Where is the Non-Stop Media Blanket Coverage ??? Good Guy With Gun Stops Bad Guy With Gun!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

NEWS: 'Good Guy With a Gun:' Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Guard


HERO: Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Officer Who Confronted and Shot Would-Be Killer

Once these freaks figure out schools are no longer unprotected psycho shooting ranges where they can gun down a lot of people without being in danger themselves this $h!t will end (or be reduced to almost nothing).
Once these freaks figure out schools are no longer unprotected psycho shooting ranges where they can gun down a lot of people without being in danger themselves this $h!t will end (or be reduced to almost nothing)
No, dammit. Now how are these commies going to justify gun bans?
When is the last time one of these freaks charged the front door of a police station or the entry gate to a US military base with guns blazing?

Ummmm......NEVER. The gutless freaks want to inflict as much pain and death on defenseless people / kids.

NEWS: 'Good Guy With a Gun:' Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Guard


HERO: Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Officer Who Confronted and Shot Would-Be Killer

Once these freaks figure out schools are no longer unprotected psycho shooting ranges where they can gun down a lot of people without being in danger themselves this $h!t will end (or be reduced to almost nothing).

Nobody died, so there is no coverage. It is all about ratings and this is a boring story since there is no deaths to take advantage of.

NEWS: 'Good Guy With a Gun:' Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Guard


HERO: Illinois School Shooting Thwarted by Armed Officer Who Confronted and Shot Would-Be Killer

Once these freaks figure out schools are no longer unprotected psycho shooting ranges where they can gun down a lot of people without being in danger themselves this $h!t will end (or be reduced to almost nothing).

Not that I disagree with arming some within a school, there is a far easier way to end this madness, or at least 95% or better of it.

1. Eliminate or vastly decrease the use of SSRI class antidepressants. Nearly all of these gunman were currently taking them or suffering from the withdraw effects of them when doing these monotonous things.

2. Make the Physician criminally liable should one of their patients that were prescribed these takes the life of another.

It really is that easy.
No, dammit. Now how are these commies going to justify gun bans?

B@t-$hit Crazy - every one of them...Liberals. They scream about how we need to do something to curb gun violence (while whipping their base into a frenzy until one of them charges a softball field and tries to gun down GOP politicians) ... but they send out their terrorist-connected Pakistani spy mastermind to call the 1 organization that promotes / encourages / teaches legal gun ownership and gun safety a 'bunch of terrorists'.

We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
Nobody died, so there is no coverage. It is all about ratings and this is a boring story since there is no deaths to take advantage of.

I beg to differ - it isn't ALL about ratings. It is also about AGENDA. Liberals would snatch the guns out of American hands today, confiscating every gun, if they could do it today. Stories like this don't help their agenda. this is not the 1st such incident since the last school shooting...and none of them were pushed in the news.
We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
I know you mean that partially in jest, but that reminded me....

When I went to high school there were a few of us who would get up at the crack of dawn and go duck hunting or deer hunting before school. No one ever worried about one of us driving onto school property with a 12-gauge locked in a truck in a gun rack.

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later....
SSRI class antidepressants.
  • Citalopram (Celexa)
  • Escitalopram (Lexapro)
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
From WebMD:

"Some people, especially children and young adults, may be more likely to have suicidal thoughts when they take SSRIs. Studies show that when compared to results from taking a placebo, chances of having suicidal thoughts doubled -- from between 1% and 2% to between 2% and 4%..."

a 100% to 200% increase?
We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
I know you mean that partially in jest, but that reminded me....

When I went to high school there were a few of us who would get up at the crack of dawn and go duck hunting or deer hunting before school. No one ever worried about one of us driving onto school property with a 12-gauge locked in a truck in a gun rack.

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later....

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later...

Nearly 8 MILLION children in this country are on SSRI class antidepressants. OBTW, which started being prescribed to children roughly the same time these school shootings started happening. Believe it or not, nearly a quarter of a million infants under the age of ONE are being prescribed this shit.

Coincidence? When almost all of the shooters were either on, or withdawing from their use.

If we are looking for the solution to this problem, you were close, it's not whats in the water, it's what the water washes down.
We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
I know you mean that partially in jest, but that reminded me....

When I went to high school there were a few of us who would get up at the crack of dawn and go duck hunting or deer hunting before school. No one ever worried about one of us driving onto school property with a 12-gauge locked in a truck in a gun rack.

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later....

Hey, same thing happened where I went to school during hunting season. It wasn't unusual to see a rifle or shotgun in the gun rack of the pickups during the season.

