CME SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Arriving almost a full day earlier than expected, a CME struck Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 6th at 18:00 UT. At first, the impact had little effect. As Earth moved deeper into the CME's wake, however, a G2-class geomagnetic storm broke out. Nikolay Alfertiev photographed the auroras over Russia's Kola peninsula:

"A Taurid fireball cut through the auroras as I took this picture before sunrise on Nov. 7th," says Alfertiev.

NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% to 60% chance of continued geomagnetic storms on Nov. 7-8. Auroras could descend to northern-tier US states such as Washington, Michigan, and Maine."

rest at link

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