When the Collapse Comes...

yep , car insurance ,plus spare tires and in cold parts of the country people carry extra warm clothing , fire starting gear , sleeping bags , survival blankets , snacks , food , water and other items to make survival or a simple delay more comfortable . Does anyone remember the KIM family that took a rural mountain road and got stranded a few years back in about 2008 - 09 .
Stock market is crashing. QE is coming to an end. If there is good jobs report today, expect another sell off in the markets.

You think the market is crashing?

Care to wager on that?


Let me choose the time frame?

Step back a second. Do you really think that the status of the market today has any bearing on what it will do 3 years from today?

When you roll a pair of dice, do the dice have memory and does that memory affect how the roll the next time?

Do you believe that the US tax and regulatory environment has any effect on market performance? How will dealing with the Medicare funding shortfall affect the economy and the market? How would a terrorist attack affect the market? How would war fought on US territory affect the market?
Therein lies the flaw in prepping, if collapse happens (I don't think it will) it will not be a lone liberal knocking at your door it will be an armed gang and they will have what you have. Better to be mobile than tied to a stockpile.

Yeah that didnt happen in Nola during Katrina. Armed citizens resisted looters.
Personally I think "the collapse" is a paranoid fantasy.

"The collapse" may be paranoid fantasy, but it is a possibility. Possible and not likely. Like cancer. I have insurance for cancer. Having insurance for a collapse is not, then, unreasonable.

Also, a general collapse is not the only reason to be prepared. The Katrina example is an example of a specific disaster that preparation might help with. It may not help if your house is destroyed, but it might help if your house remains intact or you are able to take some of your preparations with you.

You bring up Katrina. I don't know if you've ever paid any attention to my mentor Dave Ramsey or not but when he talks about investments and these cretins trying to sell you gold and silver, he always points out Katrina.

Gold didn't become the currency of New Orleans during that micro-collapse. Water became almost as precious FWIW
Yeah that didnt happen in Nola during Katrina. Armed citizens resisted looters.
Personally I think "the collapse" is a paranoid fantasy.

"The collapse" may be paranoid fantasy, but it is a possibility. Possible and not likely. Like cancer. I have insurance for cancer. Having insurance for a collapse is not, then, unreasonable.

Also, a general collapse is not the only reason to be prepared. The Katrina example is an example of a specific disaster that preparation might help with. It may not help if your house is destroyed, but it might help if your house remains intact or you are able to take some of your preparations with you.

You bring up Katrina. I don't know if you've ever paid any attention to my mentor Dave Ramsey or not but when he talks about investments and these cretins trying to sell you gold and silver, he always points out Katrina.

Gold didn't become the currency of New Orleans during that micro-collapse. Water became almost as precious FWIW

And ammo will bring twice that. An excellent trading item

Saw this yesterday:

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

there's always an "end of the world" conspiracy floating around, and like any other conspiracy it can't be proven or debunked.

but if the world does come to an end, and if you were one of the doom and gloom crowd, who in the hell are you going to be able to tell you were right ?


It's sort of a self-defeating prophecy...

When you're standing on top of the pile of rubble and nobody is there to share it with you...congratulations I guess; you've vanquished all of humanity for the sake of preserving....humanity?

What is obvious (to most) and oblivious (to many) is that this is where our hope as a collective is....in caring for your neighbor; not trying to find ways to ensure your survival and letting them fend for themselves or worse, ensuring your survival and making sure they aren't there to suck up any precious resources.
--- Are You Ready? Guide | Ready.gov --- AND , check out the preparations that USA gov provides to help USA Gov and it's men and women survive catastrophe . Same thing in other countries where the elite are provided for at taxpayer expense even if its a far fetched PARANOID catastrophe / collapse Fantasy .

That's an interesting point. I mean if everything goes to crap - how come it's the folks who drove us to that point who are going to survive to "lead" the rebuilding effort?

Every one of "those folks" were elected by us folks or were appointed by someone "us folks" elected.
it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

Conservatives think
Liberals feel

The difference between the two.

Feeling is subjective whereas thinking is objective.

Feeling is emotional whereas thinking is rational.

Feeling is based upon our perception of right and wrong whereas thinking is based upon facts and logic.
Thinking is continuous and nonstop whereas feeling is affective state of consciousness

Thinking is an activity or process that has been considered as objective and rational as it is based upon facts and helps us arrive at decisions. Thinking allows us to judge and evaluate an object, issue, situation, or a person.

People who use feelings are ruled by their hearts and are more subjective than people who think rationally.

When Conservative George Bush looked into Vladdy's soul, was he thinking or feeling?

Oh, wait, let me guess, GWB was not a conservative and Ted Cruz would have choke slammed him...right?

Depends on which neighbor...

And just for the record, I am not a "prepper" but I am not unprepared. I do live in an area prone to hurricanes after all...
hey Candy !! So what if they are elected or appointed Candy. Point is that steps are taken to ensure survival and continuance of government at taxpayer expense no matter the government , are these government people special ?? As a private commoner [like me] why should I not try to insure my survival for myself and my family. By the way , i'm not arguing that government men and people need to be abandoned . Just saying that gov recognizes that survival plans are needed for continuance .
and Dave Ramsey , I've heard him , think I like him if he is who I'm thinking of Candy . I think that DAVE's strategy is to pay off your bills and become debt free and I agree with that line of reasoning . On gold and silver , if a guy has an easily accessible 200,000 dollars [cash] saved and all needs taken care of I see no problem having maybe 5 percent [maybe more] in easily recognized American gold and pre 1964 junk silver USA coins like quarters and dimes and some few 50 cent pieces .
INSURANCE MENTIONED --- generally insurance like car insurance is REQUIRED to be legal . Same goes for health insurance in this new age of government MANDATES . Otherwise I agree that insurance should not be a requirement except for legal reasons .
I've got a question, how can anyone afford to prep? I mean in obama's economy and food prices have doubled since he got into office. I used to have a fully stocked freezer. Can't afford to now.

That's an excuse a lot of people use. I was at a farmers market the other day when the manager was culling his fruit. I ask him if I could have it. He was happy to give it to me and asked me if I wanted to come in a couple times a week he would save it for me. Seems he has problems with fly's whe he puts it in the trash. This week I've dehydrated 10 lbs strawberries, 20lbs pluots, 20 lbs nectarines and peaches plus made a bunch of zucchini bread. All free. A 50lb bag of rice is $18., 50lb potatoes $9. Easy to can. Prepping can be reasonable if you try. When everything falls apart do you really want to tell your family it was too expensive to prepare for their well-being. If it's never needed every one can have a good laugh at grandpa's expense.
"The collapse" may be paranoid fantasy, but it is a possibility. Possible and not likely. Like cancer. I have insurance for cancer. Having insurance for a collapse is not, then, unreasonable.

Also, a general collapse is not the only reason to be prepared. The Katrina example is an example of a specific disaster that preparation might help with. It may not help if your house is destroyed, but it might help if your house remains intact or you are able to take some of your preparations with you.

You bring up Katrina. I don't know if you've ever paid any attention to my mentor Dave Ramsey or not but when he talks about investments and these cretins trying to sell you gold and silver, he always points out Katrina.

Gold didn't become the currency of New Orleans during that micro-collapse. Water became almost as precious FWIW

And ammo will bring twice that. An excellent trading item


Its far more likely Mathbud will get cancer than live through an apoocalyptic collapse. It also possible a wall will fall on him DOes he wear a hard hat everywhere?
Gold might have become a currency. We dont know. People needed everything.

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