When it's all said and done, what do you get?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Once the election is over, the only thing that's going to matter is how well they do their jobs, right? Their charisma isn't going to mean anything. Their debate skills aren't going to matter. In fact, their previous record isn't going to matter either. It's going to be "what are you going to do now and how are you going to get it done."

Right now, both Biden and Trumps record is important. It's a chance to reflect on what they're all about. With Biden, he's old AF. Clearly his mental ability is in decline. When supporting Biden, you're really supporting his VP. Which happens to be Kamala. No one wanted her for POTUS the first time around, because even democrats knew she wasn't presidential material. She's not even VP material.
The oil industry is back in a boom stage. But it's not because of anything he did. "We the People" suffered through the economic down turn and are starting to rebound the economy. (We did that, not Biden)
By the time the elections roll around, if Biden is still alive, he'll get credit for things he didn't have much to do with. As Trump did.
People went back to work after covid, because that's what people chose to do. Not because Biden.

And if Trump wins (I have no doubt that he will), what can we expect? Revenge? Maybe. Maybe not. Trump supporters are hoping he does the same thing the left has done to him. Go after political opponents, after spending 4 years bashing Biden for doing it. Revenge fantasy.
Other things we can expect is increases in the debt ceiling, more spending increases. Higher deficits. And with the economy in a recovery stage, Trump will probably try to take credit for it (again). Once again, he'll brag about low gas prices, low inflation and a booming economy. And in return, his old ass is going to open our check book and start writing out checks for any retarded thing that comes in a spending bill.

Everyone I know personally and on political forums have already made up their minds on who they're supporting. By now, I doubt anyone is going to change their minds.
Even though I believe there should be a LOT of mind changing between now and the election. Because Biden/Trump part duh won't be good for the country. And neither will a Trump or Biden presidency.

We've been there, done that.

Voting 3rd party is retarded. But this meme rings true.


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When it's all said and done, what do you get?​

Nothing changes no matter who wins the election, the country will keep heading down hill and my wife and I will keep working on our plans for retirement and living the ex-pat life.
Nothing changes no matter who wins the election, the country will keep heading down hill and my wife and I will keep working on our plans for retirement and living the ex-pat life.

Exactly. Deep down, unless one is delusional, we all know nothing is really going to change. If we get a tax cut, it's eaten up by the devaluation of the dollar and inflation. The oil companies will go into a bust cycle within 4 years, as they've always done. The left and the right are going to keep pretending they're on opposing teams and blame each other for the bad things that come. (IE economic down turns)

I've been watching this same cycle for 50 years. And the only thing that seems to change is the names & faces. The rhetoric is still the same. Just reworded.

Where are you planning to retire?
Exactly. Deep down, unless one is delusional, we all know nothing is really going to change. If we get a tax cut, it's eaten up by the devaluation of the dollar and inflation. The oil companies will go into a bust cycle within 4 years, as they've always done. The left and the right are going to keep pretending they're on opposing teams and blame each other for the bad things that come. (IE economic down turns)

I've been watching this same cycle for 50 years. And the only thing that seems to change is the names & faces. The rhetoric is still the same. Just reworded.

Where are you planning to retire?

Right now Panama. We are making our first trip there in Feb. We have been talking with people on line and via FB that live there and it seems just about perfect for us. I have even started learning Spanish since we decided earlier this year that we did not want to stay in country once we were retired.
With Biden, he's old AF. Clearly his mental ability is in decline.
Yet Biden has been whupping Republican butts for years, while never losing his calm smile. Biden is clealry vastly sharper than his opponents.

Trump, in contrast, is clearly well along into dementia. He just raves now.

The oil industry is back in a boom stage.
Trump blackmailed the Saudis into massive production cuts, setting the stage for high gas prices. Trump deliberately jacked up gasoline prices. Good think Biden finally fixed that, eh?

Remember, Republicans work for the oil companies, Democrats work for the people.
Once the election is over, the only thing that's going to matter is how well they do their jobs, right? Their charisma isn't going to mean anything. Their debate skills aren't going to matter. In fact, their previous record isn't going to matter either. It's going to be "what are you going to do now and how are you going to get it done."

Right now, both Biden and Trumps record is important. It's a chance to reflect on what they're all about. With Biden, he's old AF. Clearly his mental ability is in decline. When supporting Biden, you're really supporting his VP. Which happens to be Kamala. No one wanted her for POTUS the first time around, because even democrats knew she wasn't presidential material. She's not even VP material.
The oil industry is back in a boom stage. But it's not because of anything he did. "We the People" suffered through the economic down turn and are starting to rebound the economy. (We did that, not Biden)
By the time the elections roll around, if Biden is still alive, he'll get credit for things he didn't have much to do with. As Trump did.
People went back to work after covid, because that's what people chose to do. Not because Biden.

