When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it?

A predictable result of binary, absolutist, black & white thinking.

One can only hope that only a few impotent people actually believe this stuff.


Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

But it appears it is ok for you to hate judging by your posts.
It's not photoshop. Get more tech savy before you speak on tech.

Dude the ME uses photoshop so often to lie to the American press, it's the first thing you should suspect.

You ever read about the Photoshop Scandal with Reuters?

Reuters Photo Fraud

You can't trust anything you see in photos from Islamofacists.

Don't you know how to examine a jpg and determine if it's a photoshop?

Google it, dumbass.

Hey my daughter said your CD was really good.:clap2:
Dude the ME uses photoshop so often to lie to the American press, it's the first thing you should suspect.

You ever read about the Photoshop Scandal with Reuters?

Reuters Photo Fraud

You can't trust anything you see in photos from Islamofacists.

Don't you know how to examine a jpg and determine if it's a photoshop?

Google it, dumbass.

Hey my daughter said your CD was really good.:clap2:

Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it?

A predictable result of binary, absolutist, black & white thinking.

One can only hope that only a few impotent people actually believe this stuff.


Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

.... sheeeeeezuz fucking Christ... you ignorant, BLAME EVERYONE BUT THE MUSLIMS sons a bitches make me ill.
^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.

What of your hatred for religion. Taking the lords name in vain when speaking is understandable. Writing it down though is not. Not unless you dispise christianity and are maybe trying to incite violence yourself huh?

No, saying "jesus christ" as a perjorative is a side effect of growing up in an Italian household, it's more of an expression than a Religious comment. That's all.

But if you'd like, I can tell you that I do not believe in any of the Religions if that makes you feel any better.

As I said. Speaking it is one thing. Writing it is a whole nother thing. You are free to do it of course but it kind of shows that you are a bit of a hypocrite.
^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.
Well we just don't know about that for sure now do we... because he was MURDERED BY MUSLIMS.

Yes, yes we do.

Read about him.

Can you read his mind now? No, he's dead. Don't think an incident such as being MURDERED might change a guys mind?

I do. Don't tell me he didn't know muslims were dangerous, bloody, murdering killers.
Thank you RW morons LOL. Time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and bust some bigots for incitement to riot. It's a 3rd World ignorance thing, btw, plus East Jerusalem and the West Bank should be bought and given back to the Palestinians, and the Rock tunned into a tasteful Holyland Theme park run by Scandanavians....

It might be worth bringing in hate speech laws in America. I could launch lawsuits against all the anti Christian liberals on the board then.

Hell's bells I could sue Daily Kos, I could sue HuffPo and on and on and on.

Left wing blogs could be sued out the ying yang. This deal goes both ways francoHFW.

You have haters ranting daily from the left. I'm thinking I could have Dan Savage behind bars for his anti Christian hate speech that he spews on a constant basis.

I could have the artist who portrayed Christ in Urine sued to the point he couldn't have the money to buy his materials to be artistic ever again.

I could sue the art galleries that presented his anti Christian artwork.

And don't think this wouldn't happen.

Go ahead open Pandora's box. I dare you.
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What of your hatred for religion. Taking the lords name in vain when speaking is understandable. Writing it down though is not. Not unless you dispise christianity and are maybe trying to incite violence yourself huh?

No, saying "jesus christ" as a perjorative is a side effect of growing up in an Italian household, it's more of an expression than a Religious comment. That's all.

But if you'd like, I can tell you that I do not believe in any of the Religions if that makes you feel any better.

As I said. Speaking it is one thing. Writing it is a whole nother thing. You are free to do it of course but it kind of shows that you are a bit of a hypocrite.

No, no it doesnt.

Using perjoratives doesn't mean I hate anyone or anything. Nice try, though.
Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it?

A predictable result of binary, absolutist, black & white thinking.

One can only hope that only a few impotent people actually believe this stuff.


Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.

Hey dumbass, where did Christ say we can't use our BRAINS and know who is evil?

Matthew 7:15-23 King James Version (KJV)

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

You want to debate the Bible with me? You want to debate Christs words with me? YOU WILL LOSE BIG TIME.

I always warn my prey. Don't debte the Bible with me. You will lose, lose badly and be furious when you do.

No one ever listens, but when they are furious, I have the ability to remind them, "YOU WERE WARNED!"

