When The GOP Runs A Bad Candidate, They Push Fear To Elect Him


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
So as with any bad campaign for the GOP, expect the doom and gloom barometer to be off the charts as usual just prior to the election date. Sociologists and political scientists have known this like forever. When people perceive a threat, they turn to a more masculine "guide" or "leader" to pull them through.

There's a woman on the dem ticket, a man on the GOP. It's very simple math.

But all this stuff causes misinformation and world unrest. And that translates ultimately into probably over a trillion $$ in unseen costs and damages...nevermind the damage done to our country as a whole. And, people, this country can't take much more damage. We really will come apart at the seams and face our enemies if the syndrome makes myth turn into reality.

Instead...*sigh*....why doesn't the GOP just run a candidate that makes sense? One that polled beating Hillary without all the doom and gloom and fighting and embarrassment in the world? One that takes far less money to get elected simply on his merits alone? Why not? The next guy in line is an outsider to the GOP just like Trump was. And, the GOP needs Ohio and the Rust Belt to win so?

WTF? It's not even like the GOP needs a strategic advisor anymore. They just need an economist to break down the numbers of just running a sane, noble candidate instead of an unelectable putz that they need to instead focus on tearing apart his opponent; forcing the public to vote for the lesser of two evils. (Trump still won't win, no matter how much the GOP employs the fear).

This is going to hurt all the Congressional GOP hopefuls, this fear-mongering and "email/Benghazi" bullshit when it backfires. Just cut it out already! Stop listening to the old guard and TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR ONCE~! save your goddamned (literally at this point) party! We NEED the GOP!! We need the healthy balance of a two party system. You guys really are on the brink of extinction. Using the same old tricks that everybody has become wise to over the last several decades is falling on deaf ears. And while you pat yourselves on the back, certain "it has never failed us before", realize there always comes a time when you pull the lever like always, only this time the bottom falls out.
Oh, and in case this becomes relevant to the OP's discussion, here's a hint about who is next in line behind Trump...or, rather, who isn't...


I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.
That's fine. But you are a drop in a very large ocean of votes. The general trend is: The GOP runs a crap candidate like McCain, Romney...and the worst yet...Trump...knowing they can't beat the opposition on merits, so they ramp up fear.

The breakdown is that in order to keep running Trump, the GOP has to dump $billions into

1. Trying to run/covertly promote 3rd party moles to split the vote on the left. and/or

2. Beat the dead horses of "emails and Benghazi" until their party looks like assholes... and/or

3. Increase violence so people will be afraid/vote republican... and/or...

4. Spend tons of time, press, commercials and money doing the non-stop damage control on Trump's diarrhea mouth.

5. Spend $billions trying to prop up vital Congressional candidates in close races because Trump's soiling the GOP label is bringing everyone down..


When instead of spending billions and billions $$ on all that, not to mention creating fear and panic in an already edgy Republic with enemies drooling at the hope of the spark that ignites a full-scale Unrest; they could just run a candidate people will vote for in scores over and above Hillary. Just, you know, on his merits, his accomplishments and fitness to Govern the People.

Pretty outlandish idea eh? They'd spend a FRACTION of the money; save it for later to bribe Congress with lobbiests. The usual way the powers behind this sordid machine operate. But if the Congress is filled with tree-huggers because they won't ask Trump to step down, bribing is going to be a lot more expensive, or it just won't work at all.

It's so simple a child could figure it out.
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.

Nobody cares.
So as with any bad campaign for the GOP, expect the doom and gloom barometer to be off the charts as usual just prior to the election date. Sociologists and political scientists have known this like forever. When people perceive a threat, they turn to a more masculine "guide" or "leader" to pull them through.

There's a woman on the dem ticket, a man on the GOP. It's very simple math.

But all this stuff causes misinformation and world unrest. And that translates ultimately into probably over a trillion $$ in unseen costs and damages...nevermind the damage done to our country as a whole. And, people, this country can't take much more damage. We really will come apart at the seams and face our enemies if the syndrome makes myth turn into reality.

Instead...*sigh*....why doesn't the GOP just run a candidate that makes sense? One that polled beating Hillary without all the doom and gloom and fighting and embarrassment in the world? One that takes far less money to get elected simply on his merits alone? Why not? The next guy in line is an outsider to the GOP just like Trump was. And, the GOP needs Ohio and the Rust Belt to win so?

WTF? It's not even like the GOP needs a strategic advisor anymore. They just need an economist to break down the numbers of just running a sane, noble candidate instead of an unelectable putz that they need to instead focus on tearing apart his opponent; forcing the public to vote for the lesser of two evils. (Trump still won't win, no matter how much the GOP employs the fear).