And if Trump wins (I have no doubt that he will), what can we expect? Revenge? Maybe. Maybe not. Trump supporters are hoping he does the same thing the left has done to him. Go after political opponents, after spending 4 years bashing Biden for doing it. Revenge fantasy.
Other things we can expect is increases in the debt ceiling, more spending increases. Higher deficits. And with the economy in a recovery stage, Trump will probably try to take credit for it (again). Once again, he'll brag about low gas prices, low inflation and a booming economy. And in return, his old ass is going to open our check book and start writing out checks for any retarded thing that comes in a spending bill.

Everyone I know personally and on political forums have already made up their minds on who they're supporting. By now, I doubt anyone is going to change their minds.
Even though I believe there should be a LOT of mind changing between now and the election. Because Biden/Trump part duh won't be good for the country. And neither will a Trump or Biden presidency.

We've been there, done that.

Voting 3rd party is retarded. But this meme rings true.
Thanks for your post. It may help convince some lefties to vote 3rd party.
Nothing changes no matter who wins the election, the country will keep heading down hill and my wife and I will keep working on our plans for retirement and living the ex-pat life.

Exactly. Deep down, unless one is delusional, we all know nothing is really going to change. If we get a tax cut, it's eaten up by the devaluation of the dollar and inflation. The oil companies will go into a bust cycle within 4 years, as they've always done. The left and the right are going to keep pretending they're on opposing teams and blame each other for the bad things that come. (IE economic down turns)

I've been watching this same cycle for 50 years. And the only thing that seems to change is the names & faces. The rhetoric is still the same. Just reworded.

Where are you planning to retire?
I know for an absolute fact that neither of you two are this fucking stupid… You‘re simply in too deep with your “both parties” bullshit….you can’t stop yourselves from parroting the stupid, retarded, bullshit lie that you have to know is not true.

The “CHANGES” I’ve seen with my own two eyes.
Southern California has become North Mexico…a disgusting shithole full of Mexicos people.
Our public education went from 3rd to 45th thanks to beaners.
Our healthcare has turned thirdworld…nobody in an ER speaks English and legit Americans are forced to wait weeks/months behind Mexico’s people for appointments.
Our 1st and 2nd Amendments have been under assault.
A party has partnered with social media to control speech and influence elections.

The aforementioned are pretty ‘big’ things that are only supported and perpetuated by own party….and I could go on and on…certainly you parrots are aware of this shit…RIGHT?
Right now Panama. We are making our first trip there in Feb. We have been talking with people on line and via FB that live there and it seems just about perfect for us. I have even started learning Spanish since we decided earlier this year that we did not want to stay in country once we were retired.

I thought about Panama myself. But I'm kind of an outdoors kind of guy. And there's way too many months of rain down there for me. 7 months out of the year.
You probably already know this, but here some advice (I learned from my expat friends) Don't even think about moving until you and your spouse can communicate in Spanish for one full week. (no cheating lol)
I know for an absolute fact that neither of you two are this fucking stupid… You‘re simply in too deep with your “both parties” bullshit….you can’t stop yourselves from parroting the stupid, retarded, bullshit lie that you have to know is not true.

The “CHANGES” I’ve seen with my own two eyes.
Southern California has become North Mexico…a disgusting shithole full of Mexicos people.
Our public education went from 3rd to 45th thanks to beaners.
Our healthcare has turned thirdworld…nobody in an ER speaks English and legit Americans are forced to wait weeks/months behind Mexico’s people for appointments.
Our 1st and 2nd Amendments have been under assault.
A party has partnered with social media to control speech and influence elections.

The aforementioned are pretty ‘big’ things that are only supported and perpetuated by own party….and I could go on and on…certainly you parrots are aware of this shit…RIGHT?

LoL.. Another big city Californian crying about the democrats. Dude, that's like jumping into a lake of lava and complaining about the heat.

Trump assaulted our 2A. He also spent trillions more than we have. He tried to give black folks $500 billion just because they were black (reparations)...... That sounds like something a democrat would do, doesn't it?
Because he and 90% of the GOP are RINO's (actually CINO's). Now a days, there's not an ounce of difference between the left and the right.
Exactly. Deep down, unless one is delusional, we all know nothing is really going to change. If we get a tax cut, it's eaten up by the devaluation of the dollar and inflation. The oil companies will go into a bust cycle within 4 years, as they've always done. The left and the right are going to keep pretending they're on opposing teams and blame each other for the bad things that come. (IE economic down turns)

I've been watching this same cycle for 50 years. And the only thing that seems to change is the names & faces. The rhetoric is still the same. Just reworded.

Where are you planning to retire?

Right now Panama. We are making our first trip there in Feb. We have been talking with people on line and via FB that live there and it seems just about perfect for us. I have even started learning Spanish since we decided earlier this year that we did not want to stay in country once we were retired.
How fucking sad huh YoursTruly ?
These sick fucks put their life on the line for our country, they serve for decades and then they vote with Democrats/ Lib-lite-tarian…they vote our nation down the shitter…helping to turn it into a disgusting shithole they want to flee…Some migrate to a thirdworld shitholes like Panama to escape the filth they perpetuate….FUCKING TWILIGHT ZONE SHIT!

