Which Is More Harmful, Alcohol Or Cannabis?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
SAFER - Marijuana vs. Alcohol
(note, links on site don't work here, but article links to studies it mentions on actual site.)

"Safer for the Consumer

* Many people die from alcohol use. Nobody dies from marijuana use. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana.

* People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal marijuana overdose. The official publication of the Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, reported that alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death. Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a case of an individual dying from a marijuana overdose. Meanwhile, according to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur the United States each year.

* The health-related costs associated with alcohol use far exceed those for marijuana use. Health-related costs for alcohol consumers are eight times greater than those for marijuana consumers, according to an assessment recently published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal. More specifically, the annual cost of alcohol consumption is $165 per user, compared to just $20 per user for marijuana. This should not come as a surprise given the vast amount of research that shows alcohol poses far more – and more significant – health problems than marijuana.

* Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells.

* Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.

* Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

* Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury.

Safer for the Community

* Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior. Marijuana use does not. Studies have repeatedly shown that alcohol, unlike marijuana, contributes to the likelihood of aggessive and violent behavior. An article published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors reported that "alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship," whereas "cannabis reduces the likelihood of violence during intoxication."

* Alcohol use is a major factor in violent crimes. Marijuana use is not. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 25-30% of violent crimes in the United States are linked to the use of alcohol. According to a report from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, that translates to about 5,000,000 alcohol-related violent crimes per year. By contrast, the government does not even track violent acts specifically related to marijuana use, as the use of marijuana has not been associated with violence. (Of course, we should note that marijuana prohibition, by creating a widespread criminal market, is associated with acts of violence.)

* Alcohol use contributes to the likelihood of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Marijuana use does not. Alcohol is a major contributing factor in the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault. This is not to say that alcohol causes these problems; rather, its use makes it more likely that an individual prone to such behavior will act on it. For example, a study conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions found that among individuals who were chronic partner abusers, the use of alcohol was associated with significant increases in the daily likelihood of male-to-female physical aggression, but the use of marijuana was not. Specifically, the odds of abuse were eight times higher on days when men were drinking; the odds of severe abuse were 11 times higher. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website highlights alcohol as the "most commonly used chemical in crimes of sexual assault" and provides information on an array of other drugs that have been linked to sexual violence. Given the fact that marijuana is so accessible and widely used, it is quite telling that the word "marijuana" does not appear anywhere on the page."
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SAFER - Marijuana vs. Alcohol
(note, links on site don't work here, but article links to studies it mentions on actual site.)

"Safer for the Consumer

* Many people die from alcohol use. Nobody dies from marijuana use. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana.

* People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal marijuana overdose. The official publication of the Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, reported that alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death. Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a case of an individual dying from a marijuana overdose. Meanwhile, according to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur the United States each year.

* The health-related costs associated with alcohol use far exceed those for marijuana use. Health-related costs for alcohol consumers are eight times greater than those for marijuana consumers, according to an assessment recently published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal. More specifically, the annual cost of alcohol consumption is $165 per user, compared to just $20 per user for marijuana. This should not come as a surprise given the vast amount of research that shows alcohol poses far more – and more significant – health problems than marijuana.

* Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells.

* Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.

* Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

* Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury.

Safer for the Community

* Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior. Marijuana use does not. Studies have repeatedly shown that alcohol, unlike marijuana, contributes to the likelihood of aggessive and violent behavior. An article published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors reported that "alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship," whereas "cannabis reduces the likelihood of violence during intoxication."

* Alcohol use is a major factor in violent crimes. Marijuana use is not. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 25-30% of violent crimes in the United States are linked to the use of alcohol. According to a report from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, that translates to about 5,000,000 alcohol-related violent crimes per year. By contrast, the government does not even track violent acts specifically related to marijuana use, as the use of marijuana has not been associated with violence. (Of course, we should note that marijuana prohibition, by creating a widespread criminal market, is associated with acts of violence.)

