When the Collapse Comes...

Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Not sure how you'd be able to hide it;

Depending on what hysterical nutjob you listen to..

Gas maybe $20 a gallon. Yet you're still driving your SUV around. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

The critical infrastructure could be attacked wiping out electric and communication lines. Yet your house is illuminated at night. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

Unless you're just going to hunker down and never leave it seems as though the cat will be out of the bag.

Moving around is a sure way to draw attention to yourself.
The only reason to travel would be to gather more supplies or making a move to a prepared location.
If you have to move,traveling at night would be your best option. If by truck you'd want some NVGs so you wouldnt have to run with lights on. If on foot NVGs wouldnt be as important but they'd still be nice.

I cant see leaving your home and all your supplies unless you had somewhere better to go myself.

My beloved has an 82-acre farm in southern NY with a 500-gallon tank of gasoline and 6 tons of coal in the basement with furnace and six months of dried food. The water well has a manual pump, so no electricity needed. Two wood stoves inside the house and a whole house generator in the back. Yup, he's a prepper.
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'
I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

These "preppers" who bought guns to "shoot people" who knock at their door and "feed the bodies to the guard dogs" will be the first ones to have their guns confiscated long before there is an official admission that "the world has collapsed".
The kind of collapse they are hoping for will never happen as it does in all these Hollywood doomsday phantasies.
It will be a long and dragged out process of economic decay and as that gets worse so will the kind of (emergency measure) powers governments will grant themselves.
A top priority will be that the only people who do have guns are the police, the National Guard and the military.
Preppers that bought guns and can`t wait to put them to use will either use them too early and get shot by law enforcement officers for doing so, or loose them long before they get to act out their Hollywood phantasies.
And those who built bunkers and crammed them full of supplies will have forfeit their property to the banks or for failing to pay property taxes because they ran out of money long before the Government will run out of steam.
If such a "world collapse" does happen then it will not happen over night.
These preppers will be frog soup just like the other frogs in a pot that never realized that they are being boiled as long as the soup is being cooked in a slow cooker and the temperature is raised very very slowly.
I`ve seen some of them in Alaska, the NWT and the Yukon who had convinced their families that "the end of days" has already arrived.
Some of them blew a gasket and were arrested and got their guns confiscated after the domestic disputes that happen when their wives and kids found out that the world has not collapsed and that you can still watch cable TV and go shopping or do whatever pleases you in the world they left behind.

These frogs jumped out of the pot way too early and were not any smarter than the ones that never knew when the right time was to jump out by the time "the world" has "collapsed".
The only "prepper" that will survive are not the ones who bought assault rifles, build bunkers and vow to "kill people who knock on their door" wanting help.
The "preppers" that do it right are the ones who put their lives on the line during disasters and go knocking on doors to help people who need help....and I`m pretty sure none of them said "can you bring me an assault rifle so I can shoot you the next time you knock on my door".

I was always a bit concerned about overly stringent gun regulations, but the more I read what`s posted in this forum why people buy guns and what they plan to use them for,....it`s getting me totally disgusted, to a point where I`m changing my mind, like so many other people, about "the right to bear arms", who exactly should have that right!
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I disagree.

But if the human race can't do any better than being sharks with legs, then maybe extinction isn't such a bad thing.

I understand what you are getting at, but you need to step back and think about it. You can't do anything....eat, dance, work, read, give to others, blow your nose, love someone, etc. if you are not alive. The absence of life is death. Surviving is life at it's basest element. Death isn't.

when you're dead there's always this ..

Glenn Beck Specials | Food Insurance

Oh, man...I listen to Planet Beck when I'm in my car on long drives. That food insurance thing is such a joke. So financial collapse happens and chaos ensues but not to worry, these people are going to make sure you have supplies. Right.
Practice makes perfect. We all meet at my sons two story. I'll be on the roof...clear field of fire with 50 cal sniper rifle. One son in front bunker with ak47... Other son in back with automatic shotgun. Son in law on balcony with his 47. Ladies with 9mm pistols. Kids with gas soaked cocktails. Bodies of attackers stacked behind back fence in plastic bags cut up in sections to make it easy on the garbage man. Steaks on the BBQ and beer in the cooler.

Ready in Texas.
Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Therein lies the flaw in prepping, if collapse happens (I don't think it will) it will not be a lone liberal knocking at your door it will be an armed gang and they will have what you have. Better to be mobile than tied to a stockpile.

