Which was worst Assad or Saddam.. 5,000 killed or 800,000 killed?

I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

But you have submitted posts about how great life was for the Iraqis under Saddam.

It's a matter of perspective. However the people in Iraq lived, they NEVER asked us to "liberate" them. Republicans want to force their mystical values on this country. For them, Iraq was "practice" which turned into a miserable failure. Like Everything they do.

it's an interesting conversation. those, in this country, that want to go to other countries and impose our way of life on them are no different than those, in the islamic world, that they say are trying to impose their way of life on us. often times i think it has much to do with many of us sitting in church and listening to our ministers tell us to go out and spread the world of Jesus (which I have no problem with and am a Methodist myself). it's when we start imposing our will at the end of a musket, i mean gun, that pisses me off. too many people get those two things confused.
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???

OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat
Prove it. Vietnam wasn't a threat to the U.S., that was a dimwits, johnson, war.
Uh, the FREE French asked us to free the nation; GERMANY occupied much of the country, GERMANY declared war on the US, REMEMBER?
So they declared war??

Does that mean we had to send troops to die??

So were we wrong to go to Kuwait's aid in 1991?
Did Saddam agree to a Cease Fire in 1991 that meant he had to abide by the terms which included RESUMPTION if he didn't abide?

I mean do treaties agreements,contracts, mean anything?

Yes we were wrong to go to war with Iraq over Kuwait. We had no vital interest there, any more than we would have in the Iran/Iraq war a decade earlier.

You sign contracts,agreements WITHOUT EVER intending to KEEP the terms that YOU agree to when you sign contracts,agreements?

DO YOU think the USA just willy nilly went INTO Iraq in 1991, or Vietnam or Korea, or WWII,WWI??

ARE YOU that totally NAIVE to think people enter into conflicts WITHOUT ANY person doing any investigation?

Are you that NAIVE to think there WERE NO agreements with Kuwait when they agreed to be a UN member? There were NO contracts, agreements, TREATIES signed?

I am constantly AMAZED at such naive people like you that make such totally stupid statements that there was NO agreements that UN members would come to the aid of invaded countries???


SEATO......NATO.........Treaty of Versailles....... 1991 CEASE FIRE!!

ALL documented.. all signed ... all investigated and validated!
BUT YOU an ignorant idiot with absolutely NO Proof make your stupid comment!
The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq
The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq

It is curious that you cite UN resolutions as a justification for invading Iraq and yet, when the UN urged Bush not to invade, Bush told them to go fuck themselves.
The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq

None that made invading Iraq a good idea. A mistake is a mistake no matter how much rationale you have for it.
Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???

OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat
Prove it. Vietnam wasn't a threat to the U.S., that was a dimwits, johnson, war.

I agree, LBJ was a dimwit, and Bush should have learned from his mistakes
So they declared war??

Does that mean we had to send troops to die??

So were we wrong to go to Kuwait's aid in 1991?
Did Saddam agree to a Cease Fire in 1991 that meant he had to abide by the terms which included RESUMPTION if he didn't abide?

I mean do treaties agreements,contracts, mean anything?

Yes we were wrong to go to war with Iraq over Kuwait. We had no vital interest there, any more than we would have in the Iran/Iraq war a decade earlier.

You sign contracts,agreements WITHOUT EVER intending to KEEP the terms that YOU agree to when you sign contracts,agreements?

DO YOU think the USA just willy nilly went INTO Iraq in 1991, or Vietnam or Korea, or WWII,WWI??

ARE YOU that totally NAIVE to think people enter into conflicts WITHOUT ANY person doing any investigation?

Are you that NAIVE to think there WERE NO agreements with Kuwait when they agreed to be a UN member? There were NO contracts, agreements, TREATIES signed?

I am constantly AMAZED at such naive people like you that make such totally stupid statements that there was NO agreements that UN members would come to the aid of invaded countries???


SEATO......NATO.........Treaty of Versailles....... 1991 CEASE FIRE!!

ALL documented.. all signed ... all investigated and validated!
BUT YOU an ignorant idiot with absolutely NO Proof make your stupid comment!

If you have evidence that we had an defensive alliance treaty with Kuwait then post it.

If you can name our vital national interests in interfering with a border disputed between Iraq and Kuwait,

then cite them.

For all the rubblish you post, you never post what matters.
I've never heard one of these Iraq war apologists demand that we should have invaded the Congo any time over the last 20 or 30 years,

even though far more innocent people have been killed there than were ever killed in Iraq.

So shut the fuck up with your hypocrisy and inconsistency accusations.
one of these Iraq war apologists demand that we should have invaded the Congo

How much oil is in the Congo and how easy is it to get out of the ground.