But............................there was one crucial difference. NONE of the rifles that were in the gun racks were semi automatics. They were bolt action rifles, or regular shotguns with 2 shots before being reloaded. They weren't AR-15's.

I have no problem with regular guns or guns that have 10 rounds or less before needing reloading. 30 rounds? You only need that in time of war.
We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
I know you mean that partially in jest, but that reminded me....

When I went to high school there were a few of us who would get up at the crack of dawn and go duck hunting or deer hunting before school. No one ever worried about one of us driving onto school property with a 12-gauge locked in a truck in a gun rack.

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later....

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later...

Nearly 8 MILLION children in this country are on SSRI class antidepressants. OBTW, which started being prescribed to children roughly the same time these school shootings started happening. Believe it or not, nearly a quarter of a million infants under the age of ONE are being prescribed this shit.

Coincidence? When almost all of the shooters were either on, or withdawing from their use.

If we are looking for the solution to this problem, you were close, it's not whats in the water, it's what the water washes down.

I was trying to avoid the 'Conspiracy' talk and bringing up things like how the United States Gvt have done 'lab rat' experiments on US military personnel, how autism sky-rocketed with the forced mega-doses of shots where they use things like Mercury as a 'filler' because it's cheaper....
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR

"There have been too many mass shootings for it just to be a coincidence. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School. Eric was on Luvox, an antidepressant. The Virginia Tech shooter killed thirty-two people and he was on an antidepressant. While withdrawing from Prozac, Kip Kinkel murdered his mother and stepmother. He then shot twenty-two classmates and killed two. Jason Hoffman wounded five at his high school while he was on Effexor, also an antidepressant. James Holmes opened fire in a Colorado movie theater this past summer and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight. He was under the care of a psychiatrist but no information has been released as to what drug he must have been on.

"Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

"In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants cause both suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings"
Nobody died, so there is no coverage. It is all about ratings and this is a boring story since there is no deaths to take advantage of.

I beg to differ - it isn't ALL about ratings. It is also about AGENDA. Liberals would snatch the guns out of American hands today, confiscating every gun, if they could do it today. Stories like this don't help their agenda. this is not the 1st such incident since the last school shooting...and none of them were pushed in the news.
Oh shut up! Crazy conspiracy theory driven thinking is as useless as tits on a boar hog. You see the very thing from the perspective of someone being cheated. Flush out your brain and do some honest consideration.
SSRI class antidepressants.
  • Citalopram (Celexa)
  • Escitalopram (Lexapro)
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
From WebMD:

"Some people, especially children and young adults, may be more likely to have suicidal thoughts when they take SSRIs. Studies show that when compared to results from taking a placebo, chances of having suicidal thoughts doubled -- from between 1% and 2% to between 2% and 4%..."

a 100% to 200% increase?

Prozac has been shown to increase the chance of suicide by 12 times the rate of other non SSRI class antidepressants. Other studies have shown that, when untreated, those with these mental illnesses had no greater risk of committing a violent crime, but once on that list of drugs you posted, they were 50% more likely to commit a violent crime, including MURDER!
We need to give the school children back their 2nd Amendment rights and arm them.
I know you mean that partially in jest, but that reminded me....

When I went to high school there were a few of us who would get up at the crack of dawn and go duck hunting or deer hunting before school. No one ever worried about one of us driving onto school property with a 12-gauge locked in a truck in a gun rack.

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later....

I guess whatever 'THEY' started putting in the water to drive citizens bat-shmidt crazy came later...

Nearly 8 MILLION children in this country are on SSRI class antidepressants. OBTW, which started being prescribed to children roughly the same time these school shootings started happening. Believe it or not, nearly a quarter of a million infants under the age of ONE are being prescribed this shit.

Coincidence? When almost all of the shooters were either on, or withdawing from their use.

If we are looking for the solution to this problem, you were close, it's not whats in the water, it's what the water washes down.

I was trying to avoid the 'Conspiracy' talk and bringing up things like how the United States Gvt have done 'lab rat' experiments on US military personnel, how autism sky-rocketed with the forced mega-doses of shots where they use things like Mercury as a 'filler' because it's cheaper....

I get that, but this IS NO THEORY.

Universities as renowned as Oxford University did these studies and it is their conclusion as well.

Study: Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Violent Crime

Gun Bans are a band aid on a festering wound. You want to solve the problem, the solution is right inside the supplied link.
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I wish people fought the right fight but I honestly think Democrats like to spew what people want to hear and not logic

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