Any good prepper would be just as armed as any looter gang. The gang may get a prepper's stuff, but may also have fewer buddies and/or some new holes in their bodies after all is said and done.

And being mobile is just as dangerous as being stationary in a collapse scenario. Probably more so.

Yep...The only way to be mobile in a situation like that is with numbers...well armed numbers.
The best way I can see to survive a serious collapse is to have a plot of land in the boonies with enough food to last a couple of years,and seed to start planting a garden the first spring.
Of course you'd need a minimum of eight people to help run and protect the crops and each other.
Not sure how you'd be able to hide it;

Depending on what hysterical nutjob you listen to..

Gas maybe $20 a gallon. Yet you're still driving your SUV around. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

The critical infrastructure could be attacked wiping out electric and communication lines. Yet your house is illuminated at night. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

Unless you're just going to hunker down and never leave it seems as though the cat will be out of the bag.

Moving around is a sure way to draw attention to yourself.
The only reason to travel would be to gather more supplies or making a move to a prepared location.
If you have to move,traveling at night would be your best option. If by truck you'd want some NVGs so you wouldnt have to run with lights on. If on foot NVGs wouldnt be as important but they'd still be nice.

I cant see leaving your home and all your supplies unless you had somewhere better to go myself.

My beloved has an 82-acre farm in southern NY with a 500-gallon tank of gasoline and 6 tons of coal in the basement with furnace and six months of dried food. The water well has a manual pump, so no electricity needed. Two wood stoves inside the house and a whole house generator in the back. Yup, he's a prepper.

Sounds like your average farmer or rancher..:D
Those are the folks that will have it good until the masses leave the cities and move out into the countryside looking for food.
You'd almost have to start a small community for protection,complete with walls and battlements.
I think the biggest question I have for the "fuck off" folks is this.

If you have to evolve into a shark with legs to survive, what benefit is your survival?

If you have to wade through a swamp are you better off emerging on the other side with just wet clothes or with your skin covered in leeches? When you share your blood with leeches, then you're helping them to survive. You're made weaker, but no matter, you helped leeches survive.
I've got a question, how can anyone afford to prep? I mean in obama's economy and food prices have doubled since he got into office. I used to have a fully stocked freezer. Can't afford to now.

What's needed a a rebalancing of spending to match your priorities. If you believe that there is real value in having a buffer of food, then you need to free up money elsewhere.

What's the point of having a big house today if the cost of the big house is to starve in the future because you were reliant on supermarkets having a 3 days float of food and some crisis comes along which disrupts food supplies for 3 months? Dead is dead, but at least you die in a nice house.

It's just a matter of priorities - clothing, entertainment, snacks, gasoline, etc can be cut if you really feel the need to free up cash.

Besides, the money doesn't go to waste, you do eventually eat that food.
Would you rather be a shark with legs or a country with nukes...ready willing and able to use them. I choose the latter...and watch the world fall in line.
Not sure how you'd be able to hide it;

Depending on what hysterical nutjob you listen to..

Gas maybe $20 a gallon. Yet you're still driving your SUV around. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

The critical infrastructure could be attacked wiping out electric and communication lines. Yet your house is illuminated at night. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

Unless you're just going to hunker down and never leave it seems as though the cat will be out of the bag.

Moving around is a sure way to draw attention to yourself.
The only reason to travel would be to gather more supplies or making a move to a prepared location.
If you have to move,traveling at night would be your best option. If by truck you'd want some NVGs so you wouldnt have to run with lights on. If on foot NVGs wouldnt be as important but they'd still be nice.

I cant see leaving your home and all your supplies unless you had somewhere better to go myself.

My beloved has an 82-acre farm in southern NY with a 500-gallon tank of gasoline and 6 tons of coal in the basement with furnace and six months of dried food. The water well has a manual pump, so no electricity needed. Two wood stoves inside the house and a whole house generator in the back. Yup, he's a prepper.
And now he is stuck out there guarding these 500 gallons of gasoline and his supplies for the "end of the days" for the rest of his life.
Better make sure that tank doesn`t spring a leak else you won`t like the water that comes out of his well after that.
500 gallons wow...he better not get involved in a firefight when some other people want some gas during "the end of days"....a stray bullet might hit that tank. It would also make a whole lot of Molotov cocktails and if one of them makes it into his basement where his 6 tons of coal are then you won`t need a wood stove to keep you warm any more either.
Maybe he should sell that farm, the coal and the gas and deposit the money in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.
Nobody hoards dried foods, coal or gas in either of these countries in case of "the end of days". But then again they don`t watch the kind of movies and TV people like you do either.
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it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

Conservatives think
Liberals feel

The difference between the two.

