Which was worst Assad or Saddam.. 5,000 killed or 800,000 killed?

Here are the rules comrades:

Democrat war = Good!! We are there for all of the "correct" reasons.

Republican war = Bad!!! We are there to "exploit" the downtrodden.

How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!
Here are the rules comrades:

Democrat war = Good!! We are there for all of the "correct" reasons.

Republican war = Bad!!! We are there to "exploit" the downtrodden.

How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!

Which wars are you talking about?
Your point is???

Maybe we should have learned a lesson about deploying our troops frivolously

BUT I am defending Kennedy/Johnson for Vietnam and there is ONE word defense:


But most people don't remember that MUCH less KNOW what SEATO stands for!
Use the internet and find out WHY all wars the USA has been involved in are in
response to ...TREATIES!!! Contracts!!! AGREEMENTS!!!

South East Asia Treaty Organization!

TREATIES and not some "frivolous" reason!
GEEZ I am so sick of IGNORANT People!
GET some history lessons folks!
SEATO/NATO both outgrowths of the "COLD WAR" you guys don't have any idea what it was like growing up like I did in the 50s "duck and cover"!!!

Again.. until YOU lived in our shoes at that time with the Cold WAR all capable of destroying life as we all knew it... DO some research!

BUT it was those idiots who wanted to destroy our country i.e. media/Students for Democrat Society, etc. THEY are the ones that cost 58,000 lives!
Just as they and these CHEERLEADERS cost 3,000 more Iraq US troops lives!
YOU can't have leaders of a country CHEERING the bad guys without some affect!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans
in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

THese CHEERLEADERS helped prolong and COST 3,000 more lives then necessary!

Vietnam was no threat to the US
Domino Theory was a farce
So was the Gulf of Tonkin incident

WOW where were you then? My goodness it must be marvelous to have 20/20 hindsight!

BUT again.. YOU seem to forget ONE minor POINT ..

Or as it is with people like you regarding mortgages, loans, agreements ALL MEANT to be broken... YOUR signature means nothing eh...

Well fortunately there are more honorable men and women that DIED who pledged their LIVES to a country that signed SEATO and therefore helped!
BUT people like you... why should we ever come to your defense then???
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???
We never invaded France. France was our ally.

Well my goodness... for all these years and all the military people who used the term
D-Day the Invasion of France?????

So then was Iraq an invasion or liberation?
Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???
We never invaded France. France was our ally.

Well my goodness... for all these years and all the military people who used the term
D-Day the Invasion of France?????

So then was Iraq an invasion or liberation?

Neither. It was a "fiasco".
How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!

Which wars are you talking about?
Obama just HAD TO get rid of that tyrant Khadaffi...and send into exile that madman Mubarak
OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat

OK.....let's talk about World War 1, World War 2, and the Korean War again, since those wars were all presided over by DEMOCRATS:

Germany was no threat to the United States in either world war.
North Korea was no threat to the United States.

Germany was not involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
North Korea was not involved in nuclear proliferation like the USSR was.

Germany and North Korea were NO THREAT to the United States.

You do not waste hundreds of thousands of American lives for no threat.

(This is an example of ignorant leftist.....pardon my redundancy.....ideology)
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Saddam was Raygun's ALLY when those 800k were killed- the figure is way high or includes their war with Iran- AGAIN supported by Raygun. STUPID and now you're duped AGAIN- no understanding of history whatsoever.. The usual Pub chickenhawk disasters...Iraq was the stupidest war EVER, ruined our Afghan victory too.
OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat

OK.....let's talk about World War 1, World War 2, and the Korean War again, since those wars were all presided over by DEMOCRATS:

Germany was no threat to the United States in either world war.
North Korea was no threat to the United States.

Germany was not involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
North Korea was not involved in nuclear proliferation like the USSR was.

Germany and North Korea were NO THREAT to the United States.

You do not waste hundreds of thousands of American lives for no threat.

(This is an example of ignorant leftist.....pardon my redundancy.....ideology)

Quick, change the subject when you've lost, as always...

You're a GD RW MORON. Germany in WWI was trying to get Mexico to attack us and were sinking our ships. In WWII THEY declared war on US. In BOTH cases Pubs were selfish, myopic isolationists who could have ruined the world through ignorance. Those morons started the Great Depression, leading to the rise of militarists in Germany and Japan, andallowed them to run wild for years.