Christ HIMSELF said we can judge people BY THEIR ACTIONS. But you are telling me when people drag our mudered ambassador through the streets we can't judge that an evil act??????

You are telling us we can't judge Islam evil when the signs of that evil is all around us?

BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM. And the fruits of Islam is murdered innocents in New York and in our embassy.

We can judge that all right.
Well we just don't know about that for sure now do we... because he was MURDERED BY MUSLIMS.

Yes, yes we do.

Read about him.

Can you read his mind now? No, he's dead. Don't think an incident such as being MURDERED might change a guys mind?

I do. Don't tell me he didn't know muslims were dangerous, bloody, murdering killers.

Are you implying he was stupid? I mean to me, that's what it looks like you're implying.

Because what you're saying is, that he DIDNT ALREADY KNOW that there's Radical killers out there, BEFORE he determined that it wasn't the Religion as a whole.
Yes, yes we do.

Read about him.

Can you read his mind now? No, he's dead. Don't think an incident such as being MURDERED might change a guys mind?

I do. Don't tell me he didn't know muslims were dangerous, bloody, murdering killers.

Are you implying he was stupid? I mean to me, that's what it looks like you're implying.

Because what you're saying is, that he DIDNT ALREADY KNOW that there's Radical killers out there, BEFORE he determined that it wasn't the Religion as a whole.

Well it wasn't Presbyterians running in and killing him!
Can you read his mind now? No, he's dead. Don't think an incident such as being MURDERED might change a guys mind?

I do. Don't tell me he didn't know muslims were dangerous, bloody, murdering killers.

Are you implying he was stupid? I mean to me, that's what it looks like you're implying.

Because what you're saying is, that he DIDNT ALREADY KNOW that there's Radical killers out there, BEFORE he determined that it wasn't the Religion as a whole.

Well it wasn't Presbyterians running in and killing him!

^ that's not the point.

The point is, it was not representative of the entire Religion, no matter who it was.
Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Which screams photoshop!

Wow....photoshop is good....they can even put wrinkles in the one sign that isn't in the other.

That's how bigoted and hateful you guys have become....you'd rather think that some "leftist group" staged it, or it was photoshopped than to believe that there are good, decent people over there.

Even if it isn't photoshop, it's obvious staged when they have the exact same signs WITH THE EXACT SAME MISSPELLINGS!

Which screams photoshop!

Wow....photoshop is good....they can even put wrinkles in the one sign that isn't in the other.

That's how bigoted and hateful you guys have become....you'd rather think that some "leftist group" staged it, or it was photoshopped than to believe that there are good, decent people over there.

Even if it isn't photoshop, it's obvious staged when they have the exact same signs WITH THE EXACT SAME MISSPELLINGS!


Staged? It's a father and son you dope.
Yes, yes we do.

Read about him.

Can you read his mind now? No, he's dead. Don't think an incident such as being MURDERED might change a guys mind?

I do. Don't tell me he didn't know muslims were dangerous, bloody, murdering killers.

Are you implying he was stupid? I mean to me, that's what it looks like you're implying.

Because what you're saying is, that he DIDNT ALREADY KNOW that there's Radical killers out there, BEFORE he determined that it wasn't the Religion as a whole.

What does that say? Does that look like I said he DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW?

Please keep up.
Are you implying he was stupid? I mean to me, that's what it looks like you're implying.

Because what you're saying is, that he DIDNT ALREADY KNOW that there's Radical killers out there, BEFORE he determined that it wasn't the Religion as a whole.

Well it wasn't Presbyterians running in and killing him!

^ that's not the point.

The point is, it was not representative of the entire Religion, no matter who it was.

Excuse me?????????

We have the hostage crisis in 1979.

We have the WTC in 1993

We have the embassy bombings of the 90s.

We have the USS Cole.

We have 9/11.

We have this THREE EMBASSIES BEING INVADED in the last week.


How stupid are you libs?
Wow....photoshop is good....they can even put wrinkles in the one sign that isn't in the other.

That's how bigoted and hateful you guys have become....you'd rather think that some "leftist group" staged it, or it was photoshopped than to believe that there are good, decent people over there.

Even if it isn't photoshop, it's obvious staged when they have the exact same signs WITH THE EXACT SAME MISSPELLINGS!


Staged? It's a father and son you dope.
Prove it.

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