Maybe we are just waiting for the "right" time.
I disagree somewhat. There wouldn't be Iraqis landing at Myrtle Beach. True. However, if Saddam drops a bomb on Israel, Israel is going to fire back. If it happens to be a WMD...Israel is going to come heavy. Then you have the oil markets in a total uproar as usual. As we saw in the 1990's Saddam could reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

That being said, the moment Saddam was captured, we should have left.

What is it Saddam should have been charged with?

Using WMDs on the Kurds for starters.

Like I said earlier. We don't know that Saddam even did that. It could have been the Iranians.
Anything in that list after 2001 was planted by the Bush administration. Who knew a president would lie the nation into a war costing the lives of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands. Bush Sr. had been head of the CIA, Vice President and President. He knew exactly what was in Iraq. It's why he stopped at the border. Iraq was a defeated country with a ruined military. No manufacturing or industry of any consequence, under sanctions secretly selling oil to get medical supplies for it's people. To think they were a threat is ridiculous. Why can't Republicans "think" instead of only "imagine"?

I would be curious to know what the right wing thinks about Bush Sr. and why he didn't invade Iraq?
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???

The US got into WWI over a number of pretty dodgy reasons but it seems that the Germans were looking to egg on Mexico to invade. WWII and Korea did not really give the US a choice. A facist Europe would have eventually gone after the US..and North Korea hit South Korea first..and the US was charged with it's protection.

Are you really this woefully ignorant of history?
The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq

It is curious that you cite UN resolutions as a justification for invading Iraq and yet, when the UN urged Bush not to invade, Bush told them to go fuck themselves.

I love that the UN comes up with Iraq..but is totally ignored in terms of Israel..which has completely turned it's back on resolutions and never signed the Nuclear proliferations treaty.
Yes we were wrong to go to war with Iraq over Kuwait. We had no vital interest there, any more than we would have in the Iran/Iraq war a decade earlier.

You sign contracts,agreements WITHOUT EVER intending to KEEP the terms that YOU agree to when you sign contracts,agreements?

DO YOU think the USA just willy nilly went INTO Iraq in 1991, or Vietnam or Korea, or WWII,WWI??

ARE YOU that totally NAIVE to think people enter into conflicts WITHOUT ANY person doing any investigation?

Are you that NAIVE to think there WERE NO agreements with Kuwait when they agreed to be a UN member? There were NO contracts, agreements, TREATIES signed?

I am constantly AMAZED at such naive people like you that make such totally stupid statements that there was NO agreements that UN members would come to the aid of invaded countries???


SEATO......NATO.........Treaty of Versailles....... 1991 CEASE FIRE!!

ALL documented.. all signed ... all investigated and validated!
BUT YOU an ignorant idiot with absolutely NO Proof make your stupid comment!

If you have evidence that we had an defensive alliance treaty with Kuwait then post it.

If you can name our vital national interests in interfering with a border disputed between Iraq and Kuwait,

then cite them.

For all the rubblish you post, you never post what matters.

Quite the opposite. April Glaspie, the American Diplomat, practically okay'ed Iraq's invasion of Iran..after she was informed of the plan.
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???

OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat

Hmmm. LBJ and Kennedy wasted 60,000 lives and there was no threat. Probably just a slight omission on your part.
Last edited:
The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq

None that made invading Iraq a good idea. A mistake is a mistake no matter how much rationale you have for it.

Kennedy and LBJ were worse.
Obama is all bent out of shape over Syria's Assad killing 5,000 people YET he evidently was NOT at all concerned over Saddam's killing over the years of 800,000 Iraqis and gave Bush a ration of crap over Liberating 28 million people from a dictator a thousand times worse the Assad!


Actually, there is some debate whether the Kurds were gassed by Saddam due to an upraising or were they gassed by Iran because both sides did use gas during their 8 year war. Some even say that Iraq tried to gas Iranians and the wind shifted and spilled back into Iraq.

We just assume Saddam killed his people because that what conservatives in this country have been saying. Look at Middle Eastern and news sources outside the country and you get a different story.

Remember, it's stations like Fox who sued for the right to lie, said the president took at trip costing 200 million dollars a day and the Keystone pipeline would create a million new jobs. Republicans believed all that before their noses were rubbed in the truth so hard they could no longer believe the lie. How many other lies do they believe because the evidence isn't strong enough to shake their beliefs. Come on, the majority believe in "magical creation" and a quarter believe Obama is the anti-Christ.

saddam killed the kurds in halabjah, there is no contest.

of course the dia then tried to pin it on iran.

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