When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Wow....photoshop is good....they can even put wrinkles in the one sign that isn't in the other.

That's how bigoted and hateful you guys have become....you'd rather think that some "leftist group" staged it, or it was photoshopped than to believe that there are good, decent people over there.

Even if it isn't photoshop, it's obvious staged when they have the exact same signs WITH THE EXACT SAME MISSPELLINGS!


Staged? It's a father and son you dope.

Prove that and get back to me!

Well it wasn't Presbyterians running in and killing him!

^ that's not the point.

The point is, it was not representative of the entire Religion, no matter who it was.

Excuse me?????????

We have the hostage crisis in 1979.

We have the WTC in 1993

We have the embassy bombings of the 90s.

We have the USS Cole.

We have 9/11.

We have this THREE EMBASSIES BEING INVADED in the last week.


How stupid are you libs?

How stupid are you?

Because, from where I sit, nobody is denying that there's a radical faction of Islam.

But what's STUPID, and frankly ignorant, is pretending that it's the ENTIRE Religion. That's pretty fuggin stupid.
A predictable result of binary, absolutist, black & white thinking.

One can only hope that only a few impotent people actually believe this stuff.


Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

But it appears it is ok for you to hate judging by your posts.

because I hope that God can forgive them? Because I admitted struggling with ignorance and hatred coming from our right wing brethren? I don't hate them....I am angry with them....I am angry with right wing talking heads filling them with lies.....Muslims want to kill you....They want to rape your daughters, kill your wives while you watch, shoot your dog and then cut your head off.....I am angry at them for believing it.

I am angry at myself for allowing myself to get angry at their ignorance and bigotry. I am angry at myself for falling into their trap of namecalling and hurling insults when someone tries to explain the differences between "over there" and America.

I am angry at the sabre rattling from these guys who are so willing to lay down American lives and hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars that we can't afford....because some bigot made a movie that fueled their belief that America wants to destroy their religion. I'm angry at the radicals that used that movie to further their agenda and probably got another group of people to join their ranks.

I don't hate....I'm pissed.
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^ that's not the point.

The point is, it was not representative of the entire Religion, no matter who it was.

Excuse me?????????

We have the hostage crisis in 1979.

We have the WTC in 1993

We have the embassy bombings of the 90s.

We have the USS Cole.

We have 9/11.

We have this THREE EMBASSIES BEING INVADED in the last week.


How stupid are you libs?

How stupid are you?

Because, from where I sit, nobody is denying that there's a radical faction of Islam.

But what's STUPID, and frankly ignorant, is pretending that it's the ENTIRE Religion. That's pretty fuggin stupid.


Mohammed was a caravan robber, rapist and murderer.

He advocates lying to your enemies and waiting for a good moment to attack and kill them.

He signed many treaties with people. Waiting a couple years for them to drop their guard and then swooped in, slaughtered, and took control.

We can't judge from Mohammed on down?

If CONSERVATIVES so much as tap someone's foot at a bathroom, you condemn the entire movement, but WE CAN'T CONDEMN ISLAM BASED ON IT'S ENTIRE HISTORY?????????????

How blind do we have to be to satisfy YOU?
All the same, staged event.

Tell me again why I should believe any of that shit.

"fingaz in ya' ears and go 'la la la"
Got ya... you can't prove any of that shit is worth the media that reported it.

You aren't interested in proof of anything.

You're a douchebag bigot.

You call people zipperheads and shit, you aren't interested in Truth.

Truth is, there are elected officials in our own Government who are Muslim.

Teachers, Doctors, Police Officers right here in America that are Muslim.

But your Genius intellect thinks they are all terrorists that want to kill us, and you have the nerve to ask people for proof of things and to "tell me why I should believe this teh evil media!!?!?!!"

C'mon bro, you're a lot bit koo-koo and nobody but your psychiatrist should be taking anything you say seriously.

You're uber dope for passing time on teh internetz though.
It's not photoshop. Get more tech savy before you speak on tech.

Dude the ME uses photoshop so often to lie to the American press, it's the first thing you should suspect.

You ever read about the Photoshop Scandal with Reuters?

Reuters Photo Fraud

You can't trust anything you see in photos from Islamofacists.

Don't you know how to examine a jpg and determine if it's a photoshop?

Google it, dumbass.

Shit is staged in the ME all the time. They're really good at it. It's intended to manipulate world opinion.

You haven't heard about the world famous Reuters photo scandal?

The Adnan Hajj photographs controversy (also called Reutersgate) involves digitally manipulated photographs taken by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese freelance photographer based in the Middle East, who had worked for Reuters over a period of more than ten years. Hajj's photographs were presented as part of Reuters' news coverage of the 2006 Israel–Lebanon conflict, but Reuters has admitted that at least two were significantly altered before being published


The first image was discovered on August 5, 2006 when blogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs wrote that the first image "shows blatant evidence of manipulation" (Adobe Photoshop clone stamp),

Reuters "killed" the 'photograph' and released a statement that stated Hajj claimed to not have intentionally altered the photo but was trying to remove "dust marks".