Feeling is subjective whereas thinking is objective.

Feeling is emotional whereas thinking is rational.

Feeling is based upon our perception of right and wrong whereas thinking is based upon facts and logic.
Thinking is continuous and nonstop whereas feeling is affective state of consciousness

Thinking is an activity or process that has been considered as objective and rational as it is based upon facts and helps us arrive at decisions. Thinking allows us to judge and evaluate an object, issue, situation, or a person.

People who use feelings are ruled by their hearts and are more subjective than people who think rationally.
I've got a question, how can anyone afford to prep? I mean in obama's economy and food prices have doubled since he got into office. I used to have a fully stocked freezer. Can't afford to now.

The ones who prepped saw that food prices would double and did it before it happened.
We got 25 year food storage and are now using some of it to supplement the high prices, especially meat.
We then replace it in small amounts to keep the long food storage stocked.
It can still be done. Just in small amounts each month and you have to cut something else that is really not needed for that month. Maybe cut back on little things you do everyday. Don't get that morning coffee on the way to work or don't eat out for several months. The small things can add up to 50.00 or more dollars that can go toward prep.
it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

Are you already drunk?
someone mentioned the boonies , yep , boonies would be very good IMO and best especially if living amongst like minded individuals that have prepared . City would be harder as there are too many people close by and many of these smart people think that prepared people are just silly . EXAMPLE , every time there is a small earthquake in southern California the shelves in many grocery stores are cleared out of food and water , etc , etc as people storm the grocery stores .
and as far as food storage goes I like dried and canned foods as they just sit on shelves in a cool dark place . The dried is especially good for mobility as it is very light in weight .
it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

Conservatives think
Liberals feel

The difference between the two.

Feeling is subjective whereas thinking is objective.

Feeling is emotional whereas thinking is rational.

Feeling is based upon our perception of right and wrong whereas thinking is based upon facts and logic.
Thinking is continuous and nonstop whereas feeling is affective state of consciousness

Thinking is an activity or process that has been considered as objective and rational as it is based upon facts and helps us arrive at decisions. Thinking allows us to judge and evaluate an object, issue, situation, or a person.

People who use feelings are ruled by their hearts and are more subjective than people who think rationally.
Building a personal "world collapse" survival bunker, buying assault rifles, cases of ammunition and a ton of dried foods does not require anyone to be either a conservative or a liberal, it requires you to be a total idiot and I`m starting to wonder, (as much as I dislike liberal ideology )...why so many idiots who do that also dislike liberals. I might have to start liking liberals who don`t dig holes in the ground and threaten to kill anybody who goes near it or asks for help....if "conservatives" like you keep on saying that this kind of paranoia is a result of rational thinking.
And long before I will start liking liberals there will be millions of Americans who will start liking liberals more than a party that harbors people who prefer to kill others rather than helping them.
It`s total nut cases claiming to be conservatives, like the kind that post this kind of crap here, that it`s okay to kill people who are looking for help that are causing the demise of conservatism.
Why wait to the "end of days" and a personal survival bunker scenario...where it`s "Okay" to shoot people who are asking for help....these nutcases would prefer to do it already today at the US/Mexico border or better yet, join the IDF. Then you can kill a lot more people and get applauded for doing so.No wonder the liberal media has it so easy to make conservatives look like primitive Neanderthalers.
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Building a personal "world collapse" survival bunker, buying assault rifles, cases of ammunition and a ton of dried foods does not require anyone to be either a conservative or a liberal, it requires you to be a total idiot

Just like those idiots who buy auto insurance when they've never had an auto accident in their entire life.
it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

how old were you during Katrina that you don't recall all the people on roofs with signs begging for help?
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

I'll be nice enough to make some rather prominent portholes in some plywood.......and put up some signs......if you still are stupid enough to knock on my door, your going to have a real, real bad day!!:eusa_dance::2up::2up:

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