The same fucked in the head bastards who flee shitholes like Mexifornia do this in Austin, TX in Boise, ID and in Denver, CO…..These filthy fucking meglomaniacs refuse to get out of their own way….It’s the most bizarre shit I’ve ever seen.
How fucking sad huh YoursTruly ?
These sick fucks put their life on the line for our country, they serve for decades and then they vote with Democrats/ Lib-lite-tarian…they vote our nation down the shitter…helping to turn it into a disgusting shithole they want to flee…Some migrate to a thirdworld shitholes like Panama to escape the filth they perpetuate….FUCKING TWILIGHT ZONE SHIT!

The same fucked in the head bastards who flee shitholes like Mexifornia do this in Austin, TX in Boise, ID and in Denver, CO…..These filthy fucking meglomaniacs refuse to get out of their own way….It’s the most bizarre shit I’ve ever seen.

I don't vote for liberals or RINO's. So you can point that grubby little sausage as someone else, pal. If you want to blame someone, blame those that voted for Biden, Trump, Obama, W, HW and Reagan.
I thought about Panama myself. But I'm kind of an outdoors kind of guy. And there's way too many months of rain down there for me. 7 months out of the year.

It is not like it is raining for 7 months straight, it is not unlike Florida or Okinawa in that there is a rain most days but many days it only last 30 minutes or less.

There are a ton of outdoor things to do in Panama, especially if you live in the mountains.

You probably already know this, but here some advice (I learned from my expat friends) Don't even think about moving until you and your spouse can communicate in Spanish for one full week.

Not bad advice. We plan to spend our first year living in Panama City while we get the lay of the land and one can get along well there without being fluent and it will be a good time to learn the Panamanian version of Spanish.
How fucking sad huh @YoursTruly ?
These sick fucks put their life on the line for our country, they serve for decades and then they vote with Democrats/ Lib-lite-tarian…they vote our nation down the shitter…helping to turn it into a disgusting shithole they want to flee…Some migrate to a thirdworld shitholes like Panama to escape the filth they perpetuate….

It is a big world out there, there are a ton of Veteran ex-pats as we have likely seen much more of it then xenophobic morons like you. We also have a built in sense of wanderlust having spent a good portion of our lives moving every 3 to 4 years.

The idea of retiring and living out our years in the same place sounds a lot like purgatory to me and my wife, thus we won't.

Panama will likely be our starting point, but I doubt it will be our ending point.

You call Panama a shithole because of your hatred for brown people and your ignorance of anything that is not America. Panama is the choice for ex-pats from all over the world, not just the US.

But hey, you stay here in the US whining about how bad it is till the day you die, it seems to be the one thing that keeps you warm at night.
What bad came out of Trump's term?

The continued wars.
8% inflation hike
The oil bust cycle that sent gas up to $4 per gallon
We're still in NATO
Our 2nd Amendment was infringed upon
The borders were still not secure
The deficit increased (a lot)
$8 trillion spent in just 4 years
Much of that covid money went to fraudsters
Two debt ceiling increases
A 2 year debt ceiling suspension
Landlords forced to go without rent for a year
Gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan got funded

Do you need more? Because I have more to list. Plenty more.
It is a big world out there, there are a ton of Veteran ex-pats as we have likely seen much more of it then xenophobic morons like you. We also have a built in sense of wanderlust having spent a good portion of our lives moving every 3 to 4 years.

The idea of retiring and living out our years in the same place sounds a lot like purgatory to me and my wife, thus we won't.

Panama will likely be our starting point, but I doubt it will be our ending point.

You call Panama a shithole because of your hatred for brown people and your ignorance of anything that is not America. Panama is the choice for ex-pats from all over the world, not just the US.

But hey, you stay here in the US whining about how bad it is till the day you die, it seems to be the one thing that keeps you warm at night.

They get the idea that everyone south of our borders are murderers and rapist. They simply don't have a clue about how nice the people down there are.

One of my ex pat friends live in a Mexican community that hasn't had a homicide in over 60 years.

Some of these people act like the two sitting beside Will. And just as brainwashed.
The continued wars.
8% inflation hike
The oil bust cycle that sent gas up to $4 per gallon
We're still in NATO
Our 2nd Amendment was infringed upon
The borders were still not secure
The deficit increased (a lot)
$8 trillion spent in just 4 years
Much of that covid money went to fraudsters
Two debt ceiling increases
A 2 year debt ceiling suspension
Landlords forced to go without rent for a year
Gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan got funded

Do you need more? Because I have more to list. Plenty more.
I started to respond to each and every point until I realized you are a lunatic

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