Reuters did not stand by the photographer and admitted that Hajj had altered it, saying "photo editing software was improperly used on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvenience."

Head of PR Moira Whittle said: "Reuters takes such matters extremely seriously as it is strictly against company editorial policy to alter pictures."[5]

The second manipulated image was reported by the pseudonymous blogger "Dr. Rusty Shackleford" on his blog "the Jawa Report".

Reuters captioned it as showing an Israeli F-16 fighter jet firing ground-attack missiles "during an air strike on Nabatiyeh", but the F-16 was actually deploying one defensive flare, and the original photograph showed only one flare.

The photo had been doctored to increase the number of flares falling from the F-16 from one to three, and misidentified them as missiles.

Rest at link:

Adnan Hajj photographs controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

But it appears it is ok for you to hate judging by your posts.

because I hope that God can forgive them? Because I admitted struggling with ignorance and hatred coming trim our right wing brethren? I don't hate them....I am angry with them....I am angry with right wing talking heads filling them with lies.....Muslims want to kill you....They want to rape your daughters, kill your wives while you watch, shoot your dog and the cut your head off.....I am angry at them for believing it.

I am angry at myself for allowing myself to get angry at their ignorance and bigotry. I am angry at myself for falling into their trap of namecalling and hurling insults when someone tries to explain the differences between "over there" and America.

I am angry at the sabre rattling from these guys who ate so willing to lay down American lives and hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars that we can't afford....because some bigot made a movie that furled their belief that America wants to destroy their religion. I'm angry at the radicals that used that movie to further their agenda and probably got another group of people to join their ranks.

I don't hate....I'm pissed.

I repeat!

You are not preaching Christianity.

You are preaching Politically Correct LIBERALISM masquerading as Christianity.

Matthew 7:15-23 King James Version (KJV)

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Liberals wouldn't say this. CHRIST DID!
Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

But it appears it is ok for you to hate judging by your posts.

because I hope that God can forgive them? Because I admitted struggling with ignorance and hatred coming trim our right wing brethren? I don't hate them....I am angry with them....I am angry with right wing talking heads filling them with lies.....Muslims want to kill you....They want to rape your daughters, kill your wives while you watch, shoot your dog and the cut your head off.....I am angry at them for believing it.

I am angry at myself for allowing myself to get angry at their ignorance and bigotry. I am angry at myself for falling into their trap of namecalling and hurling insults when someone tries to explain the differences between "over there" and America.

I am angry at the sabre rattling from these guys who ate so willing to lay down American lives and hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars that we can't afford....because some bigot made a movie that furled their belief that America wants to destroy their religion. I'm angry at the radicals that used that movie to further their agenda and probably got another group of people to join their ranks.

I don't hate....I'm pissed.

Wake the fuck man... for crying out loud... THIS LATEST KILLING WAS ***NOT*** about some obscure little youtube video that's been around for over TWO YEARS... c'MOOOON man... get a damn CLUE.

Dude the ME uses photoshop so often to lie to the American press, it's the first thing you should suspect.

You ever read about the Photoshop Scandal with Reuters?

Reuters Photo Fraud

You can't trust anything you see in photos from Islamofacists.

Don't you know how to examine a jpg and determine if it's a photoshop?

Google it, dumbass.

Shit is staged in the ME all the time. They're really good at it. It's intended to manipulate world opinion.

You haven't heard about the world famous Reuters photo scandal?

The Adnan Hajj photographs controversy (also called Reutersgate) involves digitally manipulated photographs taken by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese freelance photographer based in the Middle East, who had worked for Reuters over a period of more than ten years. Hajj's photographs were presented as part of Reuters' news coverage of the 2006 Israel–Lebanon conflict, but Reuters has admitted that at least two were significantly altered before being published


The first image was discovered on August 5, 2006 when blogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs wrote that the first image "shows blatant evidence of manipulation" (Adobe Photoshop clone stamp),

Reuters "killed" the 'photograph' and released a statement that stated Hajj claimed to not have intentionally altered the photo but was trying to remove "dust marks".

Reuters did not stand by the photographer and admitted that Hajj had altered it, saying "photo editing software was improperly used on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvenience."

Head of PR Moira Whittle said: "Reuters takes such matters extremely seriously as it is strictly against company editorial policy to alter pictures."[5]

The second manipulated image was reported by the pseudonymous blogger "Dr. Rusty Shackleford" on his blog "the Jawa Report".

Reuters captioned it as showing an Israeli F-16 fighter jet firing ground-attack missiles "during an air strike on Nabatiyeh", but the F-16 was actually deploying one defensive flare, and the original photograph showed only one flare.

The photo had been doctored to increase the number of flares falling from the F-16 from one to three, and misidentified them as missiles.