This is going to hurt all the Congressional GOP hopefuls, this fear-mongering and "email/Benghazi" bullshit when it backfires. Just cut it out already! Stop listening to the old guard and TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR ONCE~! save your goddamned (literally at this point) party! We NEED the GOP!! We need the healthy balance of a two party system. You guys really are on the brink of extinction. Using the same old tricks that everybody has become wise to over the last several decades is falling on deaf ears. And while you pat yourselves on the back, certain "it has never failed us before", realize there always comes a time when you pull the lever like always, only this time the bottom falls out.

The only two candidates I would have not voted for on the GOP ticket were Cruz and Trump. I wanted Rand Paul and yet the ignorant idiots that are called the primary voters selected the worst candidate of them all instead...

Clinton is a one term President and the House will not fall but the Senate will and with how Paul Ryan is I am betting he will get revenge with those that supported Trump and the Tea Party caucus by passing bills like Immigration Reform...

No one is to blame but the voter and I hope some will come to their senses and vote for Johnson instead...
The only two candidates I would have not voted for on the GOP ticket were Cruz and Trump.
I hope some will come to their senses and vote for Johnson instead...

That being said, how do you feel about the next in line on the ticket if Trump were to step down? A governor isn't a bad choice for POTUS if you think about it.
I didn't bother to read it because I knew it would be read by some arrogant prick who just wanted to be some half-insulting dick.
^^ Stop spewing your own biography on this thread. It's a serious discussion.
The only two candidates I would have not voted for on the GOP ticket were Cruz and Trump.
I hope some will come to their senses and vote for Johnson instead...

That being said, how do you feel about the next in line on the ticket if Trump were to step down? A governor isn't a bad choice for POTUS if you think about it.


If he were nominated straight forward and not selected because of Trump dropping out then maybe because Clinton is no better than Trump.

It is too late for the GOP to save this election and they need to sink with the Titanic name Donald John Trump and regroup for 2018 and 2020.
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.

Nobody cares.

As a Bernie supporter, in a swing state, you are probably wrong about who cares how I vote.

If he were nominated straight forward and not selected because of Trump dropping out

The only choice the RNC could make and still respect their voting base would be the man who came in #2 in the primaries with delegates. That is, the man who was born in the US and didn't renounce foreign citizenship as recent as 2014...
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.

Nobody cares.

As a Bernie supporter, in a swing state, you are probably wrong about who cares how I vote.

Very few Bernie supporters will choose T-trump over Hillary, and a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary. Your one vote counts, but not as much as you might hope.
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.

Nobody cares.

As a Bernie supporter, in a swing state, you are probably wrong about who cares how I vote.

Very few Bernie supporters will choose T-trump over Hillary, and a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary. Your one vote counts, but not as much as you might hope.

I only have control over my one vote. What others do is up to them. Obama carried my area twice. I am not feeling the same love for Hillary thus far so I suspect all the not voting will matter as well in this election. We will see.
I knew I would never vote for Hillary the day she announced. It has nothing to do with who the GOP nominee is. It has everything to do with who Hillary is.

Who knows for whom I will vote, or if I even vote, but I can assure you that one person is not in consideration.
That's fine. But you are a drop in a very large ocean of votes. The general trend is: The GOP runs a crap candidate like McCain, Romney...and the worst yet...Trump...knowing they can't beat the opposition on merits, so they ramp up fear.

The breakdown is that in order to keep running Trump, the GOP has to dump $billions into

1. Trying to run/covertly promote 3rd party moles to split the vote on the left. and/or

2. Beat the dead horses of "emails and Benghazi" until their party looks like assholes... and/or

3. Increase violence so people will be afraid/vote republican... and/or...

4. Spend tons of time, press, commercials and money doing the non-stop damage control on Trump's diarrhea mouth.

5. Spend $billions trying to prop up vital Congressional candidates in close races because Trump's soiling the GOP label is bringing everyone down..


When instead of spending billions and billions $$ on all that, not to mention creating fear and panic in an already edgy Republic with enemies drooling at the hope of the spark that ignites a full-scale Unrest; they could just run a candidate people will vote for in scores over and above Hillary. Just, you know, on his merits, his accomplishments and fitness to Govern the People.

Pretty outlandish idea eh? They'd spend a FRACTION of the money; save it for later to bribe Congress with lobbiests. The usual way the powers behind this sordid machine operate. But if the Congress is filled with tree-huggers because they won't ask Trump to step down, bribing is going to be a lot more expensive, or it just won't work at all.

It's so simple a child could figure it out.

Even a child could figure out that Trump was nominated in the Republican primary and that is the end of the story.

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