* Alcohol use contributes to the likelihood of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Marijuana use does not. Alcohol is a major contributing factor in the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault. This is not to say that alcohol causes these problems; rather, its use makes it more likely that an individual prone to such behavior will act on it. For example, a study conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions found that among individuals who were chronic partner abusers, the use of alcohol was associated with significant increases in the daily likelihood of male-to-female physical aggression, but the use of marijuana was not. Specifically, the odds of abuse were eight times higher on days when men were drinking; the odds of severe abuse were 11 times higher. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website highlights alcohol as the "most commonly used chemical in crimes of sexual assault" and provides information on an array of other drugs that have been linked to sexual violence. Given the fact that marijuana is so accessible and widely used, it is quite telling that the word "marijuana" does not appear anywhere on the page."
i agree with everything you put up here.....but this .... Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not.......if you are high you can fuck up.....and i would think anyone who has gotten high knows this
Bold make ya skip over the non-bold part in the middle? :)

"Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. "
What are you doing? Deciding what substance to use this weekend to subdue your victims?
This is one of those things that everyone knows except they want to throw morality in it when they dont have anything else
This is one of those things that everyone knows except they want to throw morality in it when they dont have anything else

The self inflicted morality dilemma.

Drugs are bad therefore government must be used to punish those who use them versus upholding freedom by keeping government out of the lives of individual adults and what they want to do with their own bodies.

Simplistic approaches like that lead to cognitive dissonance.

The reality is not black and white. Some drugs do have beneficial effects just like a glass of wine does. so instead of one size fits all stupidity the solution lies in recognizing reality and treating adults like adults when it comes to what they choose to do. If they subsequently break the law deal with that situation but don't create a problem by prohibition. We all know how that failed and we still live with the consequences.
Bold make ya skip over the non-bold part in the middle? :)

"Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. "
that doesnt matter Delta....the sentence stated..... Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not....it did not say anything about the ER until you get into the paragraph......if thats the point they were trying to make.....they should have said that leading into the paragraph.....because if you had just got nice and toasted you can fuck up doing something and injure yourself or someone else....you know like the lady who left her baby on the roof of her car?....
Cannabis... does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. "
That's because when you stoners are all toked up you don't engage in ANY behavior, you just sit there and veg out.

Seriously though, is your point that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore alcohol should be illegal like cannabis? If so, I disagree, as I think you should be able to do anything with your body that you wish, even smoke crack if you want. If your point is that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore cannabis should be legal like alcohol, then I agree.

You did do a bit of a hatchet job on alcohol. Alcohol in moderation has great health benefits for the cardio-vascular system.
Marijuana is far less harmful than Alcohol.

Although I agree with just about everything that Delta said in this topic, I will say that I always did find Marijuana far more addictive than alcohol.

Cannabis... does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. "
That's because when you stoners are all toked up you don't engage in ANY behavior, you just sit there and veg out.

Seriously though, is your point that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore alcohol should be illegal like cannabis? If so, I disagree, as I think you should be able to do anything with your body that you wish, even smoke crack if you want. If your point is that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore cannabis should be legal like alcohol, then I agree.

You did do a bit of a hatchet job on alcohol. Alcohol in moderation has great health benefits for the cardio-vascular system.
I hope you know not all "stoners" just sit around. There are many productive people who use cannabis.
Cannabis... does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. "
That's because when you stoners are all toked up you don't engage in ANY behavior, you just sit there and veg out.

Seriously though, is your point that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore alcohol should be illegal like cannabis? If so, I disagree, as I think you should be able to do anything with your body that you wish, even smoke crack if you want. If your point is that since cannabis is illegal, and it's not as bad as alcohol which is legal, therefore cannabis should be legal like alcohol, then I agree.

You did do a bit of a hatchet job on alcohol. Alcohol in moderation has great health benefits for the cardio-vascular system.
I hope you know not all "stoners" just sit around. There are many productive people who use cannabis.

Scientists studying it come readily to mind. :)
I am a legalizing advocate and agree with most of the op, however, I cannot agree with the overdose part.

I just find it really really hard to believe, because use does effect your heart rate and that alone means that out of the millions and millions of users? Just cuz something wasn't accurately reported as c.o.d. doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I cannot believe that.
I am a legalizing advocate and agree with most of the op, however, I cannot agree with the overdose part.

I just find it really really hard to believe, because use does effect your heart rate and that alone means that out of the millions and millions of users? Just cuz something wasn't accurately reported as c.o.d. doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I cannot believe that.

Probably fair to mention most cannabis use studies were performed prior to US legalization where products available contained much lower doses of THC than those available now.
I am a legalizing advocate and agree with most of the op, however, I cannot agree with the overdose part.

I just find it really really hard to believe, because use does effect your heart rate and that alone means that out of the millions and millions of users? Just cuz something wasn't accurately reported as c.o.d. doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I cannot believe that.

Are deaths in car accidents caused by alcohol recorded as vehicle fatalities, alcohol fatalities or both?

Because I can see a situation where driving while stoned could result in a fatal accident.

So I guess it depends upon how the statistics are compiled.
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