Rest at link:

Adnan Hajj photographs controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




EXACTLY! Anytime you see this crap, PHOTO SHOP is the first thing you should suspect.
Excuse me?????????

We have the hostage crisis in 1979.

We have the WTC in 1993

We have the embassy bombings of the 90s.

We have the USS Cole.

We have 9/11.

We have this THREE EMBASSIES BEING INVADED in the last week.


How stupid are you libs?

How stupid are you?

Because, from where I sit, nobody is denying that there's a radical faction of Islam.

But what's STUPID, and frankly ignorant, is pretending that it's the ENTIRE Religion. That's pretty fuggin stupid.


Mohammed was a caravan robber, rapist and murderer.

He advocates lying to your enemies and waiting for a good moment to attack and kill them.

He signed many treaties with people. Waiting a couple years for them to drop their guard and then swooped in, slaughtered, and took control.

We can't judge from Mohammed on down?

If CONSERVATIVES so much as tap someone's foot at a bathroom, you condemn the entire movement, but WE CAN'T CONDEMN ISLAM BASED ON IT'S ENTIRE HISTORY?????????????

How blind do we have to be to satisfy YOU?


no no, it's not that I don't understand where you're coming from........................it's just that I think it's comical how hard you reach and research your illogical hatred for a Religion that is peacefully coexisting within your own damn Country and all over (most) of the world.......................

and you believe the hype that the thousands of radicals represent the billion non-radicals.

That's not logic.
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"fingaz in ya' ears and go 'la la la"
Got ya... you can't prove any of that shit is worth the media that reported it.

You aren't interested in proof of anything.

You're a douchebag bigot.

You call people zipperheads and shit, you aren't interested in Truth.

Truth is, there are elected officials in our own Government who are Muslim.

Teachers, Doctors, Police Officers right here in America that are Muslim.

But your Genius intellect thinks they are all terrorists that want to kill us, and you have the nerve to ask people for proof of things and to "tell me why I should believe this teh evil media!!?!?!!"

C'mon bro, you're a lot bit koo-koo and nobody but your psychiatrist should be taking anything you say seriously.

You're uber dope for passing time on teh internetz though.
And you're not interested in the truth. You just want to coddle and appease muslims and blame America. You're pure leftist trash.

STFU, moron.
How stupid are you?

Because, from where I sit, nobody is denying that there's a radical faction of Islam.

But what's STUPID, and frankly ignorant, is pretending that it's the ENTIRE Religion. That's pretty fuggin stupid.


Mohammed was a caravan robber, rapist and murderer.

He advocates lying to your enemies and waiting for a good moment to attack and kill them.

He signed many treaties with people. Waiting a couple years for them to drop their guard and then swooped in, slaughtered, and took control.

We can't judge from Mohammed on down?

If CONSERVATIVES so much as tap someone's foot at a bathroom, you condemn the entire movement, but WE CAN'T CONDEMN ISLAM BASED ON IT'S ENTIRE HISTORY?????????????

How blind do we have to be to satisfy YOU?


no no, it's not that I don't understand where you're coming from........................it's just that I think it's comical how hard you reach and research your illogical hatred for a Religion that is peacefully coexisting within your own damn Country and all over (most) of the world.......................

and you believe the hype that the thousands of radicals represent the billions of non-radicals.

That's not logic.

It's illogical to POINT OUT HISTORY??????????

No, nice try. What you are doing is in the face of a history you can't deny, you are falling back to just smearing.

So, you will claim I hate, I'm drawing bad conclusions, blah blah blah.

But you won't tell me how or why I'm drawing bad conclusions BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.

Islam has been about murder and conquest since it's inception. Sharia law, which is the law for many parts of the ME is about TOLERANCE FOR NOTHING BUT RADICAL ISLAM.

So, who's being illogical. It's pretty obvious. But keep trying to double talk your way out of this. It's most entertaining.

Using the film as an excuse for this violence lost all justification when the State Department knew that these attacks were preplanned to coincide with September 11. Continued reliance on this film to explain away the riots is nothing more than deflection by this failed regime to excuse away their own dereliction. They were told on September 9th that the attack was coming and did nothing. Now they are using this film as an excuse.
Got ya... you can't prove any of that shit is worth the media that reported it.

You aren't interested in proof of anything.

You're a douchebag bigot.

You call people zipperheads and shit, you aren't interested in Truth.

Truth is, there are elected officials in our own Government who are Muslim.

Teachers, Doctors, Police Officers right here in America that are Muslim.

But your Genius intellect thinks they are all terrorists that want to kill us, and you have the nerve to ask people for proof of things and to "tell me why I should believe this teh evil media!!?!?!!"

C'mon bro, you're a lot bit koo-koo and nobody but your psychiatrist should be taking anything you say seriously.

You're uber dope for passing time on teh internetz though.
And you're not interested in the truth. You just want to coddle and appease muslims and blame America. You're pure leftist trash.

STFU, moron.

I'll coddle Muslims all day, just not the Radical murderous ones.

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