Since WWII the greedy a-hole Pubs have seized upon the military/industrial complex, war mongering and weapon sales as their new profit and myopic scam. ALWAYS myopic, arrogant, and greedy a-holes- but great salesmen and con men.:evil::cuckoo::eusa_liar:
Um, the Normandy invasion.....I've been there, but could be some tourist scam by the French. :eusa_shhh:

There were French that sided with the Nazis, the Brits attacked the French ships in the MED as soon as they surrended to the Nazis.

We never invaded France. France was our ally.

Ummmm....the French pleaded with us to retake their country from the Germans

It was the Germans who invaded

who cares? it was just another European land war ala the franco prussian war...we had zero biz. getting ourselves involved in ww1, period.
Yup, and Pubs ruining the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations was a great idea, like deregulating Wall St so you could by stocks on 10% margin and starting the Great Depression was EXCELLENT LOL. Greedy myopic Pubs and the idiot dupes never change...
Here are the rules comrades:

Democrat war = Good!! We are there for all of the "correct" reasons.

Republican war = Bad!!! We are there to "exploit" the downtrodden.

How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!

I forgot

Once President Obama was elected, Republicans applied a whole new set of rules
BUT I am defending Kennedy/Johnson for Vietnam and there is ONE word defense:


But most people don't remember that MUCH less KNOW what SEATO stands for!
Use the internet and find out WHY all wars the USA has been involved in are in
response to ...TREATIES!!! Contracts!!! AGREEMENTS!!!

South East Asia Treaty Organization!

TREATIES and not some "frivolous" reason!
GEEZ I am so sick of IGNORANT People!
GET some history lessons folks!
SEATO/NATO both outgrowths of the "COLD WAR" you guys don't have any idea what it was like growing up like I did in the 50s "duck and cover"!!!

Again.. until YOU lived in our shoes at that time with the Cold WAR all capable of destroying life as we all knew it... DO some research!

BUT it was those idiots who wanted to destroy our country i.e. media/Students for Democrat Society, etc. THEY are the ones that cost 58,000 lives!
Just as they and these CHEERLEADERS cost 3,000 more Iraq US troops lives!
YOU can't have leaders of a country CHEERING the bad guys without some affect!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans
in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

THese CHEERLEADERS helped prolong and COST 3,000 more lives then necessary!

Vietnam was no threat to the US
Domino Theory was a farce
So was the Gulf of Tonkin incident

WOW where were you then? My goodness it must be marvelous to have 20/20 hindsight!

BUT again.. YOU seem to forget ONE minor POINT ..

Or as it is with people like you regarding mortgages, loans, agreements ALL MEANT to be broken... YOUR signature means nothing eh...

Well fortunately there are more honorable men and women that DIED who pledged their LIVES to a country that signed SEATO and therefore helped!
BUT people like you... why should we ever come to your defense then???


There was no provision for us to provide the level of protection we did. It was all part of McNamaras.........I only need 20,000 more troops to win this thing
How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!

I forgot

Once President Obama was elected, Republicans applied a whole new set of rules

NIET Comrade! The new rules were enacted by the left when "Bush" was elected. Do try and keep up!
These are the "NEW" rules comrade. Now go and be a good apparatchik! Support Obama's wars! They are the "good" ones!

I forgot

Once President Obama was elected, Republicans applied a whole new set of rules

NIET Comrade! The new rules were enacted by the left when "Bush" was elected. Do try and keep up!

It's not Niet, it's Nyet. It's a Y sound.

Where's Unkotare so he can whine about me correcting somebody on proper foreign language pronunciation and romanization!
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Here are the rules comrades:

Democrat war = Good!! We are there for all of the "correct" reasons.

Republican war = Bad!!! We are there to "exploit" the downtrodden.

How many Democrats defend Vietnam?
Democrats supported the Bush liberation of Kuwait in Desert Storm
Democrats supported Baby Bush's invasion of Afghanistan

So, what do you have supporting your theory?

I know of no Dems on this board that defend the war in Vietnam.

I know of no Dems on this board that do not defend Desert Storm.

I know of no Dems on this board that that do not defend going into Afghanistan.
I forgot

Once President Obama was elected, Republicans applied a whole new set of rules

NIET Comrade! The new rules were enacted by the left when "Bush" was elected. Do try and keep up!

It's not Niet, it's Nyet. It's a Y sound.

Where's Unkotare so he can whine about me correcting somebody on proper foreign language pronunciation and romanization!

I am only human. :lol:

PS: Niet is an acceptable alternate spelling of Nyet. Similar to Czar / Tsar.

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